[2021 Spring] CS61A Project 3: Ants Vs. SomeBees (Phase 1)
螞蟻大戰蜜蜂 靈感來源:植物大戰殭屍(Plants Vs. Zombies,PVZ)
遊戲按輪次進行,每一輪中,新的蜜蜂都可能進入蟻群領地。然後,放置新的螞蟻來保衛它們的領地。 最後,所有昆蟲(螞蟻,蜜蜂)都會採取單獨的行動。蜜蜂沿著tunnel從右往左移動,遇到螞蟻則攻擊螞蟻。不同型別的螞蟻執行不同的動作,例如收集更多食物或向蜜蜂扔樹葉。 當一隻蜜蜂到達tunnel盡頭或者摧毀了 QueenAnt(如果存在),你就輸了;整個蜜蜂艦隊都被打敗,你就贏了;遊戲結束。
Phase 1: Basic gameplay
Problem 1 (1 pt)
Part A: 當前放置任一型別Ant都沒有cost,基類Ant的food_cost為0。任務:根據表格的"Food cost"重寫HarvesterAnt和ThrowerAnt的類屬性。
Class | Food Cost | Initial Health |
HarvesterAnt | 2 | 1 |
ThrowerAnt | 3 | 1 |
Part B: 放置ant需要消耗食物,HarvesterAnt生產食物(類似PVZ向日葵) 任務:完成HarvesterAnt action方法。
class HarvesterAnt(Ant): """HarvesterAnt produces 1 additional food per turn for the colony.""" name = 'Harvester' implemented = True # OVERRIDE CLASS ATTRIBUTES HERE food_cost = 2 def action(self, gamestate): """Produce 1 additional food for the colony. gamestate -- The GameState, used to access game state information. """ # BEGIN Problem 1 "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" gamestate.food += 1 # END Problem 1 class ThrowerAnt(Ant): """ThrowerAnt throws a leaf each turn at the nearest Bee in its range.""" name = 'Thrower' implemented = True damage = 1 # ADD/OVERRIDE CLASS ATTRIBUTES HERE food_cost = 3
Problem 2 (2 pt)
任務:完成 Place.__init__記錄入口entrance。
class Place: """A Place holds insects and has an exit to another Place.""" def __init__(self, name, exit=None): """Create a Place with the given NAME and EXIT. name -- A string; the name of this Place. exit -- The Place reached by exiting this Place (may be None). """ self.name = name self.exit = exit self.bees = [] # A list of Bees self.ant = None # An Ant self.entrance = None # A Place # Phase 1: Add an entrance to the exit # BEGIN Problem 2 "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" if self.exit: self.exit.entrance = self # END Problem 2
Problem 3 (2 pt)
- 從豌豆射手ThrowerAnt的位置開始
- 對於每個place,如果其中有蜜蜂,則隨機返回蜜蜂之一;如果沒有蜜蜂,查詢更前面的place
- 如果沒有蜜蜂可以攻擊,返回None
注意:phase 2中problem 4有新要求,要考慮ant的攻擊距離,相應的problem 3部分會在phase 2進行修改。
class ThrowerAnt(Ant):
"""ThrowerAnt throws a leaf each turn at the nearest Bee in its range."""
name = 'Thrower'
implemented = True
damage = 1
food_cost = 3
def nearest_bee(self, beehive):
"""Return the nearest Bee in a Place that is not the HIVE (beehive), connected to
the ThrowerAnt's Place by following entrances.
This method returns None if there is no such Bee (or none in range).
# BEGIN Problem 3 and 4
# 不能改變ant的位置self.place
next_place = self.place
while not next_place.is_hive():
if next_place.bees:
return bee_selector(next_place.bees) # REPLACE THIS LINE
next_place = next_place.entrance
return None
# END Problem 3 and 4