1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >【轉載】C# checked和unchecked關鍵字

【轉載】C# checked和unchecked關鍵字

--轉自微軟checked 關鍵字 - C# 參考 | Microsoft Docs/unchecked 關鍵字 - C# 參考 | Microsoft Docs





 1 // The following example causes compiler error CS0220 because 2147483647
2 // is the maximum value for integers. 3 //int i1 = 2147483647 + 10; 4 5 // The following example, which includes variable ten, does not cause 6 // a compiler error. 7 int ten = 10; 8 int i2 = 2147483647 + ten; 9 10 // By default, the overflow in the previous statement also does 11 // not cause a run-time exception. The following line displays
12 // -2,147,483,639 as the sum of 2,147,483,647 and 10. 13 Console.WriteLine(i2);

預設情況下,在執行時也不檢查這些非常量表達式是否溢位,這些表示式不引發溢位異常。上面的示例顯示 -2,147,483,639 作為兩個正整數之和。


 1 // If the previous sum is attempted in a checked environment, an
2 // OverflowException error is raised. 3 4 // Checked expression. 5 Console.WriteLine(checked(2147483647 + ten)); 6 7 // Checked block. 8 checked 9 { 10 int i3 = 2147483647 + ten; 11 Console.WriteLine(i3); 12 }




 1 class OverFlowTest
 2 {
 3     // Set maxIntValue to the maximum value for integers.
 4     static int maxIntValue = 2147483647;
 6     // Using a checked expression.
 7     static int CheckedMethod()
 8     {
 9         int z = 0;
10         try
11         {
12             // The following line raises an exception because it is checked.
13             z = checked(maxIntValue + 10);
14         }
15         catch (System.OverflowException e)
16         {
17             // The following line displays information about the error.
18             Console.WriteLine("CHECKED and CAUGHT:  " + e.ToString());
19         }
20         // The value of z is still 0.
21         return z;
22     }
24     // Using an unchecked expression.
25     static int UncheckedMethod()
26     {
27         int z = 0;
28         try
29         {
30             // The following calculation is unchecked and will not
31             // raise an exception.
32             z = maxIntValue + 10;
33         }
34         catch (System.OverflowException e)
35         {
36             // The following line will not be executed.
37             Console.WriteLine("UNCHECKED and CAUGHT:  " + e.ToString());
38         }
39         // Because of the undetected overflow, the sum of 2147483647 + 10 is
40         // returned as -2147483639.
41         return z;
42     }
44     static void Main()
45     {
46         Console.WriteLine("\nCHECKED output value is: {0}",
47                           CheckedMethod());
48         Console.WriteLine("UNCHECKED output value is: {0}",
49                           UncheckedMethod());
50     }
51     /*
52    Output:
53    CHECKED and CAUGHT:  System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted
54    in an overflow.
55       at ConsoleApplication1.OverFlowTest.CheckedMethod()
57    CHECKED output value is: 0
58    UNCHECKED output value is: -2147483639
59  */
60 }



在未經檢查的上下文中,如果表示式生成的值超出目標型別的範圍,則不會標記溢位。例如,由於以下示例中的計算在unchecked塊或表示式中執行,因此將忽略計算結果對於整數而言過大的事實,並且向int1賦予值 -2,147,483,639。

1 unchecked
2 {
3     int1 = 2147483647 + 10;
4 }
5 int1 = unchecked(ConstantMax + 10);






 1 class UncheckedDemo
 2 {
 3     static void Main(string[] args)
 4     {
 5         // int.MaxValue is 2,147,483,647.
 6         const int ConstantMax = int.MaxValue;
 7         int int1;
 8         int int2;
 9         int variableMax = 2147483647;
11         // The following statements are checked by default at compile time. They do not
12         // compile.
13         //int1 = 2147483647 + 10;
14         //int1 = ConstantMax + 10;
16         // To enable the assignments to int1 to compile and run, place them inside
17         // an unchecked block or expression. The following statements compile and
18         // run.
19         unchecked
20         {
21             int1 = 2147483647 + 10;
22         }
23         int1 = unchecked(ConstantMax + 10);
25         // The sum of 2,147,483,647 and 10 is displayed as -2,147,483,639.
26         Console.WriteLine(int1);
28         // The following statement is unchecked by default at compile time and run
29         // time because the expression contains the variable variableMax. It causes
30         // overflow but the overflow is not detected. The statement compiles and runs.
31         int2 = variableMax + 10;
33         // Again, the sum of 2,147,483,647 and 10 is displayed as -2,147,483,639.
34         Console.WriteLine(int2);
36         // To catch the overflow in the assignment to int2 at run time, put the
37         // declaration in a checked block or expression. The following
38         // statements compile but raise an overflow exception at run time.
39         checked
40         {
41             //int2 = variableMax + 10;
42         }
43         //int2 = checked(variableMax + 10);
45         // Unchecked sections frequently are used to break out of a checked
46         // environment in order to improve performance in a portion of code
47         // that is not expected to raise overflow exceptions.
48         checked
49         {
50             // Code that might cause overflow should be executed in a checked
51             // environment.
52             unchecked
53             {
54                 // This section is appropriate for code that you are confident
55                 // will not result in overflow, and for which performance is
56                 // a priority.
57             }
58             // Additional checked code here.
59         }
60     }
61 }
