1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >什麼是802.11無線區域網(WLAN)標準?


Wireless technologies are the center of daily life. Wireless networks are used to transfer data between different devices. There are different wireless technologies where WLAN or WiFi is the most popular. In this tutorial, we will learn 802.11 WLAN technologies.

無線技術是日常生活的中心。 無線網路用於在不同裝置之間傳輸資料。 WLAN或WiFi最流行的是不同的無線技術。 在本教程中,我們將學習802.11 WLAN技術。

IEEE 802.1無線區域網工作組 (IEEE 802.1 Wireless Local Area Networks Working Group)

Where comes the 802.1 WLAN term? It is a standard number created by IEEE and assigned for the WiFi network technologies. IEEE 802.1 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) standard is management by the Working group. This working group consisting of experts, academics, vendors which drive the future of the standard.

802.1 WLAN術語從何而來? 這是由IEEE建立並分配給WiFi網路技術的標準編號。 IEEE 802.1無線區域網(WLAN)標準由工作組進行管理。 這個工作組由專家,學者和推動標準未來的供應商組成。



IEEE 802.1 Wireless Local Area Networks Working Group
IEEE 802.1 Wireless Local Area Networks Working Group
IEEE 802.1無線區域網工作組

Wi-Fi世代(Wi-Fi Generations)

Wifi or WLAN standards are created very fast in recent years. Especially the usage popularity and needs of the customers make things happen faster. In the first years of the standards, it was slow and there were very few standards but currently, there are a lot of standards. WiFi standards are grouped in generations to name them better. Wifi standard generations are named with numbers like WiFi 1, WiFi 2, etc. In general newer generations will have stable, faster, and lower energy consumption standards with the advance of technology. WiFi family, standard, and working group number of the WiFi or WLAN. All WiFi or WLAN related standards are defined under this number as we will learn them below. 802.11 standards generally use 2.4 and 5.0 GHz with some FHSS and DSSS signaling techniques.

近年來,Wifi或WLAN標準的建立速度非常快。 尤其是使用者的使用普及和需求使事情發生得更快。 在標準的頭幾年,它很慢,幾乎沒有標準,但是目前有很多標準。 WiFi標準經過幾代人分組,以更好地命名它們。 Wifi標準代以諸如WiFi 1,WiFi 2等數字命名。通常,隨著技術的進步,新一代將具有穩定,更快和更低的能耗標準。 WiFi或WLAN的WiFi系列,標準和工作組編號。 所有與WiFi或WLAN相關的標準都在此數字下定義,我們將在下面瞭解它們。 802.11標準通常使用2.4 GHz和5.0 GHz以及某些FHSS和DSSS信令技術。

Wifi Generations
Wifi Generations

Wi-Fi 1(Wi-Fi 1)

802.11b is named as Wi-Fi 1 generation.

802.11b被稱為Wi-Fi 1代。

Wi-Fi 2 (Wi-Fi 2)

802.11a is named as Wi-Fi 2 generation.

802.11a被稱為Wi-Fi 2代。

Wi-Fi 3 (Wi-Fi 3)

802.11g is named as Wi-Fi 3 generation.

802.11g被稱為Wi-Fi 3代。

Wi-Fi 4 (Wi-Fi 4)

802.11n is named as Wi-Fi 4 generation.

802.11n被稱為Wi-Fi 4代。

Wi-Fi 5 (Wi-Fi 5)

802.11ac is named as Wi-Fi 5 generation.

802.11ac被稱為Wi-Fi 5代。

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Wi-Fi 6(Wi-Fi 6)

802.11ax is named as Wi-Fi 6 generation.

802.11ax被稱為Wi-Fi 6代。

WiGig (WiGig)

802.11ad is named as WiGig generation because of its bandwidth and frequency bands.


802.11 (802.11)

802.11 is the first standard defined under Wi-Fi. This standard provides 1 or 2 Mbps transmission speed in the 2.4 GHz frequency. The transmission is done with FHSS or DSS techniques.

802.11是Wi-Fi下定義的第一個標準。 該標準在2.4 GHz頻率下提供1或2 Mbps的傳輸速度。 傳輸是通過FHSS或DSS技術完成的。

802.11a (802.11a)

802.11a is an extension to the 802.11 standard with some improvements. This standard provides 54 Mbps transmission speed in the 5 GHz band. 802.11a uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for signaling.

802.11a是對802.11標準的擴充套件,並進行了一些改進。 該標準在5 GHz頻帶中提供54 Mbps的傳輸速度。 802.11a使用正交頻分複用進行信令傳輸。

802.11b (802.11b)

802.11b is an extension to the 802.11 and also named High Rate or Wi-Fi. This standard provides 11 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, 2 Mbps, and 1 Mbps transmission speeds which is set according to signal quality. This standard also uses a 2.4 GHz band. This standard provided very good speeds at the time it used which is comparable to the Ethernet.

802.11b是802.11的擴充套件,也稱為High RateWi-Fi 。 該標準提供了11 Mbps,5.5 Mbps,2 Mbps和1 Mbps的傳輸速度,這些速度根據訊號質量進行設定。 該標準還使用2.4 GHz頻段。 該標準在使用時提供了非常好的速度,可與乙太網媲美。

802.11e (802.11e)

802.11 is an enhancement to the 802.11a and 802.11b in order to provide Quality of Service (QoS) functionalities. This standard is mainly designed for multimedia purposes.

802.11是對802.11a和802.11b的增強,以提供服務質量(QoS)功能。 該標準主要用於多媒體目的。

802.11g (802.11g)

802.11g is another popular standard where is provides 55 Mbps transmission speed in the 2.4 GHz band.

802.11g是另一個流行的標準,在2.4 GHz頻帶中提供55 Mbps的傳輸速度。

802.11n (802.11n)

802.11n is a revolutionary standard where it adds Multiple Input Multiple Output simply MIMO. This means additional transmitter and receiver antennas can be used which will increase the data transfer rate also the range of the wireless access. Theoretically, the speed will be 250 Mbps but the real speed is about 100Mbps which is very good and 10 times faster than 802.11b.

802.11n是一項革命性的標準,它添加了簡單的MIMO的多輸入多輸出。 這意味著可以使用附加的發射器和接收器天線,這將增加資料傳輸速率以及無線訪問範圍。 從理論上講,速度將為250 Mbps,但實際速度約為100 Mbps,這非常好,比802.11b快10倍。

802.11r (802.11r)

802.11r is a standard created to handle Wi-Fi handoff between different Wireless Access points specially designed to make VoIP better. It is also called Fast Basic Services Set (BSS) Transition.

802.11r是為處理不同無線接入點之間的Wi-Fi切換而建立的標準,該無線接入點專門設計用於使VoIP更好。 也稱為快速基本服務集(BSS)轉換。

802.11ac (802.11ac)

802.11ac is built on the 802.11n standard to improve speed and antenna count. This standard provides datarate about 433 Mbps per stream where 3 streams can be used with 3 antennas. This will be 1.3 Gbps in total which is very fast like a 1 Gbps Ethernet. 802.11ac uses only a 5GHz band where it provides more channels with less congestion. With a lot of wireless devices with the previous standards using 2.4GHZ is very congested. Also, 802.11ac uses 80 MHz and 160 MHz channels which is very helpful for higher speeds.

802.11ac建立在802.11n標準的基礎上,以提高速度和天線數量。 該標準提供每個流約433 Mbps的資料速率,其中3個流可與3個天線一起使用。 總共將為1.3 Gbps,這與1 Gbps乙太網一樣非常快。 802.11ac僅使用5GHz頻帶,在此頻帶中可以提供更多通道且擁塞較少。 隨著許多采用2.4GHZ的先前標準的無線裝置非常擁擠。 此外,802.11ac使用80 MHz和160 MHz通道,這對於提高速度非常有幫助。

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802.11ac Wave2 (802.11ac Wave2)

802.11ac Wave is an enhancement to the 802.11ac where it supports more antennas where it can achieve 6.93 Gbps speeds theoretically.

802.11ac Wave是對802.11ac的增強,它支援更多天線,理論上可以達到6.93 Gbps的速度。

802.11ad (802.11ad)

802.11ad is an alternative Wi-Fi standard where it operates in the 60 GHz band. This will provide more channels and higher bandwidth for this standard and theoretically it a provide transfer rates up to 7 Gbps. This is suitable for 4K streaming and high definition media.

802.11ad是在60 GHz頻段執行的替代Wi-Fi標準。 這將為此標準提供更多的通道和更高的頻寬,並且從理論上講,它將提供高達7 Gbps的傳輸速率。 這適用於4K流媒體和高清媒體。

802.11ah (802.11ah)

802.11ad is another alternative to the standard Wi-Fi where it operated under one gigahertz about 900 MHz. Lower frequency usage makes this standard access range nearly twice as standard wireless technologies. This standard is also called Wi-Fi HaLow. It can penetrate different obstacles like walls, houses easily but also provides low transfer rates. These features make 802.11ah very useful for Internet of Things (IoT).

802.11ad是標準Wi-Fi的另一種替代方案,它在900 GHz左右的千兆赫茲下執行。 較低的頻率使用率使該標準訪問範圍幾乎是標準無線技術的兩倍。 此標準也稱為Wi-Fi HaLow。 它可以輕鬆穿透牆壁,房屋等​​各種障礙物,但傳輸速率較低。 這些功能使802.11ah對於物聯網(IoT)非常有用。

802.11aj (802.11aj)

802.11aj is an alternative to the 802.1ad for usage in China. This standard is also known as China Millimeter-Wave and has some modifications to the 802.11ad about physical layer and MAC layer. This standard operates on 59-64 GHz band which is used in China. This standard is approved in November 2017 and actively used in China.

802.11aj是在中國使用的802.1ad的替代產品。 此標準也稱為中國毫米波,並對802.11ad的物理層和MAC層進行了一些修改。 該標準在中國使用的59-64 GHz頻段上執行。 該標準於2017年11月批准並在中國積極使用。

802.11ak (802.11ak)

802.11ak is designed for home entertainment systems and industrial equipment that have both 802.11 wireless and 802.3 Ethernet capability. With this standard, these 2 interfaces can operate together as a bridge.

802.11ak專為具有802.11無線和802.3乙太網功能的家庭娛樂系統和工業裝置而設計。 使用此標準,這兩個介面可以作為網橋一起執行。

802.11ax (802.11ax)

802.11ax is a standard created for usage in dense client areas. It can use 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band by providing 1.1 Gbps for 2.4 GHz and 4.8 Gbps for 5 GHz at the maximum. It can be used in dense areas like stadiums, airport and concert halls. It is expected to replace the 802.11n and 802.11ac standards. This standard is approved in July 2019.

802.11ax是為在密集客戶端區域中使用而建立的標準。 通過最大提供2.4 GHz的1.1 Gbps和最大5 GHz的4.8 Gbps,它可以使用2.4 GHz和5 GHz頻段。 它可用於體育場館,機場和音樂廳等密集區域。 有望取代802.11n和802.11ac標準。 本標準於2019年7月批准。

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802.11ay (802.11ay)

802.11ay is also named as Next Generation 60 GHz and the goal is supporting 20 Gbps within the 60 GHz band. This standard is not approved yet but in the near future, it will be expected to approve.

802.11ay也被稱為Next Generation 60 GHz ,其目標是在60 GHz頻段內支援20 Gbps。 該標準尚未獲得批准,但是在不久的將來,它將有望獲得批准。

802.11az (802.11az)

802.11az standard is called as Next Generation Positioning (NGP). This standard is created to the identification of the absolute or relative positions of the associated or unassociated stations. By modifying MAc and PHY layers this standard will be created and expected to be approved in March 2021.

802.11az標準稱為Next Generation Positioning (NGP) 。 建立該標準是為了識別關聯或未關聯站的絕對或相對位置。 通過修改MAc和PHY層,將建立此標準,並有望在2021年3月獲得批准。

802.11ba (802.11ba)

802.11ba known as Wake-Up Radio (WUR) and aims to extend the battery life of devices and sensors inside an Internet of Things (IoT) network. This standard is expected to be approved in July 2020.

802.11ba被稱為Wake-Up Radio (WUR) ,旨在延長物聯網(IoT)網路中裝置和感測器的電池壽命。 該標準有望在2020年7月獲得批准。

翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-802-11-wireless-lan-wlan-standards/