1. 程式人生 > 其它 >(十三)智慧匹配與given-when結構、高階Perl技巧(~~、陣列/雜湊切片、eval/grep/map運用等)







  智慧匹配操作是從Perl 5.010版本開始出現的,智慧匹配操作符(~~


  • 如果兩邊運算元看起來都像數字,就按數值來比較大小;
  • 如果看起來像字串,就按字串的方式進行比較
  • 如果某一端運算元是正則表示式,就當模式匹配來執行;
use 5.010001;                                                      #至少是5.10.1版
my $name = "You and Fred and me";
print "I found Fred in the name!\n" if $name =~ /Fred/;
print "I found Fred in the name!\n"
if $name ~~ /Fred/; #操作符~~取代繫結操作符=~功能進行模式匹配 #例(2) my %names = ( "one" => 1, "two" => 2, "three" => 3, "four" => 4, "five" => 5, "six" => 6, )
; my $flag = 0; foreach my $key( keys %names){ next unless $key =~ /four/; #當變數$key不為four,執行next進入下一次迴圈 $flag = $key; last; #當變數$key為four, 跳過next,執行last結束迴圈 } print "I found a key matching 'four'.\n" if $flag; #字串自動轉換為布林值 ######################################智慧匹配——直接替代了foreach迴圈的過程##################################### print "I found a key matching 'four'.\n" if %names ~~ /four/; #操作符~~取代繫結操作符=~ #例(3) my @name1 = qw(one two three four five six); my @name2 = qw(one two three four five six); my $equal = 0; foreach my $index (0..$#name1){ #$#name1__最大索引值 last unless $name1[$index] eq $name2[$index]; $equal++; } print "The arrays have the same elements.\n" if $equal == @name1; #標量上下文 ######################################智慧匹配——直接替代了foreach迴圈的過程##################################### print "The arrays have the same elements.\n" if @name1 ~~ @name2; #操作符~~取代大小判斷符號== #例(4) my @nums = qw(1 2 7 15 27); #字串陣列 my $flag = 0; foreach my $num (@nums){ next unless $num == 27; #查詢數字27,不是就執行next $flag++; last; #結束迴圈 } print "I found the number 27.\n" if $flag; ######################################智慧匹配——直接替代了foreach迴圈的過程##################################### print "I found the number 27.\n" if @nums ~~ /27/; #操作符~~取代繫結操作符=~27用表示式表示


I found Fred in the name!
I found Fred in the name!
I found a key matching 'four'.
I found a key matching 'four'.
The arrays have the same elements.
The arrays have the same elements.
I found the number 27.
I found the number 27.



%a ~~ %b雜湊的鍵是否一致
%a ~~ @b 或者 @a ~~ %b%a中的至少一個在列表@b中
%a ~~ /Fred/ 或者 /Fred/ ~~ %b至少有一個匹配給定的模式
‘Fred’ ~~ %a是否存在$a{Fred}
@a ~~ @b陣列是否相同
@a ~~ /Fred/陣列@a中至少有一個元素匹配模式
$name ~~ undef $name$name沒有定義
$name ~~ /Fred/模式匹配
123 ~~ ‘123.0’數值和"numish"型別(看起來像數字的字元換)的字串是否相等
‘Fred’ ~~ ‘Fred’字串是否相等
123 ~~ 123數值是否相等






  • given會將引數化名為 $_, 然後對每個when條件試用智慧匹配對 $_作測試,智慧匹配部分可省略(隱式寫法)
  • 如果$_不滿足任意一個when條件,Perl就會執行default分支語句塊;
use 5.012;                                                         #引入say的語法運用與智慧匹配~~

my $name = @ARGV[0];                                               #從命令列輸入引數
if($name =~ /fred/i)     {    say "if: name has fred in it."}
  elsif($name =~ /^Fred/){    say "if: name starts with Fred."}
  elsif($name eq 'Fred') {    say "if: name is Fred."  }           #如果只有一行命令,則可以省略分號
  else                   {    say "if: I donnot say a Fred."}

  my $_ = $name;   
  when( $_ ~~ /fred/i){   say "when: name has fred in it." }       
  when( $_ ~~ /^Fred/){   say "when: name starts with Fred."}                       
  when( $_ ~~ 'Fred') {   say "when: name is Fred."}                         
  default             {   say "whne: I donnot say a Fred."}                  

  when( /fred/i){   say "when: name has fred in it." }      
  when( /^Fred/){   say "when: name starts with Fred."}      
  when( 'Fred') {   say "when: name is Fred."}                       
  default       {   say "whne: I donnot say a Fred."}                  
  • when語句塊後面的每一條分支語句都預設帶有break關鍵字,跳出given-when結構,break關鍵字不需要自己輸入;
  • 如果在when語句塊後邊使用continue關鍵字,Perl會繼續執行之後的when語句
use 5.012;                                                             #引入say的語法運用與智慧匹配~~

given(@ARGV[0]){      #從命令列輸入
  when( /fred/i){   say "when: name has fred in it." ; continue}       #分支中可以新增breakcontinue關鍵字
  when( /^Fred/){   say "when: name starts with Fred."; continue}      #含義同C語言
  when( 'Fred') {   say "when: name is Fred."}                         #每一條分支預設break執行
  default       {   say "whne: I donnot say a Fred."}                  #如果$_不滿足任意一個when條件,Perl就會執行default分支語句塊。
  • 笨拙匹配(泛匹配:given-when語句中除了可以直接使用智慧匹配外,還可以直接使用預設變數 $_運用比較操作符或繫結操作符(不論型別)進行匹配
use 5.012;                                                           #引入say的語法運用與智慧匹配~~

given($ARGV[1]){           #從命令列輸入
  when( /^-?\d+\.\d+$/ ){ say "this is a number."; continue}          #智慧匹配
  when( $_ > 10 )       { say "This number is greater than 10."}      #泛匹配(直接使用預設變數$_)
  when( $_ < 10 )       { say "This is a less than 10."}
  default               { say "This number is 10."}


C:\Users\zhais\Documents\Perl學習>perl given_when.pl 12.5
when: name is Fred.
This is a less than 10.



  遍歷多個元素,可以直接省略given,讓foreach將當前正在遍歷的元素放入自己的預設變數 $_中。因為接下來要用智慧匹配,所以當前元素只能放在 $_中。

  • foreach必須使用預設變數$_;
  • 可以在foreach語句塊中新增其它說明語句;
use 5.012;                                                               #引入say的語法運用與智慧匹配~~

my @name = qw(Fred frederick Barney Alfred);
foreach(@name){                 #使用預設變數$_
    say "\nProcessing $_";      #given-when中間可以插入一些說明語句(優於if#given($_){                 #given也可以省略了
    when( /fred/i){   say "when: name has fred in it." ; continue}       #分支中可以新增breakcontinue關鍵字
    when( /^Fred/){   say "when: name starts with Fred."; continue}      #含義同C語言
    when( 'Fred') {   say "when: name is Fred."}                         #每一條分支預設break執行
    say "Moving on to default...";
    default       {   say "whne: I donnot say a Fred."}


C:\Users\zhais\Documents\Perl學習>perl given_when.pl
Processing Fred
when: name has fred in it.
when: name starts with Fred.
when: name is Fred.

Processing frederick
when: name has fred in it.
Moving on to default...
whne: I donnot say a Fred.

Processing Barney
Moving on to default...
whne: I donnot say a Fred.

Processing Alfred
when: name has fred in it.
Moving on to default...
whne: I donnot say a Fred.





fred flintstone:2168:301 Cobblestone Way:555-1212:555-2121:3
barney rubble:709918:3128 Granite Blvd:555-3333:555-3438:0


# while(<>){                                                #讀取檔案
#   chomp;
#   my @items = split /:/;                                  #根據冒號拆分檔案放於陣列中
#   my($card_num, $count) = ($items[1], $items[5]);         #賦值
#   print "$card_num\t $count\n";
# }


while(<>){                                                #讀取檔案
#  my (undef, $card_num, undef, undef, undef, $count) = split /:/;          #根據冒號拆分檔案
## $card_num = split /:/[1];
## $count = split /:/[5];
  my($card_num, $count) = (split /:/)[1,5];               #切片
  print "$card_num\t $count\n";

#my($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("bedrock.txt");
my($mtime) = (stat("bedrock.txt"))[9];                    #切片
print "$mtime\n";


C:\Users\zhais\Documents\Perl學習>perl slice.pl bedrock.txt
2168     3
709918   0



my @names = qw?zero one two three four five six seven enght nine?;
my($first, $last) = (sort @names)[0, -1];              #先排序再進行切分,-1表示最後一個,也可寫成數字9
print "$first, $last\n";

my @numbers = @names[9,0,2,1,0];                       #多切,重複切片(陣列的小括號可以省略)
print "@numbers\n";

print "@names\n";
@names[2,6] = ("2","6");                               #通過切片進行修改陣列
print "@names\n";


enght, zero
nine zero two one zero
zero one two three four five six seven enght nine
zero one 2 three four five 6 seven enght nine



my %scores = ("barney" => 195, "fred" => 205, "dino" => 30);
my @three_scores = ( $scores{"barney"}, $scores{"fred"}, $scores{"dino"});
print "@three_scores\n";

my @three = @scores{ qw/barney fred dino/};                               #雜湊切片也可以用@符號,寫上鍵
print "@three\n";

my @players = qw/ barney fred dino/;
my @bowling_scores = (95,105,230);
@scores{ @players} = @bowling_scores;
while(my($k,$v) = each(%scores)){
  print "$k => $v\n";


195 205 30
195 205 30
barney => 95
dino => 230
fred => 105


  Perl提供了簡單的方式來捕獲程式碼執行時可能出現的嚴重錯誤,即把程式碼包裹在eval塊中。如下例,即使 $b是0,這一行程式碼也不至於讓程式崩潰,只要eval發現在它的檢查範圍內出現致命錯誤,就會停止執行這個塊,退出後繼續執行其餘程式碼。

  • eval只是一個表示式,大括號末尾必須加上一個分號
  • 當eval塊中出現致命錯誤,停下來的只是這個塊語句,整個程式不會崩潰;
  • eval結束時,需要判斷是否正常退出或是否捕捉到錯誤。如果捕獲到錯誤,則會在特殊變數[email protected]中設定錯誤訊息,否則返回undef。


$a = 10;
$b = 0;

  $result = $a / $b;                        #除0錯誤
print "Error: [email protected]" if [email protected]有時;                #通過eval關鍵字,使得即使出錯,後續程式碼依舊被執行

print "Hello\n";


Error: Illegal division by zero at eval_1.pl line 5.        #捕捉到致命錯誤,依然會繼續執行後續程式碼


sub do_something{

foreach my $person(qw/ fred wilam betty dino pebbles/){          #檔案列表
  eval{               #捕獲錯誤資訊,即使某一個檔案打開出錯,依然會繼續執行
    open FILE, "<$person" or die "Can't open file '$person': $!";

    my($total, $count);
    while(<FILE>){       #讀取檔案

    my $average = $total / $count;
    print "Average for file $person was $average\n";
    &do_something($person, $average);
  if([email protected]){
    print "An error occured ([email protected]), continuing\n";


An error occured (Can't open file 'fred': No such file or directory at eval.pl line 9.
), continuing
An error occured (Can't open file 'wilam': No such file or directory at eval.pl line 9.
), continuing
An error occured (Can't open file 'betty': No such file or directory at eval.pl line 9.
), continuing
An error occured (Can't open file 'dino': No such file or directory at eval.pl line 9.
), continuing
An error occured (Can't open file 'pebbles': No such file or directory at eval.pl line 9.
), continuing



my @add_numbers; 

  push @add_numbers, $_ if $_ % 2;                     #將基數新增到數組裡
print "@add_numbers\n";

print "\n\ngrep...\n";
my @odd = grep $_ % 2, 1..10;                         #大括號可以省略
print "@odd\n";
  • grep第一個引數是程式碼塊,使用$_作為列表的每個元素的佔位符,並返回真或者假值;
  • grep第二個引數被篩選的元素列表
  • grep操作符會對列表的每個元素算出程式碼塊的值,程式碼塊計算結果為真的那些元素,將會出現在grep返回的列表中。



  • 第一個引數是使用 $_的程式碼塊
  • 第二個引數是待處理的列表
my @files = glob "*.*";
print "@files\n";                       

my @txt_files = map /(.*\.txt)$/, @files;           #篩選出.txt檔案
print "@txt_files\n";

my @sizes = map -s, @txt_files;                     #輸出檔案大小
print "@sizes\n";


C:\Users\zhais\Documents\Perl學習>perl map.pl
++and--.pl 2_new.png add.pl array.pl array_1.pl array_2.pl bedrock.txt bool.pl caozuofu.pl caozuofu_1.pl chomp.pl circle.pl dir.pl dir_1.pl dir_2.pl dir_3.pl eval.pl eval_1.pl feichuan.pl file.pl file_test.pl given_when.pl grep.pl handle.pl Harry.txt hello.pl if.pl if_1.pl if_control.pl if_file.pl input.pl map.pl module.pl output.pl pattern.pl pattern_1.pl pattern_2.pl pattern_3.pl pattern_4.pl pipei.pl slice.pl sort.pl string.pl string_1.pl string_to_num.pl sub.pl sub_1.pl time.pl
bedrock.txt Harry.txt
120 29399