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Python筆記 之 使用nntp模組閱讀網路新聞




登入 news.gmane.io,檢視新聞組 gmane.comp.python.committers 前十條資訊,每次按下 y 鍵依次瀏覽題頭和內容。

import nntplib

defaultsite = 'news.gmane.io'
defaultgroup = 'gmane.comp.python.committers'
defaultcount = 10

showhdrs = ['Path','From','Newsgroups','Subject','Date','Lines'
] def reader(site=defaultsite,group=defaultgroup,newscount=defaultcount): #列印網站相關資訊 print('Connectiong to ',site,' for ',group) server = nntplib.NNTP(site) print('Version: ',server.nntp_version) print('Implementation: ',server.nntp_implementation) print(server.getwelcome()) #獲取新聞組資訊
(replay,count,first,last,name) = server.group(group) print('%s has %s articles,from %s to %s .'%(name,count,first,last)) #請求題頭 fecthfrom = str(first)+'-'+str(newscount-1) (replay,subjects) = server.xhdr('subject',(fecthfrom)) print('Reply: ',replay,'\n', 'Subjects: '
,subjects) #顯示題頭,獲取訊息的題頭和主體 for (id,subj) in subjects: print('Article %s [%s]'%(id,subj)) if input('Display?') in ('y','Y'): #print(server.head(id)) #hand返回響應資訊和文章資訊 #需要兩次解讀檔案內容 lines #lines 為byte型別,需要解碼 (replay,articleinfo) = server.head(id) (num,id,lines) = articleinfo for line in lines: line = line.decode('utf-8') for prefix in showhdrs: if line[:len(prefix)] == prefix: print(line) if input('Show body?') in ('y','Y'): #print(server.body(id)) # body返回響應資訊和文章內容 # 需要兩次解讀檔案內容 lines # lines 為byte型別,需要解碼 (replay,articleinfo)=server.body(id) (num, id, lines) = articleinfo for line in lines: print(line.decode('utf-8')) print(server.quit()) if __name__ == '__main__': reader()


Connectiong to  news.gmane.io  for  gmane.comp.python.committers
Version:  2
Implementation:  INN 2.6.3
200 news.gmane.io InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.6.3 ready (posting ok)
gmane.comp.python.committers has 7150 articles,from 1 to 7151 .
Reply:  221 Header or metadata information for subject follows (from overview) 
 Subjects:  [('1', 'Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for commit privs.'), ('2', 'Re: Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for commit privs.'), ('3', 'Re: Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for commit privs.'), ('4', 'Re: Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for commit privs.'), ('5', 'Re: Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for commit privs.'), ('6', 'Re: [Python-Dev] next beta'), ('7', 'Re: [Python-Dev] next beta'), ('8', 'Re: [Python-Dev] next beta'), ('9', 'Re: Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for commit privs.')]
Article 1 [Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for commit privs.]
Path: news.gmane.org!not-for-mail
From: Trent Nelson <[email protected].com>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.python.committers
Subject: Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 20:27:36 +0100
Lines: 5
Show body?y

What do people think about making Hirokazu Yamamoto a committer?  I rarely see any mailing list posts from him, but he sure makes up for it in terms of patches submitted to the issue tracker.  As far as I can tell (I've noticed his regular involvement via patches and whatnot for well over a year), he's a pretty switched on guy with a lot of Windows experience -- every time trunk fails to build with vc6/7/8, for example, he's got patches lined up.

Article 2 [Re: Nominate Hirokazu Yamamoto (oceancity) for commit privs.]