1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >chrome瀏覽器書籤同步_如何在Google Chrome瀏覽器中使用書籤-建立,檢視和編輯書籤?...

chrome瀏覽器書籤同步_如何在Google Chrome瀏覽器中使用書籤-建立,檢視和編輯書籤?...



Bookmarks are an important component of the Web Browsers. Google Chrome uses Bookmarks traditionally. Bookmark is normal life used to set the page of a book when we read it and later find and resume from there. In web browsers, bookmarks are used to store web page and its URL in order open just a few clicks without writing or remembering the whole URL.

書籤是Web瀏覽器的重要組成部分。 谷歌瀏覽器傳統上使用書籤。 書籤是一種正常的生活,當我們閱讀並稍後在此處查詢和恢復時,通常用於設定書籍的頁面。 在Web瀏覽器中,書籤用於儲存網頁及其URL,以便僅單擊幾次即可開啟而無需編寫或記住整個URL。

什麼是書籤欄? (What Is Bookmark Bar?)

Bookmark bar generally located under the address bar with its contents and some icons related with the bookmarked URL. The bookmark can be also categorized or stored under folders like below. In this example, we can see that Programming

is a folder where its subfolder C# contains a bookmark to the Poftut C# Category.

書籤欄通常位於位址列的下面,其內容和一些與已加書籤的URL相關的圖示。 書籤也可以歸類或儲存在以下資料夾中。 在此示例中,我們可以看到Programming是一個資料夾,該資料夾的子資料夾C#包含一個Poftut C# Category的書籤。

What Is Bookmark Bar?
What Is Bookmark Bar?

為URL或網頁新增書籤 (Bookmark An URL or Web Page)

We can bookmark an URL or Web Page in different ways. We can use Google Chrome menu like Menu

->Bookmarks->Bookmark this page. We can also use Ctrl+D keyboard short cut in order to bookmark the currently active page.

我們可以用不同的方式為URL或網頁新增書籤。 我們可以使用Google Chrome瀏覽器選單,例如Menu -> Bookmarks -> Bookmark this page 。 我們還可以使用Ctrl+D鍵盤Ctrl+D鍵來為當前活動頁面新增書籤。

Bookmark An URL or Web Page
Bookmark An URL or Web Page

We will see the following Edit Bookmark windows in order to save the given page bookmark. We can change the name of the bookmark or change the folder we want to save.

我們將看到以下“ Edit Bookmark視窗,以儲存給定的頁面書籤。 我們可以更改書籤的名稱或更改我們要儲存的資料夾。

Save Bookmark
Save Bookmark

開啟書籤管理器(Open Bookmark Manager)

Bookmarks can be managed with the Bookmark manager. We can add, remove, update, change bookmarks from Bookmark manager. We can open Bookmark manager from Menu->Bookmarks->Bookmark manager. Alternatively, we can use Ctrl+Shift+O keyboard shortcut to directly open Bookmark manager.

書籤可以使用Bookmark manager 。 我們可以從書籤管理器新增,刪除,更新,更改書籤。 我們可以從Menu -> Bookmarks -> Bookmark manager開啟書籤管理Bookmark manager 。 或者,我們可以使用Ctrl+Shift+O鍵盤快捷鍵直接開啟“書籤管理器”。

Open Bookmark Manager
Open Bookmark Manager

We will see a screen like below. On the left sidebar, Bookmarks will be listed in tree form. We can navigate by using it. Also in the main body, we will see the bookmarks and folders where we can take some actions about them.

我們將看到如下螢幕。 在左側欄中,書籤將以樹形形式列出。 我們可以使用它進行導航。 同樣在主體中,我們將看到書籤和資料夾,我們可以對它們進行一些操作。

LEARN MORE How To List, Filter, Add, Remove Change Firefox Settings From About:Config 瞭解更多資訊如何從About:Config中列出,過濾,新增,刪除更改Firefox設定

使用書籤管理器管理書籤(Manage Bookmarks with Bookmark Manager)

We can do following actions by using the right menu line.


Bookmark Actions
Bookmark Actions
  • `Edit` will edit the current bookmark name and URL like below.

Edit Bookmark
Edit Bookmark
  • `Copy URL` will copy the bookmark URL and then we can paste and use it in wherever we want.

  • `Delete` will delete and remove given bookmark from bookmark list and bar.

  • `Open in new tab` will open the given bookmark URL in a new tab

  • `Open in new windows` will open the given bookmark URL in a new window separate from the current.

  • `Open in incognito windows` will open the given bookmark URL in a new incognito window where user history and cookies do not store.


We can also manage Bookmark folders from Bookmark Manager like below.


Bookmark Folder Operations
Bookmark Folder Operations
  • `Rename` will update the name of the given bookmark folder

Rename Bookmark Folder
Rename Bookmark Folder
  • `Delete` will delete the given bookmark folder.

  • `Open All Bookmarks` will open all child bookmarks of the given folder in new tabs.

  • `Open all in a new window`will open all child bookmarks of the given folder in new window tabs.

  • `Open all in incognito window`will open all child bookmarks of the given folder in new incognito window tabs.


顯示書籤欄 (Show Bookmark Bar)

We can show the bookmark bar from the Menu->Bookmarks->Show bookmarks bar menu. Alternatively, we can use Ctrl+Shift+B keyboard shortcut which will also show the bookmark bar. This setting will show the bookmark bar always.

我們可以從Menu -> Bookmarks -> Show bookmarks bar選單中Show bookmarks bar 。 或者,我們可以使用Ctrl+Shift+B鍵盤快捷鍵,該快捷鍵還將顯示書籤欄。 此設定將始終顯示書籤欄。

Show Bookmark Bar
Show Bookmark Bar

隱藏書籤欄(Hide Bookmark Bar)

We can also hide the bookmark bar from the browser. This will not remove or delete bookmarks but just do not show in the main screen directly. We will just use Menu->Bookmarks->Show bookmarks bar which will be unchecked. Alternatively, we can useCtrl+Shift+B keyboard shortcut in order to hide the bookmark bar.

我們也可以從瀏覽器中隱藏書籤欄。 這不會刪除或刪除書籤,只是不會直接顯示在主螢幕中。 我們將只使用Menu -> Bookmarks -> Show bookmarks bar ,將其取消選中。 另外,我們可以使用Ctrl+Shift+B鍵盤快捷鍵來隱藏書籤欄。

LEARN MORE How To Install, Update and Uninstall Adobe Flash On Windows? 瞭解更多如何在Windows上安裝,更新和解除安裝Adobe Flash?
Hide Bookmark Bar
Hide Bookmark Bar

翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-use-bookmarks-in-google-chrome-create-view-edit-bookmarks/
