1. 程式人生 > 其它 >std::string的一些常用操作封裝



  • @Author: vikey
  • @Date: 2021-09-15 11:46:34
  • @LastEditTime: 2021-09-17 12:37:23
  • @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
  • @Description: In User Settings Edit
  • @FilePath:
  • /pita_factory_test_core/include/pita/factory_test_core/utils/StringUtil.h





namespace pita {
namespace factory_test_core {

// static class std::string的一些常用操作封裝
class StringUtil
* @description: url編碼
* @param value:待編碼字串
* @return 函式返回:編碼結果
static std::string url_encode(const std::string& value);
* @description: url解碼
* @param value:待解碼字串
* @return 函式返回:解碼結果
static std::string url_decode(const std::string& value);

* @description: 字串value是否以match開頭
* @param value:原始字串 match:匹配字串
* @return true 是;false 否
static bool starts_with(const std::string& value, const std::string& match);
* @description: 字串value是否以match結尾
* @param value:原始字串 match:匹配字串
* @return true 是;false 否
static bool ends_With(const std::string& value, const std::string& match);
* @description: 字串value是否包含match
* @param value:原始字串 match:匹配字串
* @return true 是;false 否
static bool contains(const std::string& value, const std::string& match);
* @description: 字串轉大寫
* @param value:待轉換字串
* @return 轉換後的全大寫字串
std::string str_toupper(std::string value);
* @description: 字串轉小寫
* @param value:待轉換的字串
* @return 轉換後的全小寫字串
std::string str_tolower(std::string value);
* @description: 字串src頭和尾剔除chars
* @param src:原始字串 chars:剔除字串
* @return 字串src頭和尾剔除chars的結果
static std::string& strip(std::string& src, const std::string& chars = " ");
* @description: 字串分割
* @param src:待分割字串 tokens:分割結果 delimiters:分隔符
* @return void
static void split(const std::string& src, std::vectorstd::string& tokens,
const std::string& delimiters = " ");

} // namespace pita
} // namespace factory_test_core



``#include "pita/factory_test_core/utils/StringUtil.h"

include <ctype.h>


namespace pita {
namespace factory_test_core {

// 字元"0"-"9","A"-"Z","a"-"z","-","_",".","~"都不會被編碼;
// 將空格轉換為加號 (+) ;
// 將非文字內容轉換成"%xy"的形式,xy是兩位16進位制的數值;
std::string StringUtil::url_encode(const std::string& value)
static auto hex_chars = "0123456789ABCDEF";

std::string result;
// Minimum size of result

for (auto& chr : value)
    // 可用 isalnum((unsigned char)chr) 替代 檢查所傳的字元是否是字母和數字
    if ((chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') || (chr >= 'A' && chr <= 'Z') ||
        (chr >= 'a' && chr <= 'z') || chr == '-' || chr == '.' ||
        chr == '_' || chr == '~')
        result += chr;
    else if (chr == ' ')
        result += '+';
        result += '%';
        result += hex_chars[static_cast<unsigned char>(chr) >> 4];
        result += hex_chars[static_cast<unsigned char>(chr) & 15];

return result;


std::string StringUtil::url_decode(const std::string& value)
std::string result;
// Minimum size of result
result.reserve(value.size() / 3 + (value.size() % 3));

for (std::size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
    auto& chr = value[i];
    if (chr == '%' && i + 2 < value.size())
        auto hex = value.substr(i + 1, 2);
        // 把引數 str 所指向的字串根據給定的 base 轉換為一個長整數
        // 型別為 long int 型
        auto decoded_chr =
            static_cast<char>(std::strtol(hex.c_str(), nullptr, 16));
        result += decoded_chr;
        i += 2;
    else if (chr == '+')
        result += ' ';
        result += chr;

return result;


bool StringUtil::starts_with(const std::string& value, const std::string& match)
return ((match.size() <= value.size()) &&
std::equal(match.begin(), match.end(), value.begin()));

bool StringUtil::ends_With(const std::string& value, const std::string& match)
return ((match.size() <= value.size()) &&
value.compare(value.size() - match.size(), match.size(), match) ==

bool StringUtil::contains(const std::string& value, const std::string& match)
return (std::string::npos != value.find(match));

std::string StringUtil::str_toupper(std::string value)
value.begin(), value.end(), value.begin(),
[](unsigned char ch) -> unsigned char { return std::toupper(ch); });
return value;

std::string StringUtil::str_tolower(std::string value)
value.begin(), value.end(), value.begin(),
[](unsigned char ch) -> unsigned char { return std::tolower(ch); });
return value;

std::string& StringUtil::strip(std::string& src, const std::string& chars)
src.erase(0, src.find_first_not_of(chars.c_str()));
src.erase(src.find_last_not_of(chars.c_str()) + 1);
return src;

void StringUtil::split(const std::string& src, std::vectorstd::string& tokens,
const std::string& delimiters)
std::string::size_type lastPos = src.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
std::string::size_type pos = src.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
while (std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != lastPos)
tokens.emplace_back(src.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
lastPos = src.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
pos = src.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);

} // namespace pita
} // namespace factory_test_core
