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A Child's History of England.58

The Black Band never blushed, or they might have blushed at this. They knocked the Smith about from one to another, and swore at him, and tied the Earl on horseback, undressed as he was, and carried him off to the Tower of London. The Bishops, however, were so indignant at the violation of the Sanctuary of the Church, that the frightened King soon ordered the Black Band to take him back again; at the same time commanding the Sheriff of Essex to prevent his escaping out of Brentwood Church. Well! the Sheriff dug a deep trench all round the church, and erected a high fence, and watched the church night and day; the Black Band and their Captain watched it too, like three hundred and one black wolves. For thirty-nine days, Hubert de Burgh remained within. At length, upon the fortieth day, cold and hunger were too much for him, and he gave himself up to the Black Band, who carried him off, for the second time, to the Tower. When his trial came on, he refused to plead; but at last it was arranged that he should give up all the royal lands which had been bestowed [賜予] upon him, and should be kept at the Castle of Devizes, in what was called 'free prison,' in charge of four knights appointed by four lords. There, he remained almost a year, until, learning that a follower of his old enemy the Bishop was made Keeper of the Castle, and fearing that he might be killed by treachery, he climbed the ramparts [防禦土牆] one dark night, dropped from the top of the high Castle wall into the moat [護城河], and coming safely to the ground, took refuge in another church. From this place he was delivered by a party of horse despatched [dispatch] to his help by some nobles, who were by this time in revolt against the King, and assembled in Wales. He was finally pardoned and restored to his estates, but he lived privately, and never more aspired to a high post in the realm, or to a high place in the King's favour. And thus end - more happily than the stories of many favourites of Kings - the adventures of Earl Hubert de Burgh.

賜與還是賜予?zdic.net說賜與(賜與)和賜予都對。《韓非子·外儲說右下》: ...謂宋君曰:「慶賞賜與,展之所喜也..」謂宋君曰:「慶賞賜予者,民之所好也...」《周禮·天官·大府》:「幣餘之賦,以待賜予。」

The nobles, who had risen in revolt, were stirred up to rebellion by the overbearing conduct [專橫的行為] of the Bishop of Winchester, who, finding that the King secretly hated the Great Charter which had been forced from his father, did his utmost to confirm him in that dislike, and in the preference he showed to foreigners over the English. Of this, and of his even publicly declaring that the Barons of England were inferior to those of France, the English Lords complained with such bitterness, that the King, finding them well supported by the clergy, became frightened for his throne, and sent away the Bishop and all his foreign associates. On his marriage, however, with Eleanor, a French lady, the daughter of the Count of Provence, he openly favoured the foreigners again; and so many of his wife's relations came over, and made such an immense family-party at court, and got so many good things, and pocketed so much money, and were so high [arrogant; haughty] with the English whose money they pocketed, that the bolder English Barons murmured openly about a clause there was in the Great Charter, which provided for the banishment of unreasonable favourites. But, the foreigners only laughed disdainfully [showing no respect], and said, 'What are your English laws to us?'

King Philip of France had died, and had been succeeded by Prince Louis, who had also died after a short reign of three years, and had been succeeded by his son of the same name - so moderate and just a man that he was not the least in the world like [一丁點都不像] a King, as Kings went. Isabella, King Henry's mother, wished very much (for a certain spite she had) that England should make war against this King; and, as King Henry was a mere puppet in anybody's hands who knew how to manage his feebleness, she easily carried her point with him. But, the Parliament were determined to give him no money for such a war. So, to defy the Parliament, he packed up thirty large casks [桶] of silver - I don't know how he got so much; I dare say he screwed it out of the miserable Jews - and put them aboard ship, and went away himself to carry war into France: accompanied by his mother and his brother Richard, Earl of Cornwall, who was rich and clever. But he only got well beaten, and came home.

The good-humour of the Parliament was not restored by this. They reproached [責備] the King with wasting the public money to make greedy foreigners rich, and were so stern with him, and so determined not to let him have more of it to waste if they could help it, that he was at his wit's end for some, and tried so shamelessly to get all he could from his subjects, by excuses or by force, that the people used to say the King was the sturdiest beggar in England. He took the Cross, thinking to get some money by that means; but, as it was very well known that he never meant to go on a crusade, he got none. In all this contention [爭奪], the Londoners were particularly keen against the King, and the King hated them warmly in return. Hating or loving, however, made no difference; he continued in the same condition for nine or ten years, when at last the Barons said that if he would solemnly confirm their liberties afresh, the Parliament would vote him a large sum.

be at sb's wits' end: 絞盡腦汁, be very upset and not know what to do, because of having tried everything possible to solve a problem

As he readily consented, there was a great meeting held in Westminster Hall, one pleasant day in May, when all the clergy, dressed in their robes and holding every one of them a burning candle in his hand, stood up (the Barons being also there) while the Archbishop of Canterbury read the sentence of excommunication against any man, and all men, who should henceforth, in any way, infringe [侵害] the Great Charter of the Kingdom. When he had done, they all put out their burning candles with a curse upon the soul of any one, and every one, who should merit [deserve] that sentence. The King concluded with an oath to keep the Charter, 'As I am a man, as I am a Christian, as I am a Knight, as I am a King!'

劉海: 垂在額頭上的短髮。也作「留海」。fringe: 劉海. fringe: thread. infringe: break. 有「把留海剪一剪」的說法。

劉海一詞的由來: 有位唐代仙童名叫劉海,他的前額總是覆蓋著一列整齊的短髮,模樣童稚可愛。https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/51735211.html

六級/考研單詞: blush, bishop, indignant, violate, sanctuary, fright, dig, shallow, trench, erect, wolf, hunger, plead, jail, knight, refuge, dispatch, noble, revolt, assemble, aspire, realm, thereby, adventure, uprising, conduct, charter, utmost, dislike, inferior, clergy, throne, immense, bold, murmur, rational, princess, reign, moderate, mere, feeble, parliament, defy, parcel, silver, dare, screw, wretched, aboard, reproach, greed, stern, wit, shame, sturdy, beg, contend, keen, differentiate, solemn, liberty, upset, consent, henceforth, infringe, curse, merit