1. 程式人生 > 其它 >[SAA + SAP] 22. Kinesis & AWS MQ

[SAA + SAP] 22. Kinesis & AWS MQ


  • Shared 2 MB/sec, all shards shared 2MB/s
  • Enhanced: Per shard 2MB/sec
  • Max retiention 365 days
  • Can replay data
  • same partition goes to same shard
  • Serverless
  • Near real time
  • Each record 1MB max
  • S3 backup
  • Destionations: S3, Redshift, ElasticSearch
  • Stream can be replayed
  • Stream is realtime
  • Firehose can do transformation using Lambda
  • For SQS, use GroupId in order to group message together
  • Same patition key goes to same shard

Kinesis: max number of consumer = shard number

SISO: 100 GroupID = 100 consumers

  • STOMP, AMQP, MQTT protocols
  • Migrating application to cloud
  • Has Failover
  • Using EFS as storage


  • Kinesis data is automatically replicated synchronously to 3 AZ

  • Order at Shard level
  • You can merge shard / reshard
  • Producers
    • KPL for C++, Java
    • Kinesis Agent: can write to Data Stream and Kinesis Data Firehose
  • Consumers
    • KCL: Checkpoint, coordinated reads write to DynamoDB
  • You can put Source Records into S3
  • You can put transformation failures job into S3
  • You can put Delivery Failures job into S3
  • FIrehose is near real time because it has buffer
  • Max size for buffer is 32 MB, once reach that will flush buffer
  • Max time is 1 min
  • Buffer sizse can be automaticlly increase to increase throughput
  • If you need real-time flush, use Data streams with Lambda