1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >習題:觀察(dfs序)




from tkinter import *
from random import *
import threading
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo
from tkinter.messagebox import askquestion
import threading
from time import sleep
class BrickGame(object):  
  start = True;  
  isDown = True;  
  isPause = False; 
  window = None;  
  frame1 = None;  
  frame2 = None;  
  btnStart = None;  
  canvas = None;  
  canvas1 = None;  
  title = "IT Xiao Ang Zai";  
  width = 400;  
  height = 650;  
  rows = 20;  
  cols = 10;  
  downThread = None;  
  brick = [  
  curBrick = None;  
  arr = None;  
  arr1 = None;  
  shape = -1;  
  curRow = -10;  
  curCol = -10;  
  back = list();  
  gridBack = list();  
  preBack = list();  
  def init(self):  
    for i in range(0,self.rows):  
    for i in range(0,self.rows):  
      for j in range(0,self.cols):  
    for i in range(0,3):  
    for i in range(0,3):  
      for j in range(0,3):  
  def drawRect(self):   
    for i in range(0,self.rows):  
          for j in range(0,self.cols):  
            if self.back[i][j]==1:  
            elif self.back[i][j]==0:  
    for i in range(0,len(self.arr1)):  
      for j in range(0,len(self.arr1[i])):  
        if self.arr1[i][j]==0:  
        elif self.arr1[i][j]==1:  
    if self.curRow!=-10 and self.curCol!=-10:  
      for i in range(0,len(self.arr)):  
        for j in range(0,len(self.arr[i])):  
          if self.arr[i][j]==1:            
    if self.isDown:  
      for i in range(0,3):  
        for j in range(0,3):  
          if self.arr[i][j]!=0:  
            self.back[self.curRow+i][self.curCol+j] = self.arr[i][j];  
  def removeRow(self):  
    for i in range(0,self.rows):  
      tag1 = True;        
      for j in range(0,self.cols):  
        if self.back[i][j]==0:  
          tag1 = False;  
      if tag1==True:  
        for m in range(i-1,0,-1):  
          for n in range(0,self.cols):  
            self.back[m+1][n] = self.back[m][n];  
    scoreValue = eval(self.scoreLabel2['text'])
    scoreValue += 5*count*(count+3)
  def getCurBrick(self):  
    self.curBrick = randint(0,len(self.brick)-1);  
    self.shape = 0;  
    self.arr = self.brick[self.curBrick][self.shape];  
    self.arr1 = self.arr;  
    self.curRow = 0;  
    self.curCol = 1;  
    self.isDown = False;  
  def onKeyboardEvent(self,event):  
    if self.start == False:  
self.isPause == True: return; #記錄原來的值 tempCurCol = self.curCol; tempCurRow = self.curRow; tempShape = self.shape; tempArr = self.arr; direction = -1; if event.keycode==37: #左移 self.curCol-=1; direction = 1; elif event.keycode==
38: #變化方塊的形狀 self.shape+=1; direction = 2; if self.shape>=4: self.shape=0; self.arr = self.brick[self.curBrick][self.shape]; elif event.keycode==39: direction = 3; #右移 self.curCol+=1; elif event.keycode==40: direction = 4; #下移 self.curRow+=1; if self.isEdge(direction)==False: self.curCol = tempCurCol; self.curRow = tempCurRow; self.shape = tempShape; self.arr = tempArr; self.drawRect(); return True; #判斷當前方塊是否到達邊界 def isEdge(self,direction): tag = True; #向左,判斷邊界 if direction==1: for i in range(0,3): for j in range(0,3): if self.arr[j][i]!=0 and (self.curCol+i<0 or self.back[self.curRow+j][self.curCol+i]!=0): tag = False; break; #向右,判斷邊界 elif direction==3: for i in range(0,3): for j in range(0,3): if self.arr[j][i]!=0 and (self.curCol+i>=self.cols or self.back[self.curRow+j][self.curCol+i]!=0): tag = False; break; #向下,判斷底部 elif direction==4: for i in range(0,3): for j in range(0,3): if self.arr[i][j]!=0 and (self.curRow+i>=self.rows or self.back[self.curRow+i][self.curCol+j]!=0): tag = False; self.isDown = True; break; #進行變形,判斷邊界 elif direction==2: if self.curCol<0: self.curCol=0; if self.curCol+2>=self.cols: self.curCol = self.cols-3; if self.curRow+2>=self.rows: self.curRow = self.curRow-3; return tag; #方塊向下移動 def brickDown(self): while True: if self.start==False: print("exit thread"); break; if self.isPause==False: tempRow = self.curRow; self.curRow+=1; if self.isEdge(4)==False: self.curRow = tempRow; self.drawRect(); #每一秒下降一格 sleep(1); #點選開始 def clickStart(self): self.start = True; for i in range(0,self.rows): for j in range(0,self.cols): self.back[i][j] = 0; self.canvas.itemconfig(self.gridBack[i][j],fill="black",outline="white"); for i in range(0,len(self.arr)): for j in range(0,len(self.arr[i])): self.canvas1.itemconfig(self.preBack[i][j],fill="black",outline="white"); self.getCurBrick(); self.drawRect(); self.downThread = threading.Thread(target=self.brickDown,args=()); self.downThread.start(); def clickPause(self): self.isPause=not self.isPause print(self.isPause) if not self.isPause: self.btnPause["text"]="暫停" else: self.btnPause["text"]="恢復" def clickReStart(self): ackRestart =askquestion("重新開始","你確定要重新開始嗎?") if ackRestart == 'yes': self.clickStart() else: return def clickQuit(self): ackQuit =askquestion("退出","你確定要退出嗎?") if ackQuit == 'yes': self.window.destroy() exit() #判斷是否死了 def isDead(self): for j in range(0,len(self.back[0])): if self.back[0][j]!=0: showinfo("提示","你掛了,再來一盤吧!"); self.start = False; break; #執行 def __init__(self): self.window = Tk(); self.window.title(self.title); self.window.minsize(self.width,self.height); self.window.maxsize(self.width,self.height); self.frame1 = Frame(self.window,width=300,height=600,bg="black"); self.frame1.place(x=20,y=30); self.scoreLabel1 = Label(self.window,text="Score:",font=(30)) self.scoreLabel1.place(x=340,y=60) self.scoreLabel2 = Label(self.window,text="0",fg='red',font=(30)) self.scoreLabel2.place(x=410,y=60) self.frame2 = Frame(self.window,width=90,height=90,bg="black"); self.frame2.place(x=340,y=120); self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame1,width=300,height=600,bg="black"); self.canvas1 = Canvas(self.frame2,width=90,height=90,bg="black"); self.btnStart = Button(self.window,text="開始",command=self.clickStart); self.btnStart.place(x=340,y=400,width=80,height=25); self.btnPause = Button(self.window,text="暫停",command=self.clickPause); self.btnPause.place(x=340,y=450,width=80,height=25); self.btnReStart = Button(self.window,text="重新開始",command=self.clickReStart); self.btnReStart.place(x=340,y=500,width=80,height=25); self.btnQuit = Button(self.window,text="退出",command=self.clickQuit); self.btnQuit.place(x=340,y=550,width=80,height=25); self.init(); #獲得當前的方塊 self.getCurBrick(); #按照陣列,繪製格子 self.drawRect(); self.canvas.pack(); self.canvas1.pack(); #監聽鍵盤事件 self.window.bind("<KeyPress>",self.onKeyboardEvent); #啟動方塊下落執行緒 self.downThread = threading.Thread(target=self.brickDown,args=()); self.downThread.start(); self.window.mainloop(); self.start=False; pass; if __name__=='__main__': brickGame = BrickGame();