1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Solution -「WF2011」「BZOJ #3963」MachineWorks

Solution -「WF2011」「BZOJ #3963」MachineWorks



  給定你初始擁有的錢數 \(C\) 以及 \(N\) 臺機器的屬性,第 \(i\) 臺有屬性 \((d_i,p_i,r_i,g_i)\),分別是出售時間、售價、轉賣價、單日工作收益。機器在買入或轉賣當天不提供收益,且你同一時刻最多擁有一臺機器,在 \((D+1)\) 天時必須轉賣擁有的機器。求第 \((D+1)\) 天你擁有的最大錢數。\(n\le10^5\)


  比較自然的想法時依時間順序 DP,所以先將機器按時間排序。令 \(f(i)\) 表示在 \(d_i\) 時刻,賣掉手裡的機器後擁有的最大錢數,新增一臺虛擬機器器 \((D+1,0,0,0)\)


\[f(i)=\max_{f(j)\ge p_j}\{f(j)-p_j+r_j+g_j(d_i-d_j-1)\}. \]

注意同一天多次買賣機器顯然不優,所以 \(g_j\) 的係數不需要對 \(0\)\(\max\)。這個一看就是斜優的樣子,研究 \(f(u),f(v)\)\(i\) 的轉移:

\[\begin{aligned} &f(u)-p_u+r_u+g_u(d_i-d_u-1)>f(v)-p_v+r_v+g_v(d_i-d_v-1) \\ \Longleftrightarrow~~~~&[f(u)-p_u+r_u-g_u(d_u+1)]-[f(v)-p_v-r_v-g_v(d_v+1)]>(g_v-g_u)d_i \\ \Longleftrightarrow~~~~&\frac{h(u)-h(v)}{g_u-g_v}<-d_i~~~~(g_u<g_v). \end{aligned} \]

  很遺憾我們需要 \(g_u<g_v\)

控制符號,所以無法保證此時斜率 \(-d_i\) 的單調性,所以得寫一發 CDQ 或者李超樹。複雜度都是 \(\mathcal O(n\log n)\)



#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define rep(i, l, r) for (int i = l, rep##i = r; i <= rep##i; ++i)
#define per(i, r, l) for (int i = r, per##i = l; i >= per##i; --i)

typedef long long LL;
typedef long double LD;

inline void chkmax(LL& u, const LL v) { u < v && (u = v); }

const int MAXN = 1e5;
int N, C, D;
LL f[MAXN + 5], g[MAXN + 5];
struct Machine { int day, buy, sel, pro; } mch[MAXN + 5];

inline LD slope(const int u, const int v) {
    return LD(g[u] - g[v]) / (mch[u].pro - mch[v].pro);

inline std::vector<int> solve(const int l, const int r) {
    if (l == r) {
        chkmax(f[l], C);
        g[l] = f[l] - mch[l].buy + mch[l].sel
          - mch[l].pro * (mch[l].day + 1ll);
        // printf("f(%d)=%lld\n", l, f[l]);
        return f[l] >= mch[l].buy ? std::vector<int>{ l } : std::vector<int>{};

    int mid = l + r >> 1;
    auto&& cvxL(solve(l, mid));
    for (int i = 0, j = mid + 1; j <= r; ++j) {
        while (i + 1 < int(cvxL.size())
          && slope(cvxL[i], cvxL[i + 1]) >= -mch[j].day) ++i;
        if (i < int(cvxL.size())) { // maybe cvxL is empty.
            int p = cvxL[i];
            chkmax(f[j], f[p] - mch[p].buy + mch[p].sel
              + mch[p].pro * (mch[j].day - mch[p].day - 1ll));
    auto&& cvxR(solve(mid + 1, r));

    std::vector<int> ret;
    auto push = [&](const int u) { // maintain the up-convex.
        while (ret.size() > 1 && slope(ret[ret.size() - 2], ret.back())
          <= slope(ret.back(), u)) ret.pop_back();

    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < cvxL.size() || j < cvxR.size();) {
        if (i < cvxL.size() && j < cvxR.size()
          && mch[cvxL[i]].pro == mch[cvxR[j]].pro) {
            ++(g[cvxL[i]] < g[cvxR[j]] ? i : j); // pass the smaller one.
        } else if (j == cvxR.size()
          || (i < cvxL.size() && mch[cvxL[i]].pro < mch[cvxR[j]].pro)) {
        } else {
    return ret;

int main() {
    std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false), std::cin.tie(0), std::cout.tie(0);

    while (std::cin >> N >> C >> D && N | C | D) {
        rep (i, 1, N) {
            std::cin >> mch[i].day >> mch[i].buy >> mch[i].sel >> mch[i].pro;
        std::sort(mch + 1, mch + N + 1,
          [](const Machine& u, const Machine& v) { return u.day < v.day; });
        mch[++N] = { D + 1, 0, 0, 0 };
        rep (i, 1, N) f[i] = g[i] = 0;

        solve(1, N);
        static int cas = 0;
        std::cout << "Case " << ++cas << ": " << f[N] << '\n';

    return 0;