1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Cube painting UVA - 253

Cube painting UVA - 253


 We have a machine for painting cubes. It is supplied with three different colors: blue, red and green. Each face of the cube gets one of these colors. The cube’s faces are numbered as in Figure 1.


 Since a cube has 6 faces, our machine can paint a face-numbered cube in 36 =729 different ways. When ignoring the face-numbers, the number of different paintings is much less, because a cube can be rotated. See example below.

 We denote a painted cube by a string of 6 characters, where each character is a ‘b’, ‘r’, or ‘g’. The i-th character (1≤ i ≤6) from the left gives the color of face i. For example, Figure 2 is a picture of “rbgggr” and Figure 3 corresponds to “rggbgr”. Notice that both cubes are painted in the same way: by rotating it around the vertical Figure 1 axis by 90°, the one changes into the other.



 The input of your program is a textfile that ends with the standard end-of-file marker. Each line is a string of 12 characters. The first 6 characters of this string are the representation of a painted cube, the remaining 6 characters give you the representation of another cube. Your program determines whether these two cubes are painted in the same way, that is, whether by any combination of rotations one can be turned into the other. (Reflections are not allowed.)


 The output is a file of boolean. For each line of input, output contains ‘TRUE’ if the second half can be obtained from the first half by rotation as describes above, ‘FALSE’ otherwise.

Sample Input


Sample Output








int arr[6][6] = { {1,2,3,4,5,6},{2,6,3,4,1,5},{3,2,6,1,5,4},{4,2,1,6,5,3},{5,1,3,4,6,2},{6,5,3,4,2,1} };
int arr1[4][6] = { {1,2,3,4,5,6},{1,3,5,2,4,6},{1,4,2,5,3,6},{1,5,4,3,2,6} };

void translate(char* temp, char* s, int* arr2)
	for (int i = 0;i < 6;i++)
		temp[i] = s[arr2[i] - 1];

int main()
	char s[13];
	while (scanf("%s", s) != EOF)
		char s1[7] = { 0 };
		char s2[7] = { 0 };
		strncpy(s1, s, 6);	//將兩個立方體區分開來
		strncpy(s2, s+6, 6);
		int flag = 0;
		for (int i = 0;i < 6;i++)
			char temp[7] = { 0 };
			char temp1[7] = { 0 };
			translate(temp, s1, arr[i]);//先找到一種情況
			for (int j = 0;j < 4;j++)
				translate(temp1, temp, arr1[j]);//判斷著一種情況對應的4個狀態
				if (strncmp(temp1, s2, 6) == 0)
					flag = 1;
			if (flag)break;
		printf("%s\n", flag == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
		if (flag)break;
	printf("%s\n", flag == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
