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Percona Monitoring and Management


How to run PMM Server with Docker based on ourDocker image.

The tags used here are for the current release. Othertagsare available.

See also

Easy-install script

Before you start



  • Pull the Docker image.
  • Copy it to create a persistent data container.
  • Run the image.
  • Open the PMM UI in a browser.

  1. Pull the image.

    docker pull percona/pmm-server:2
  2. Create a persistent data container.

    docker create --volume /srv \
    --name pmm-data \
    percona/pmm-server:2 /bin/true


    PMM Server expects the data volume to be/srv. Using any other value will result indata losswhen upgrading.

    To check server and data container mount points:

    docker inspect pmm-data | grep Destination && \
    docker inspect pmm-server | grep Destination
  3. Run the image.

    docker run --detach --restart always \
    --publish 443:443 \
    --volumes-from pmm-data \
    --name pmm-server \
  4. In a web browser, visithttps://localhost:443(orhttp://localhost:80if enabled) to see the PMM user interface. (If you are accessing the docker host remotely, replacelocalhostwith the IP or server name of the host.)



  • Stop and rename thepmm-servercontainer.
  • Take a local copy of thepmm-datacontainer’s/srvdirectory.

  1. Stop the container.

    docker stop pmm-server
  2. Move the image.

    docker rename pmm-server pmm-server-backup
  3. Create a subdirectory (e.g.,pmm-data-backup) and move to it.

    mkdir pmm-data-backup && cd pmm-data-backup
  4. Backup the data.

    docker cp pmm-data:/srv .



  • Stop the running container.
  • Backup (rename) the container and copy data.
  • Pull the latest Docker image.
  • Run it.


To see what release you are running, use thePMM Upgradepanel on theHome Dashboard, or run:

docker exec -it pmm-server \
curl -ku admin:admin https://localhost/v1/version

(If you are accessing the docker host remotely, replacelocalhostwith the IP or server name of the host.)

  1. Perform abackup.

  2. Pull the latest image.

    docker pull percona/pmm-server:2
  3. Run it.

    docker run \
    --detach \
    --restart always \
    --publish 443:443 \
    --volumes-from pmm-data \
    --name pmm-server \



  • Stop and remove the container.
  • Restore (rename) the backup container.
  • Restore saved data to the data container.
  • Restore permissions to the data.


You must have abackupto restore from.

  1. Stop the container.

    docker stop pmm-server
  2. Remove it.

    docker rm pmm-server
  3. Revert to the saved image.

    docker rename pmm-server-backup pmm-server
  4. Change directory to the backup directory (e.g.pmm-data-backup).

  5. Remove Victoria Metrics data folder.

    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 rm -r /srv/victoriametrics/data
  6. Copy the data.

    docker cp srv pmm-data:/
  7. Restore permissions.

    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R root:root /srv && \
    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R pmm:pmm /srv/alertmanager && \
    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R root:pmm /srv/clickhouse && \
    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R grafana:grafana /srv/grafana && \
    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R pmm:pmm /srv/logs && \
    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R postgres:postgres /srv/postgres && \
    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R pmm:pmm /srv/prometheus && \
    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R pmm:pmm /srv/victoriametrics && \
    docker run --rm --volumes-from pmm-data -it percona/pmm-server:2 chown -R postgres:postgres /srv/logs/postgresql.log
  8. Start the image.

    docker start pmm-server



  • Stop the container.
  • Remove (delete) both the server and data containers.
  • Remove (delete) both images.


These steps delete the PMM Server Docker image and any accumulated PMM metrics data.

  1. Stop pmm-server container.

    docker stop pmm-server
  2. Remove containers.

    docker rm pmm-server pmm-data
  3. Remove the image.

    docker rmi $(docker images | grep "percona/pmm-server" | awk {'print $3'})

Docker compose


  • Copy and paste thedocker-compose.ymlfile.
  • Rundocker-compose up.

With this approach, data is stored in a volume, not in apmm-datacontainer.

  1. Copy and paste this text into a file calleddocker-compose.yml.

    version: '2'
        image: percona/pmm-server:2
        hostname: pmm-server
        container_name: pmm-server
        restart: always
          driver: json-file
            max-size: "10m"
            max-file: "5"
          - "443:443"
          - data:/srv
  2. Run:

    docker-compose up
  3. In a web browser, visithttps://localhost:443to see the PMM user interface. (If you are accessing the docker host remotely, replacelocalhostwith the IP or server name of the host.)

Environment variables

Use the following Docker container environment variables (with-e var=value) to set PMM Server parameters.

DISABLE_UPDATES Disable automatic updates.
DISABLE_TELEMETRY Disable built-in telemetry and disable STT if telemetry is disabled.
METRICS_RESOLUTION High metrics resolution in seconds.
METRICS_RESOLUTION_HR High metrics resolution (same as above).
METRICS_RESOLUTION_MR Medium metrics resolution in seconds.
METRICS_RESOLUTION_LR Low metrics resolution in seconds.
DATA_RETENTION How many days to keep time-series data in ClickHouse.
ENABLE_VM_CACHE Enable cache in VM.
ENABLE_ALERTING Enable integrated alerting.
ENABLE_AZUREDISCOVER Enable support for discovery of Azure databases.
ENABLE_BACKUP_MANAGEMENT Enable integrated backup tools.
PERCONA_TEST_SAAS_HOST SaaS server hostname.
PERCONA_TEST_DBAAS Enable testing DBaaS features. (Will be deprecated in future versions.)
ENABLE_DBAAS Enable DBaaS features.
PMM_DEBUG Enables a more verbose log level.
PMM_TRACE Enables a more verbose log level including trace-back information.

Ignored variables

These variables will be ignored bypmm-managedwhen starting the server. If any other variable is found, it will be considered invalid and the server won’t start.

_,HOME,HOSTNAME,LANG,PATH,PWD,SHLVL,TERM Default environment variables.
GF_* Grafana’s environment variables.
SUPERVISOR_ supervisordenvironment variables.
PERCONA_TEST_ Unknown variable but won’t prevent the server starting.


  • Disable manual updates via the Home DashboardPMM Upgradepanel by adding-e DISABLE_UPDATES=trueto thedocker runcommand.

  • Eliminate browser certificate warnings by configuring atrusted certificate.

  • Optionally enable an (insecure) HTTP connection by adding--publish 80:80to thedocker runcommand. However note that PMM ClientrequiresTLS to communicate with the server so will only work on the secure port.

Isolated hosts

If the host where you will run PMM Server has no internet connection, you can download the Docker image on a separate (internet-connected) host and securely copy it.

  1. On an internet-connected host, download the Docker image and its checksum file.

    wget https://downloads.percona.com/downloads/pmm2/2.20.0/docker/pmm-server-2.20.0.docker
    wget https://downloads.percona.com/downloads/pmm2/2.20.0/docker/pmm-server-2.20.0.sha256sum
  2. Copy both files to where you will run PMM Server.

  3. Open a terminal on the PMM Server host.

  4. (Optional) Check the Docker image file integrity.

    shasum -ca 256 pmm-server-2.20.0.sha256sum
  5. Load the image.

    docker load -i pmm-server-2.20.0.docker
  6. Create thepmm-datapersistent data container.

    docker create --volume /srv \
    --name pmm-data percona/pmm-server:2.20.0 /bin/true
  7. Run the container.

    docker run \
    --detach \
    --restart always \
    --publish 443:443 \
    --volumes-from pmm-data \
    --name pmm-server \