1. 程式人生 > 其它 >pytorch使用FocalLoss損失函式用於分類問題







  • classnum 處改為你分類的數量
  • P = F.softmax(inputs) 改為 P = F.softmax(inputs,dim=1)
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable

FocalLoss(nn.Module): r""" This criterion is a implemenation of Focal Loss, which is proposed in Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection. Loss(x, class) = - \alpha (1-softmax(x)[class])^gamma \log(softmax(x)[class]) The losses are averaged across observations for each minibatch. Args: alpha(1D Tensor, Variable) : the scalar factor for this criterion gamma(float, double) : gamma > 0; reduces the relative loss for well-classified examples (p > .5), putting more focus on hard, misclassified examples size_average(bool): By default, the losses are averaged over observations for each minibatch. However, if the field size_average is set to False, the losses are instead summed for each minibatch. """
def __init__(self, class_num=30, alpha=None, gamma=2, size_average=True): super(FocalLoss, self).__init__() if alpha is None: self.alpha = Variable(torch.ones(class_num, 1)) else: if isinstance(alpha, Variable): self.alpha = alpha else
: self.alpha = Variable(alpha) self.gamma = gamma self.class_num = class_num self.size_average = size_average def forward(self, inputs, targets): N = inputs.size(0) C = inputs.size(1) P = F.softmax(inputs) class_mask = inputs.data.new(N, C).fill_(0) class_mask = Variable(class_mask) ids = targets.view(-1, 1) class_mask.scatter_(1, ids.data, 1.) #print(class_mask) if inputs.is_cuda and not self.alpha.is_cuda: self.alpha = self.alpha.cuda() alpha = self.alpha[ids.data.view(-1)] probs = (P*class_mask).sum(1).view(-1,1) log_p = probs.log() #print('probs size= {}'.format(probs.size())) #print(probs) batch_loss = -alpha*(torch.pow((1-probs), self.gamma))*log_p #print('-----bacth_loss------') #print(batch_loss) if self.size_average: loss = batch_loss.mean() else: loss = batch_loss.sum() return loss


from FocalLoss import FocalLoss

loss = FocalLoss()