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藍芽 ssid是什麼_什麼是SSID(服務集識別符號)?

藍芽 ssid是什麼

藍芽 ssid是什麼

Service Set Identifier or SSID is a technical term which is used to define wireless network name. As today wireless networks are very popular and dense. Almost every home has at least one wireless network which will be dense in cities. SSID is used to name a wireless network name which can be changed easily from the wireless device name which is generally a wireless router or ADSL modem.

Service Set IdentifierSSID是一個技術術語,用於定義無線網路名稱。 當今,無線網路非常流行且密集。 幾乎每個家庭都有至少一個無線網路,該網路將在城市中密集。 SSID用於命名無線網路名稱,該名稱可以從通常是無線路由器或ADSL調變解調器的無線裝置名稱輕鬆更改。

SSID屬性 (SSID Properties)

SSID is defined in IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network standard. As a standard SSID has some properties which should be implemented by wireless devices. SSID can contain a maximum of 32 characters which will be used to name wireless networks. This is very important to connect the correct wireless network. Each packet sent over a wireless network will include the SSID in order to ensure that the data sent to the correct or targeted wireless network. If the SSID didn’t exist the wireless medium which is air would be chaotic and unpredictable to transmit data to the correct destination.

SSID在IEEE 802.11無線區域網標準中定義。 作為標準,SSID具有一些應由無線裝置實現的屬性。 SSID最多可以包含32個字元,用於命名無線網路。 這對於連線正確的無線網路非常重要。 通過無線網路傳送的每個資料包都將包含SSID,以確保將資料傳送到正確的或目標的無線網路。 如果不存在SSID,則空中的無線介質將變得混亂且不可預測,無法將資料傳輸到正確的目的地。

預設SSID (Default SSID)

Most of the wireless devices like wireless routers, ADSL modems set default SSID. These SSID can be shown from the management GUI which is generally a web application of the modem. But also the default SSID information is printed physically on the modem. The printed SSID information generally put under the device like below.

大多數無線裝置(如無線路由器,ADSL調變解調器)都設定預設的SSID。 可以從管理GUI(通常是調變解調器的Web應用程式)中顯示這些SSID。 而且預設的SSID資訊也會物理地列印在調變解調器上。 列印的SSID資訊通常如下放置在裝置下方。

列出具有SSID的無線網路 (List Wireless Networks with SSID)

For Windows 10 operating system wireless networks and SSID’s can be listed by clicking to the wireless icon in the task manager. But keep in mind that in order to search and list SSID’s the wireless interface should be enabled and running properly. Below we can see that there are different SSIDs with different wireless signals. We can see that some SSID’s are used similar names but there are some little differences.

對於Windows 10作業系統,可以通過單擊工作管理員中的無線圖示列​​出無線網路和SSID。 但是請記住,為了搜尋和列出SSID,應啟用無線介面並使其正常執行。 在下面我們可以看到存在具有不同無線訊號的不同SSID。 我們可以看到,某些SSID的名稱相似,但差異不大。

List Wireless Networks with SSID

更改SSID(Change SSID)

Generally changing the SSID is a good step for security and preventing misunderstanding. SSID can be changed via the web application of the wireless device.

通常,更改SSID是確保安全和防止誤解的一個好步驟。 可以通過無線裝置的Web應用程式更改SSID。

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隱藏的SSID (Hidden SSID)

SSID is used to define network and visible for all wireless clients by default. SSID is just a name and can be hidden for different purposes like security. The wireless network with a hidden SSID will not be shown in the wireless network list by default. But there are different ways and applications to list hidden SSID’s. So hiding the SSID is not a real security solution. Even hidden SSID can create problems with the connection. In order to connect hidden SSID follow Network & Internet Settings ->Network and Sharing Center -> Set up a new connection or network -> Manually connect to a wireless network . We will see the following screen where we will put some information like network name, security type, security key, and then check the checkboxes. The network name is the SSID of the wireless network we want to connect.

預設情況下,SSID用於定義網路,並且對所有無線客戶端可見。 SSID只是一個名稱,可以出於安全性等不同目的而被隱藏。 預設情況下,帶有隱藏SSID的無線網路不會顯示在無線網路列表中。 但是,列出隱藏的SSID的方法和應用程式不同。 因此,隱藏SSID並不是真正的安全解決方案。 甚至隱藏的SSID也會造成連線問題。 為了連線隱藏的SSID,請遵循Network & Internet Settings -> Network and Sharing Center -> Set up a new connection or network -> Manually connect to a wireless network 。 我們將看到以下螢幕,其中將放置一些資訊,例如網路名稱,安全性型別,安全金鑰,然後選中複選框。 網路名稱是我們要連線的無線網路的SSID。

Connect Hidden SSID

WPA2和SSID關係 (WPA2 and SSID Relation)

Wireless networks are secured with different protocols. WPA2 is one of the most recent protocol to secure and encrypt wireless. WPA2 key is used to authenticate the new clients to the given wireless network which is defined with SSID. WPA2 key is an alpha-numeric password which can be 32 characters at most.

無線網路使用不同的協議保護。 WPA2是用於保護和加密無線的最新協議之一。 WPA2金鑰用於將新客戶端認證到使用SSID定義的給定無線網路。 WPA2金鑰是一個字母數字密碼,最多可以包含32個字元。

多個SSID (Multiple SSID)

Modern wireless devices like wireless routers, ADSL modems implement multiple wireless standards. Generally, 2.5 and 5.0 GHz are used to broadcast wireless networks. The wireless devices can broadcast different SSID for 2.5 and 5.0 GHz. Alternatively, for security reasons, multiple SSID can be broadcasted for Guest, External, or Internal wireless networks.

諸如無線路由器,ADSL調變解調器之類的現代無線裝置實現了多種無線標準。 通常,2.5 GHz和5.0 GHz用於廣播無線網路。 無線裝置可以廣播2.5 GHz和5.0 GHz的不同SSID。 或者,出於安全原因,可以為來賓,外部或內部無線網路廣播多個SSID。

翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-ssid-service-set-identifier/

藍芽 ssid是什麼