1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >15_目錄,檔案許可權





屬主    User        u
屬組	  Group       g
其他人  others      o
					a    所有					

r		可讀    readable				4

w		可寫	  writable				2

x		可執行	  executable			1

-		沒有許可權	許可權位佔位符  		0

[root@qls ~]# ls -l
total 61152
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root       39 Jul 17 19:16 123.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  9272936 Jul 17 12:01 access.log

-               rw-     r--     r--     644

檔案的型別       屬主     屬組     匿名 

第一個對應 可讀  r
第二個對應  可寫 w
第三個對應  可執行 x

chmod		#設定許可權的命令 
	-R		#針對目錄設定許可權  賦予目錄及目錄以下所有檔案的許可權 
只有root管理員才可以修改任何人的許可權  普通使用者只能修改自己的許可權  


-rwxrw-r--	 test01   dev    file.txt

test01   user01屬於dev組     qls01屬於qls01組


test01是檔案的所有者    可讀  可寫 可執行許可權 

user01屬於dev組,dev組所擁有的許可權,user01同樣擁有   可讀 可寫 許可權 

qls01不屬於dev組,對於此檔案來說,就是一個陌生人  擁有匿名使用者的許可權  可讀 


1. 系統會判斷該使用者是否為所有者,如果是,則按照屬主的許可權進行訪問

2. 如果不是所有者,則判斷該使用者是否為所屬組,如果是,則按照所屬組的許可權進行訪問 

3. 如果此使用者不是所有者,也不是所屬組,則按照匿名使用者進行訪問


u   屬主   
g	屬組
o	匿名使用者
a	所有使用者
r		可讀
w		可寫
x		可執行
-		沒有許可權


+		#新增許可權

-		#收回某個許可權

=		#覆蓋之前的許可權 


[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts
[root@qls ~]# chmod  u+x  hosts 
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts
[root@qls ~]# chmod g+wx hosts
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rwxrwxr-- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts
[root@qls ~]# chmod  o+w  hosts 
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rwxrwxrw- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts

[root@qls ~]# chmod a+x  hosts 
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts



[root@qls ~]# chmod   -x  hosts 
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts

[root@qls ~]# chmod u-w  hosts 
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-r--rw-rw- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts
[root@qls ~]# chmod  g-w,o-rw  hosts
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-r--r----- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts
[root@qls ~]# 


[root@qls ~]# chmod a=rw  hosts 
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts

[root@qls ~]# chmod  o=-  hosts
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rw-rw---- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts

根據數字進行修改    會把原來的許可權全部覆蓋掉 

-R		#給目錄的許可權及目錄以下的所有檔案或者子目錄都設定統一許可權

[root@qls ~]# chmod 644  hosts 
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts

[root@qls ~]# mkdir  data
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   6 Jul 23 09:35 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:06 hosts
[root@qls ~]# cp /etc/hosts  data/
[root@qls ~]# ll data/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:35 hosts
[root@qls ~]# ll -d data/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 19 Jul 23 09:35 data/
[root@qls ~]# chmod 700  data/
[root@qls ~]# ll -d data/
drwx------ 2 root root 19 Jul 23 09:35 data/
[root@qls ~]# ll data/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:35 hosts
[root@qls ~]# chmod -R  755  data/
[root@qls ~]# ll -d data/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 19 Jul 23 09:35 data/
[root@qls ~]# ll data/
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 158 Jul 23 09:35 hosts

/opt/test   針對於此目錄    

屬主為root  屬組為dev     dev01  dev02  
屬組擁有可讀 可寫許可權

[root@qls ~]# mkdir  /opt/test
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jul 23 09:40 test
[root@qls ~]# groupadd   dev
[root@qls ~]# chgrp  dev  /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root dev 6 Jul 23 09:40 test
[root@qls ~]# chmod 760  /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 0
drwxrw---- 2 root dev 6 Jul 23 09:40 test


許可權				檔案								          目錄
r		可以檢視檔案內容  cat head tail               瀏覽目錄及子目錄的列表  ls tree			
w		可以新增,修改檔案內容的權利 vim echo > >>	  可以新建或者刪除,移動目錄中的檔案的權利
x		可以執行檔案的權利 指令碼                         可以進入目錄   cd  


[root@qls ~]# echo  "hostname"  >> /opt/file.txt
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9 Jul 23 09:57 file.txt
[root@qls ~]# useradd   qls01
[root@qls ~]# 
[root@qls ~]# echo "1" | passwd  --stdin  qls01
Changing password for user qls01.
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@qls ~]# su  -  qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 09:59:14 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9 Jul 23 09:57 file.txt
drwxrw---- 2 root dev  6 Jul 23 09:40 test
[qls01@qls ~]$ cat /opt/file.txt 
[qls01@qls ~]$ head /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ tail /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ vim  /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ echo "123"  >> /opt/file.txt
-bash: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ /opt/file.txt 
-bash: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied


[root@qls ~]# chmod  o=w  /opt/file.txt 
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/file.txt
-rw-r---w- 1 root root 9 Jul 23 09:57 /opt/file.txt
[root@qls ~]# su - qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 10:00:14 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ cat /opt/file.txt 
cat: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ vim /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ cat /opt/file.txt
cat: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ /opt/file.txt
-bash: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
[root@qls ~]# cat  /opt/file.txt 
[qls01@qls ~]$ echo "test"  >> /opt/file.txt 
[qls01@qls ~]$ echo "test"  > /opt/file.txt 
[root@qls ~]# cat  /opt/file.txt 
[root@qls ~]# cat  /opt/file.txt 

#只有w許可權時, 無法檢視和執行檔案的許可權  使用vim編輯檔案檔案時,無法檢視裡面的內容,可以進行編輯,但是需要強制儲存,但是儲存之後,原來的內容被覆蓋了  可以使用echo命令進行追加或者重定向內容進去

[root@qls ~]# chmod o=x  /opt/file.txt 
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/file.txt
-rw-r----x 1 root root 5 Jul 23 10:09 /opt/file.txt
[root@qls ~]# su - qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 10:08:38 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ ll /opt/file.txt 
-rw-r----x 1 root root 5 Jul 23 10:09 /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ cat /opt/file.txt
cat: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ echo "123" >> /opt/file.txt
-bash: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ /opt/file.txt
bash: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
#檔案只有x許可權  什麼都幹不了 

[root@qls ~]# chmod   o=rw  /opt/file.txt 
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/file.txt
-rw-r--rw- 1 root root 5 Jul 23 10:09 /opt/file.txt
[root@qls ~]# su - qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 10:11:27 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ cat /opt/file.txt 
[qls01@qls ~]$ echo "hostname"  > /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ vim /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ cat /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ /opt/file.txt
-bash: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
#經過測試,檔案w許可權需要r許可權的配合  才能正常的修改檔案內容 

[root@qls ~]# chmod  o=rx  /opt/file.txt 
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/file.txt
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root 13 Jul 23 10:14 /opt/file.txt
[root@qls ~]# su - qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 10:14:16 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ cat /opt/file.txt 
[qls01@qls ~]$ echo "123" > /opt/file.txt
-bash: /opt/file.txt: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ vim /opt/file.txt
[qls01@qls ~]$ /opt/file.txt
wx許可權  沒有什麼用處 
rwx許可權  		許可權太大 

Permission denied		#許可權不足 沒有許可權 
總結:  許可權對檔案的影響 


r許可權     具有可以瀏覽目錄及其子目錄下的列表  屬性資訊  
[root@qls ~]# chmod o=r  /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root 13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw-r-- 2 root root  6 Jul 23 09:40 test
[root@qls ~]# touch  /opt/test/data.{txt,log,sh}
[root@qls ~]# mkdir  /opt/test/oldboy{01..03}
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/test/
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 23 10:51 data.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 23 10:51 data.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 23 10:51 data.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy01
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy02
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy03
[root@qls ~]# su  -  qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 10:51:09 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ ls   /opt/test/
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.txt: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.log: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.sh: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy01: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy02: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy03: Permission denied
data.log  data.sh  data.txt  oldboy01  oldboy02  oldboy03
[qls01@qls ~]$ ls -l  /opt/test/
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.txt: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.log: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.sh: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy01: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy02: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy03: Permission denied
total 0
-????????? ? ? ? ?            ? data.log
-????????? ? ? ? ?            ? data.sh
-????????? ? ? ? ?            ? data.txt
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? oldboy01
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? oldboy02
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? oldboy03
[qls01@qls ~]$ rm -f  /opt/test/data.log 
rm: cannot remove ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ touch /opt/test/data.conf
touch: cannot touch ‘/opt/test/data.conf’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ mv /opt/test/data.log  /tmp
mv: cannot stat ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ cd  /opt/test/
-bash: cd: /opt/test/: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ tree  /opt/test/  #沒有任何統計 
0 directories, 0 files

#目錄只有r許可權,使用ls -l命令檢視目錄下的列表,會出現一堆的許可權不足,但是檔名和檔案型別顯示出來了,其他的屬性資訊都是問號   不能對此目錄下的檔案進行新建或者刪除及其移動的操作    也不能切換到這個目錄 

[root@qls ~]# chmod  o=w  /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root  13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw--w- 5 root root 101 Jul 23 10:51 test
[root@qls ~]# su  -  qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 10:52:22 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ ls /opt/test/
ls: cannot open directory /opt/test/: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ ls -l /opt/test/
ls: cannot open directory /opt/test/: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ cd /opt/test/
-bash: cd: /opt/test/: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ touch  /opt/test/123.txt
touch: cannot touch ‘/opt/test/123.txt’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ rm -f  /opt/test/data.log
rm: cannot remove ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ mv /opt/test/data.log  /tmp/
mv: cannot stat ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ cp /opt/test/data.log /tmp
cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ cp /opt/test/data.log /tmp
cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ mv /opt/test/data.log  /tmp/
mv: cannot stat ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ rm -f  /opt/test/data.log
rm: cannot remove ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ ll -d /opt/
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 34 Jul 23 09:57 /opt/
x許可權		進入目錄
[root@qls ~]# su - qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 10:57:51 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ cd  /opt/test/
[qls01@qls test]$ ls
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ ls -l
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ rm -f  data.log
rm: cannot remove ‘data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ touch  data.conf
touch: cannot touch ‘data.conf’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ mv data.log /tmp/
mv: cannot move ‘data.log’ to ‘/tmp/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ cp data.log  /tmp/
[qls01@qls test]$ ll /tmp/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root  root   51 Jul 17 17:59 data1
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root  root   51 Jul 17 17:59 data2
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root  root   51 Jul 17 17:59 data3
-rw-r--r--  1 qls01 qls01   0 Jul 23 11:03 data.log
#目錄只有x許可權時,可以切換到目錄中,無法檢視目錄列表資訊  也無法進行刪除、新建、移動等操作   可以進行復制操作 
[root@qls ~]# chmod o=rw  /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root  13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw-rw- 5 root root 101 Jul 23 10:51 test
[root@qls ~]# su - qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 11:06:21 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ cd /opt/test/
-bash: cd: /opt/test/: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ ls /opt/test/
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.txt: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.log: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.sh: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy01: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy02: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy03: Permission denied
data.log  data.sh  data.txt  oldboy01  oldboy02  oldboy03
[qls01@qls ~]$ ls -l /opt/test/
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.txt: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.log: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/data.sh: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy01: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy02: Permission denied
ls: cannot access /opt/test/oldboy03: Permission denied
total 0
-????????? ? ? ? ?            ? data.log
-????????? ? ? ? ?            ? data.sh
-????????? ? ? ? ?            ? data.txt
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? oldboy01
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? oldboy02
d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? oldboy03
[qls01@qls ~]$ touch  /opt/test/data.conf
touch: cannot touch ‘/opt/test/data.conf’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ rm -f /opt/test/data.log
rm: cannot remove ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ mv /opt/test/data.log /tmp/
mv: cannot stat ‘/opt/test/data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls ~]$ cp /opt/test/data.txt  /tmp/
cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/test/data.txt’: Permission denied
#rw許可權 跟只有r許可權作用是一樣的  
[root@qls ~]# chmod o=rx  /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root  13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw-r-x 5 root root 101 Jul 23 10:51 test
[root@qls ~]# su - qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 11:10:14 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ cd  /opt/test/
[qls01@qls test]$ ls
data.log  data.sh  data.txt  oldboy01  oldboy02  oldboy03
[qls01@qls test]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 23 10:51 data.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 23 10:51 data.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 23 10:51 data.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy01
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy02
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy03
[qls01@qls test]$ touch  data.conf
touch: cannot touch ‘data.conf’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ rm -f data.log 
rm: cannot remove ‘data.log’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ mv data.txt /tmp/
mv: cannot move ‘data.txt’ to ‘/tmp/data.txt’: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ cp  data.txt  /tmp/
[qls01@qls test]$ ll /tmp/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root  root   51 Jul 17 17:59 data1
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root  root   51 Jul 17 17:59 data2
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root  root   51 Jul 17 17:59 data3
-rw-r--r--  1 qls01 qls01   0 Jul 23 11:03 data.log
-rw-r--r--  1 qls01 qls01   0 Jul 23 11:13 data.txt

[root@qls ~]# chmod o=wx  /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root  13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw--wx 5 root root 101 Jul 23 10:51 test
[root@qls ~]# su - qls01
Last login: Thu Jul 23 11:12:31 CST 2020 on pts/0
[qls01@qls ~]$ cd /opt/test/
[qls01@qls test]$ ls
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ touch  123.txt
[qls01@qls test]$ ls
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
[qls01@qls test]$ rm -f data.log
[qls01@qls test]$ mv data.txt  /tmp/
[qls01@qls test]$ ls
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
#目錄擁有wx許可權時,可以進入目錄,可以新建,刪除、移動檔案的權利  但是檢視不了目錄的列表及屬性資訊 
總結: 許可權對目錄的影響 


chown  #設定屬主屬組   只有root管理員才可以進行設定    
	-R		#遞迴設定 設定目錄及其目錄以下的所有檔案
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root 13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw--wx 5 root root 84 Jul 23 11:17 test
[root@qls ~]# chown qls01   /opt/file.txt 		#預設設定的是屬主  
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 qls01 root 13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw--wx 5 root  root 84 Jul 23 11:17 test
[root@qls ~]# chown  .qls01  /opt/file.txt 		#設定屬組 
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 qls01 qls01 13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw--wx 5 root  root  84 Jul 23 11:17 test
[root@qls ~]# chown  root.root  /opt/file.txt 	#同時設定屬主屬組 
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/
total 4
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root 13 Jul 23 10:14 file.txt
drwxrw--wx 5 root root 84 Jul 23 11:17 test
[root@qls ~]# chown  qls01.qls01  /opt/test/		#只設置目錄
[root@qls ~]# ll -d /opt/test/
drwxrw--wx 5 qls01 qls01 84 Jul 23 11:17 /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/test/
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 qls01 qls01 0 Jul 23 11:17 123.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  0 Jul 23 10:51 data.sh
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy01
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy02
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy03
[root@qls ~]# chown -R  qls01.qls01  /opt/test/		#遞迴設定 
[root@qls ~]# ll /opt/test/
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 qls01 qls01 0 Jul 23 11:17 123.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 qls01 qls01 0 Jul 23 10:51 data.sh
drwxr-xr-x 2 qls01 qls01 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy01
drwxr-xr-x 2 qls01 qls01 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy02
drwxr-xr-x 2 qls01 qls01 6 Jul 23 10:51 oldboy03
chgrp		#設定屬組   
[root@qls ~]# chgrp   root  /opt/test/
[root@qls ~]# ll -d /opt/test/
drwxrw--wx 5 qls01 root 84 Jul 23 11:17 /opt/test/


[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   6 Jul 23 11:21 123
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   0 Jul 23 11:21 123.txt
umask		#控制權限的命令 
[root@qls ~]# umask
[root@qls ~]# umask
[root@qls ~]# umask  033
[root@qls ~]# umask 
[root@qls ~]# mkdir  oldboy
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   6 Jul 23 11:21 123
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   0 Jul 23 11:21 123.txt
drwxr--r-- 2 root root   6 Jul 23 12:02 oldboy
[root@qls ~]# touch oldboy.txt
[root@qls ~]# ll
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   6 Jul 23 11:21 123
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   0 Jul 23 11:21 123.txt
drwxr--r-- 2 root root   6 Jul 23 12:02 oldboy
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   0 Jul 23 12:02 oldboy.txt