1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >esim卡與ms卡的區別_什麼是eSIM,它與SIM卡有何不同?




With the launch of the Apple Watch 3, the term “eSIM” has been thrown around a lot. And now, Google’s Pixel 2 is the first phone to use this new technology, it’s time we take a closer look at what it is, what it does, and what this means for consumers moving forward.

隨著Apple Watch 3的釋出,“ eSIM”一詞已氾濫成災。 而現在,谷歌的Pixel 2是第一款使用這項新技術的手機,現在是時候讓我們仔細研究一下它的功能,作用以及對消費者前進的意義。

什麼是eSIM,它們如何工作? (What Are eSIMs, and How Do They Work?)

eSIM is a shortened version ofembedded SIM, where SIM is an acronym for Subscriber Identity Module. So, an eSIM is an Embedded Subscriber Identity Module. I’m sure at this point we all know what a SIM card is—the little thing that allows your phone to connect to your cellular provider’s network. When you buy a new phone, you pop out your SIM card, drop it into the new phone, andpoof!

—cellular service is a go.

eSIM是嵌入式SIM卡的簡化版本,其中SIM是訂戶身份模組的縮寫。 因此,eSIM是嵌入式訂戶身份模組。 我敢肯定,到此為止,我們都知道SIM卡是什麼,這是使您的電話能夠連線到移動運營商的網路的小物件。 當您購買新手機時,您會彈出SIM卡,將其放入新手機中,然後po! -移動服務是一門必經之路。

That’s going to change with eSIM, because as the “embedded” part of the name suggests, this is actually built into the phone’s mainboard. It’s rewritable,

similar to an NFC chip, and will be compatible with all the major carriers, regardless of what type of network they use.

eSIM會改變這種情況,因為顧名思義,“嵌入式”部分實際上是內建在手機主機板上的。 它可擦寫,類似於NFC晶片,並且將與所有主要運營商相容,無論它們使用哪種網路。

The Apple Watch 3 and Pixel aren’t the only devices using eSIMs. Cars do too—we’ve all seen a connected car at this point, and you may have ever wondered where its SIM card is. The short answer is that it’s using an eSIM. That’s one application where it really just makes sense.

並非只有Apple Watch 3和Pixel可以使用eSIM。 汽車也是如此-我們在這一點上都已經看到過聯網汽車,您可能曾經想知道它的SIM卡在哪裡。 簡短的答案是它正在使用eSIM。 那是一個真正有意義的應用程式。

Other manufacturers of connected devices—usually smarthome devices—are also using eSIMs. It just makes sense: it’s less hassle for the customer, more connection options for the manufacturer. And for those types of applications, it really is a win-win. When we start talking about bringing this tech to smartphones, however, its gets a little fuzzier.

其他連線裝置製造商(通常是智慧家居裝置)也使用eSIM。 這很有意義:給客戶帶來的麻煩減少了,為製造商提供了更多的連線選擇。 對於那些型別的應用程式,這確實是雙贏的。 但是,當我們開始談論將這項技術應用於智慧手機時,它會變得更加模糊。

Like I mentioned earlier, right now when you want to switch phones, you pop your SIM card out and drop it in the new handset. With an eSIM, you’ll have to actually talk to your carrier, which I personally think is a step backwards—I can change SIM cards in a matter of seconds, all without ever having to actually (ugh) call someone. That said, there are other opportunities here—perhaps carriers will release connectivity apps that allows you to quickly activate your phone on their network. I’m not saying that’s going to happen, but I am suggesting it’s a legitimate possibility.

就像我之前提到的,現在,當您要切換手機時,將SIM卡彈出並放到新手機中。 使用eSIM,您實際上必須與您的運營商聯絡,我個人認為這是一個倒退—我可以在幾秒鐘內更換SIM卡,而無需真正地(ugh)打電話給某人。 也就是說,這裡還有其他機會-運營商可能會發布連線性應用程式,使您可以在其網路上快速啟用電話。 我並不是說這會發生,但是我建議這是一個合理的可能性。

eSIM的好處 (The Benefits of eSIMs)

That may sound inconvenient, but the benefits pretty strongly outweigh the cons (which we’ll get into down below).


First off, since device manufacturers won’t have to accommodate a SIM card slot in their phones, they’ll have even more flexibility in terms of design. With the SIM card actually embedded into the device’s internal hardware, bezels could theoretically shrink, phones could perhaps get slightly thinner without sacrificing battery, and a lot more. That’s precisely why Apple chose to use an eSIM in the Watch 3—it makes so much sense in a small form factor device like a smartwatch.

首先,由於裝置製造商不必在手機中容納SIM卡插槽,因此它們在設計方面將具有更大的靈活性。 由於SIM卡實際上已嵌入裝置的內部硬體中,因此邊框在理論上可能會縮小,電話可能會變得更薄一些而不會犧牲電池電量,甚至更多。 這就是蘋果選擇在Watch 3中使用eSIM的原因-在像智慧手錶這樣的小尺寸裝置中它意義非凡。

Also, this could be a game changer for international travelers who have to swap SIM cards, services, or even carry more than one phone to stay connected. Instead of having to pop into a local cellular provider store to get a new SIM card when travelling abroad, imagine just being able to make a quick phone call (or, like I suggested earlier, open an app) andboom—coverage. All without having to jump through hoops or change phones.

此外,對於需要交換SIM卡,服務甚至攜帶不止一個電話才能保持聯絡的國際旅行者來說,這可能是一個改變遊戲規則的人。 而不是流行到本地手機供應商店在國外旅行時獲得一個新的SIM卡,只是想象能夠做出快速的電話(或者,就像我剛才所說,開啟應用)和吊杆-coverage。 無需跳鐵圈或更換手機。

eSIM的挑戰 (The Challenges of eSIMs)

There is a catch, though: adoption. Before we can make the leap over to eSIM, every major carrier is going to have to agree that eSIMs are the future. Then, phone manufacturers will have to follow suit. If you know how this industry works, those kind of things take time.

不過有一個陷阱:收養。 在我們過渡到eSIM之前,每個主要的運營商都必須同意eSIM是未來。 然後,電話製造商將不得不效仿。 如果您知道該行業的運作方式,則需要花費一些時間。

But it starts with one carrier, which will then grow to two, and so forth. Like I mentioned earlier, Google’s Pixel 2 is the first smartphone to use an eSIM, but that’sonly if you’re using the phone on Project Fi. For all others, it still uses a traditional SIM.

但是它從一個載波開始,然後將增長到兩個,依此類推。 就像我之前提到的,Google的Pixel 2是第一款使用eSIM的智慧手機,但這在您在Project Fi上使用手機時才可以。 對於其他所有應用程式,它仍然使用傳統的SIM卡。

And, as we mentioned before, switching phones can be a bit more time-consuming. You can swap your SIM card out in seconds, where the change to eSIMs will take longer to do the same thing. While I realize this won’t affect most people, that’s a real hassle for someone like me, who may switch a SIM card for just a few minutes to test something on a specific phone.

而且,正如我們之前提到的,切換電話可能會更加耗時。 您可以在幾秒鐘內換出SIM卡,而更改為eSIM所需的時間將更長。 雖然我意識到這不會影響大多數人,但對於像我這樣的人來說卻是一個真正的麻煩,他們可能只需切換幾分鐘即可在特定手機上測試SIM卡。

But I get it: I’m not the majority here, and I’m cool with that. For most people, I think eSIMs will be great—especially those who may not be so tech savvy. You’d be shocked at how many people don’t know how to swap out a SIM card and are honestly completely freaked out by the idea of it (hi, Mom!). For those people, eSIMs are going to be great.

但是我明白了:我不是這裡的大多數,對此我很酷。 對於大多數人來說,我認為eSIMs會很棒-特別是那些可能不那麼精通技術的人。 您會驚訝於有多少人不知道如何換出SIM卡,而老實說完全被它的想法嚇壞了(嗨,媽媽!)。 對於那些人來說,eSIM將會很棒。

Considering we’ve already seen two flagship devices—the Apple Watch 3 and Google Pixel 2—ship with eSIMs just this year, I have a feeling this little chip is about to get a lot bigger. More manufacturers will start including this in their handsets over the next year or so, and carriers will also begin adopting compatibility for their networks. We’ll likely still see traditional SIM setups (at least on phones) for the next little while, but I have no doubt that eSIMs will eventually take over completely.

考慮到我們已經在今年看到了兩款旗艦裝置-Apple Watch 3和Google Pixel 2-隨eSIM一起發售,我感到這個小晶片將要變得更大。 明年左右,更多的製造商將開始在手機中包括此功能,運營商也將開始對其網路採用相容性。 在接下來的一段時間內,我們可能仍會看到傳統的SIM卡設定(至少在手機上),但是我毫不懷疑eSIMs最終將完全取代。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/331442/what-is-an-esim-and-how-is-it-different-from-a-sim-card/
