1. 程式人生 > 其它 >[SAA + SAP] 21. SQS

[SAA + SAP] 21. SQS


  • Max retention days 14 days
  • Max size 256 KB
  • Cross Account Access
  • S3 push notification
  • MaximumReceive API
  • Set threshold
  • Request Queue
  • Response Queues for each request (2 requests, then create 2 response queues)
  • SQS Temporary Queue Client


FIFO Queue

When creating a FIFI queue, Queue name should end with `.fifo`

Has GroupID and Deduplication ID

  • Need to create a Custom Metric
  • Queue length: ApproximateNumberOfMessages


  • SQS can be used as a write buffer for DynamoDB
    • Because SQS auto-scale
    • write an application to read from SQS then insert to DynamoDB
    • to prevent PrevisionThroughtExpection error
  • SQS might be processed twice
  • Need to make sure consumer is idempotency
  • For example, two EC2 happens to handle the same SQS message
  • Then need to insert data to DynamoDB
  • this is not idempotent, because two record will be the same
  • Instead, we can upsert
    into DynamoDB based on primary key
  • so that, two operations are still idempotency

idempotency is a Web API design principle defined asthe ability to apply the same operation multiple times without changing the result beyond the first try.

Upsert: An operation that inserts rows into a database table if they do not already exist, or updates them if they do.

  • Lambda read 10 message in batch
  • Using long polling for efficiency
  • DLQ should be set only on SQS side
  • Invoke DLQ is async, because Lambda doesn't need response from DLQ
  • Use Lambda destination
  • 6x the timeout of your Lambda function