1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2008的DHCP保留和優點

Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2008的DHCP保留和優點

DHCP is a protocol used to provide network related configuration to the network hosts. Mainly IP address information, network gateway, network mask and DNS server information are provided by DHCP protocol. DHCP have more features like providing boot file over network etc. In this tutorial we will look how DHCP reservation works for Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Cisco and benefits of using dhcp reservation.

DHCP是用於向網路主機提供與網路相關的配置的協議。 DHCP協議主要提供IP地址資訊,網路閘道器,網路掩碼和DNS伺服器資訊。 DHCP具有更多功能,例如通過網路提供啟動檔案等。在本教程中,我們將瞭解DHCP保留如何在Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2008,Cisco和使用dhcp保留的好處下工作。

More information about DHCP protocol can be get from following post.


What is DHCP and How It Works?


IP address generally assigned with two different way.


  • Dynamic IP Address

  • Static IP Address


動態IP地址(Dynamic IP Address)

Dynamic IP address assignment is generally done with DHCP protocol. Preconfigured IP ranges are used to assign an empty IP address to the network host. So the host do not need a configuration. Just plug the cable and your IP address will be set according to network configuration.

動態IP地址分配通常是通過DHCP協議完成的。 預先配置的IP範圍用於為網路主機分配一個空IP地址。 因此主機不需要配置。 只需插入電纜,您的IP地址將根據網路配置進行設定。

One of the most common error is previously configured static IP address for the host prevents to get new IP address with DHCP. So we should be sure that we have cleared all previously set IP address and related configuration. Following tutorials show how to manage and clear network configuration on the Linux and Windows hosts.

最常見的錯誤之一是先前為主機配置的靜態IP地址阻止了通過DHCP獲取新IP地址。 因此,我們應該確保已清除所有先前設定的IP地址和相關配置。 以下教程顯示瞭如何在Linux和Windows主機上管理和清除網路配置。

Linux Network Management With Examples


Windows Ipconfig Command Tutorial With Examples To List, Change, Renew IP Configuration

Windows Ipconfig命令教程,包括列出,更改,續訂IP配置的示例

靜態IP地址(Static IP Address)

Static IP Addresses are assigned by hand and there is no need for DHCP protocol. While configuring Static IP address we should provide following information

靜態IP地址是手動分配的,不需要DHCP協議。 在配置靜態IP地址時,我們應提供以下資訊

  • Host IP Address

  • Netmask

  • Network Gateway Address

  • DNS Server Address

LEARN MORE QEMU Tutorial with Examples 通過示例瞭解更多QEMU教程


DHCP generally used to assign IP addresses to the network hosts. These IP addresses are selected from a IP address pool. IP address pool is configured according to the IT environment configuration and architecture. Generally MAC address and IP address is matched together to reassign the same IP address to the same device and network interface.

DHCP通常用於為網路主機分配IP地址。 這些IP地址是從IP地址池中選擇的。 IP地址池是根據IT環境配置和體系結構配置的。 通常,MAC地址和IP地址會匹配在一起,以將相同的IP地址重新分配給相同的裝置和網路介面。

Windows Server 2008和Windows Server 2012 (Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012)

Windows server operating systems like 2008, 2012 and 2016 provides DHCP services like a router or modem. We can enable these services to benefit and use DHCP service.

Windows伺服器作業系統(例如2008、2012和2016)提供DHCP服務,例如路由器或調變解調器。 我們可以使這些服務受益並使用DHCP服務。

First we will open DHCP Management Console. We assume that we have all ready configured a Scope because we will work under Scope. We will Click Reservationright and Create New Reservation.

首先,我們將開啟DHCP管理控制檯。 我們假定已經準備好配置範圍,因為我們將在範圍下工作。 我們將單擊“ Reservation然後單擊“建立New Reservation

DHCP Management
DHCP Management

And a new windows for reservation configuration will be opened like below.


Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008和Windows Server 2012

We will set following information about reservation.


  • Reservation Nameto remember and name it

    要記住的Reservation Name併為其命名

  • IP Addresswhich IP address will be reserved.

    IP Address地址將保留的IP地址。

  • MAC Addresswhich deviceor networkcar will use this IP address.

    MAC Address哪個裝置或網路汽車將使用此IP地址。

  • Descriptionmore detailed information and comment about reservation.


Linksys路由器和調變解調器 (Linksys Router and Modem)

We can enable DHCP reservation in Linksys modems and router from the following screen. We should select the device according to its host name and make a tick.

我們可以從以下螢幕上在Linksys調變解調器和路由器中啟用DHCP保留。 我們應根據其主機名選擇裝置並打勾。

翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/dhcp-reservation-windows-server-2012-windows-server-2008-benefits/