1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字閱片-醫學影像-學習開篇


The OHIF Vieweris a zero-footprint medical image viewer provided by theOpen Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF). It is a configurable and extensible progressive web application with out-of-the-box support for image archives which supportDICOMweb.




TheOpen Health Imaging Foundation(OHIF) Viewer is an open source, web-based, medical imaging viewer. It can be configured to connect to Image Archives that supportDicomWeb, and offers support for mapping to proprietary API formats. OHIF maintained extensions add support for viewing, annotating, and reporting on DICOM images in 2D (slices) and 3D (volumes).

TheOHIF Viewer: A general purpose DICOM Viewer (Live Demo)

The Open Health Imaging Foundation intends to provide a simple general purpose DICOM Viewer which can be easily extended for specific uses. If you find yourself unable to extend the viewer for your purposes, please reach out via ourGitHub issues

. We are actively seeking feedback on ways to improve our integration and extension points.

Where to next?

Check out these helpful links:

Getting Started


Fork & Clone

If you intend to contribute back changes, or if you would like to pull updates we make to the OHIF Viewer, then follow these steps:

  • ForktheOHIF/Viewersrepository
  • Create a local cloneof your fork
    • git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/Viewers
  • Add OHIF/Viewers as aremote repositorylabledupstream
    • Navigate to the cloned project's directory
    • git remote add upstream https://github.com/OHIF/Viewers.git

With this setup, you can nowsync your forkto keep it up-to-date with the upstream (original) repository. This is called a "Triangular Workflow" and is common for Open Source projects. The GitHub blog has agood graphic that illustrates this setup.


Alternatively, if you intend to use the OHIF Viewer as a starting point, and you aren't as concerned with syncing updates, then follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to theOHIF/Viewersrepository
  2. ClickClone or download, and thenDownload ZIP
  3. Use the contents of the.zipfile as a starting point for your viewer

NOTE: It is still possible to sync changes using this approach. However, submitting pull requests for fixes and features are best done with the separate, forked repository setup described in "Fork & Clone"



  • Node.js & NPM
  • Yarn
  • Yarn workspaces should be enabled:
    • yarn config set workspaces-experimental true

Kick the tires

Navigate to the root of the project's directory in your terminal and run the following commands:

# Restore dependencies
yarn install

# Start local development server
yarn run dev

You should see the following output:

@ohif/viewer: i 「wds」: Project is running at http://localhost:3000/
@ohif/viewer: i 「wds」: webpack output is served from /
@ohif/viewer: i 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from D:\code\ohif\Viewers\platform\viewer
@ohif/viewer: i 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /index.html

# And a list of all generated files



The OHIF Vieweris a zero-footprint medical image viewer provided by theOpen Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF). It is a configurable and extensible progressive web application with out-of-the-box suppor

[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-使用 PropTypes 進行型別檢查

[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-使用 PropTypes 進行型別檢查 注意: 自 React v15.5 起,React.PropTypes已移入另一個包中。請使用prop-types庫代替。

[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-cornerstone-core-Cornerstone.js-Cornerstone Examples-基石例項-下

[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-cornerstone-core-Cornerstone.js-Cornerstone Examples-基石例項-下


ViewportDownloadForm.js 原始碼還是得一行一行閱讀,好多自定義的函式,得找到相應的用法


[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-數字膠片直接下載,不再彈窗進行設定 直接下載解決方案

[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-Lodash 是一個一致性、模組化、高效能的 JavaScript 實用工具庫。_.throttle(func, [wait=0], [options={}])例項解析防抖動(Debouncing)和節流閥(Throttling)

[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-Lodash 是一個一致性、模組化、高效能的 JavaScript 實用工具庫。_.throttle(func, [wait=0], [options={}])例項解析防抖動(Debouncing)和節流閥(Throttling)



[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-Module: Panel-自定義面板-上

[OHIF-Viewers]醫療數字-醫學影像-Module: Panel-自定義面板-上 https://docs.ohif.org/extensions/modules/panel.html





華為 12 月 3 日將釋出“寶”智慧醫療影像系統:自動將 2D 影像轉化為 3D

11 月 30 日訊息,華為中國今天預告,將於 12 月 3 日 15:30 釋出“閱片寶”智慧醫療影像系統。據官方介紹,“閱片寶”系統自動將二維黑白影像轉化為三維模型,還能模擬手術刀操作,為術前規劃帶來極大便利。同時,

華為官方詳解“寶”智慧醫療影像系統:2D 轉向 3D 重建,支援智慧大屏互動

12 月 8 日訊息,近日,華為與維卓致遠聯合舉辦了主題為“醫療影像・觸手可及”的產品釋出會,並推出全新的“閱片寶”智慧醫療影像系統。閱片寶不僅可結合三維智慧影像技術實現直觀、精準定位病灶等功能,還能幫助醫










先看效果: 再看結構,Viewer(影像控制元件)分為N個Cell(單元格),每個單元格分為N個Box(影像容器),


1.傳輸協議 當我們PACS客戶端接收到下載命令時需要根據dcm檔案的url來下載,這裡推薦使用http協議,支援大檔案的斷點續傳。




概念解釋(網路資料): 窗寬: 窗寬指CT影象所顯示的CT 值範圍。在此CT值範圍內的組織結構按其密度高低從白到黑分為16 個灰階以供觀察對比。例如,窗寬選定為100 Hu ,則人眼可分辨的CT值為100 / 16 =6 . 25 Hu ,即