阿新 • • 發佈:2020-12-26
1. 編寫檔案修改功能,呼叫函式時,傳入三個引數(修改的檔案路徑,要修改的內容,修改後的內容)既可完成檔案的修改
import os def func(address, old_concent, new_concent): with open(r'{}'.format(address), 'rb') as f, \ open(r'{}.swap'.format(address), 'wb') as f1: for line in f: res = line.decode('utf-8').replace(old_concent, new_concent) f1.write(bytes(res, encoding='utf-8')) os.remove(r'{}'.format(address)) os.rename('{}.swap'.format(address), '{}'.format(address)) adr = input('請輸入地址:') old = input('請輸入需要修改的原文:') new = input('請輸入需要修改的新文:') func(adr, old, new)
2. 編寫tail工具
import time def input_info(): with open(r'info.txt', 'ab') as f1: res= input('輸入要儲存的內容:') f1.write('{}\n'.format(res).encode('utf-8')) def tail(): with open(r'info.txt', 'rb') as f2: f2.seek(0, 2) while True: info = f2.read() if len(info) == 0: time.sleep(0.5) else: print(info.decode('utf-8'), end='') tail()
3. 編寫登入功能
def login(account,password): with open(r'account.txt','rt',encoding='utf-8') as f1: for line in f1: acc,pwd = line.strip().split(':') if account == acc and pwd == password: print('登入成功') break else: print('使用者名稱或密碼錯誤') acc = input('請輸入賬號') pwd = input('請輸入密碼') login(acc, pwd)
4. 編寫註冊功能
def register(account, password): with open(r'account.txt', 'a+b') as f: f.seek(0, 0) for line in f: account, password = line.strip().split(':'.encode('utf-8')) if acc.encode('utf-8') == account: print('賬號已存在') break else: f.seek(0, 2) f.write('\n{}:{}'.format(acc, pwd).encode('utf-8')) print('註冊成功') # f.write(bytes('\n{}:{}'.format(account, password), encoding='utf-8') acc = input('請輸入賬號') pwd = input('請輸入密碼') register(acc, pwd)
5. 編寫使用者認證功能
def login(): inp_u = input("使用者名稱:").strip() inp_p = input("密碼:").strip() with open(r'db.txt', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: user, pwd = line.strip().split(':') if inp_u == user and inp_p == pwd: print("登入成功") return True else: print("使用者名稱密碼錯誤") return False def check_user(user_check): if user_check: print("有趣的功能") else: print("請先登入") def main(): user_check = False msg = """ 1、登入 2、有趣的功能 """ tag = True dic = { '1': True, '2': False } while tag: print(msg) num = input("請輸入編號:").strip() if not num.isdigit() and num not in dic: print("必須輸入指定編號") else: if dic[num]: user_check = login() else: check_user(user_check)
6. 編寫ATM程式
''' # 1、充值功能:使用者輸入充值錢數,db.txt中該賬號錢數完成修改 # 2、轉賬功能:使用者A向用戶B轉賬1000元,db.txt中完成使用者A賬號減錢,使用者B賬號加錢 # 3、提現功能:使用者輸入提現金額,db.txt中該賬號錢數減少 # 4、查詢餘額功能:輸入賬號查詢餘額 # 選做題中的選做題:登入功能 # 使用者登入成功後,記憶體中記錄下該狀態,上述功能以當前登入狀態為準,必須先登入才能操作 ''' # 充值功能 import os # def recharge(account, money): def recharge(): account = login_user money = input('請輸入充值金額:') with open(r'db.txt', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f1, \ open(r'db.txt.swap', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as f2: for line in f1: acc, money_old = line.strip().split(':') if acc == account: money_old = int(money_old) money = int(money) res = line.replace(str(money_old), str(money_old + money)) f2.write(res) print('充值金額為{},餘額為{}'.format(money, money + money_old)) else: f2.write(line) os.remove(r'db.txt') os.rename('db.txt.swap', 'db.txt') # recharge('A', 500) # 轉賬功能 # def transfer_accpunts(account_trans, account_rece, money): def transfer_accpunts(): account_trans = login_user account_rece = input('請輸入接收賬號:') money = input('請輸入轉賬金額:') with open(r'db.txt', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f3, \ open(r'db.txt.swap', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as f4: for line in f3: acc, money_old = line.strip().split(':') money_old = int(money_old) money = int(money) if acc == account_trans: money_l1 = money_old - money res = line.replace(str(money_old), str(money_l1)) f4.write(res) elif acc == account_rece: money_l2 = money_old + money res = line.replace(str(money_old), str(money_l2)) f4.write(res) else: f4.write(line) print('{}向{}轉賬{}元,{}餘額為{},{}餘額為{}'.format(account_trans, money, account_rece, account_trans, money_l1, account_rece, money_l2)) os.remove('db.txt') os.rename('db.txt.swap', 'db.txt') # transfer_accpunts('B','C',1500) # 提現功能 # def withdraw(account, money): def withdraw(): account = login_user money = input('請輸入提現金額:') with open(r'db.txt', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f5, \ open(r'db.txt.swap', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as f6: for line in f5: acc, money_old = line.strip().split(':') if acc == account: money_old = int(money_old) money = int(money) res = line.replace(str(money_old), str(money_old - money)) f6.write(res) print('提現金額為{},餘額為{}'.format(money, money_old - money)) else: f6.write(line) os.remove(r'db.txt') os.rename('db.txt.swap', 'db.txt') # withdraw('A',100) # 查詢餘額 def remainder(): account = login_user with open(r'db.txt', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f7: for line in f7: acc, money = line.strip().split(':') if acc == account: print('餘額為{}元'.format(money)) # remainder('A') func_dic = { '0': ('退出', None), '1': ('充值', recharge), '2': ('轉賬', transfer_accpunts), '3': ('提現', withdraw), '4': ('查詢', remainder), } login_user = None while True: account = input('請輸入賬號:') password = input('請輸入密碼:') with open(r'bb.txt', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as ff: for line in ff: acc, pwd = line.strip().split(':') if acc == account and pwd == password: # global login_user login_user = account print('{}登陸成功'.format(login_user)) while True: for i, j in func_dic.items(): print('{}:{}'.format(i, j[0])) operate = input('請輸入待選事項序號:').strip() if not operate.isdigit(): print('請重新輸入序號') if operate == '0': break elif operate in func_dic: func_dic[operate][1]() else: print('請重新輸入正確序號') break else: print('賬號密碼錯誤,請重新輸入') break # print('hello')