1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >今日長難句7.14



Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system accessed by billions of people every day.(Part B. 2012. 英一)

1. 詞彙講解

單詞 解釋
millennium n.千禧年
embed v.使嵌入
worldwide adj. 全世界的 adv. 在世界各地
access v. 到達,進入,使用 n. 通道;(使用或見到的)權利
billions n. 數十億(billion的複數);無數;十億位

2. 句子成分

Not only		連詞

did 		助動詞

they 		主語

develop 	謂語

such a device	 賓語

but		連詞

by the turn of the millennium 		時間狀語

they		主語

had also managed 		謂語

to embed 		不定式作賓語

it in a worldwide system 		狀語

accessed by billions of people every day		後置定語

3. 句中語法

Not only did they develop such a device 

這句中有not only引導的倒裝結構,需將謂語助動詞did提前。


4. 翻譯講解

Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system accessed by billions of people every day.(Part B. 2012. 英一)

by the turn of = 在……之交;
by the turn of the millennium=在世紀之交
manage to do sth. 設法做成
access 直譯為進入,這裡指的是進入某個系統,所以譯為“訪問”更好。



At the conference Michael Kumhof, an economist at the International Monetary Fund, presented the findings of a forthcoming working paper which showed that adding the concept to energy production greatly improved the ability of a model to forecast oil prices.——Newsweek


單詞 意思
conference n. 會議;討論;協商;聯盟;(正式)討論會;[工會、工黨用語](每年的)大會 vi. 舉行或參加(系列)會議
International Monetary Fund 國際貨幣組織IMF
present adj. 現在的;出席的;v. 頒發;贈送;提出;n. 禮物;現在,目前;
forthcoming adj. 即將來臨的 n. 來臨
concept n. 觀念,概念
forecast n. (天氣、財經等的)預測,預報;預想 v. 預報,預測;預示;預言;進行預報,作預測



同位語緊接在人名Michael Kumhof後面,說明其身份,an economist at the International Monetary Fund(國際貨幣基金組織的經濟學家)。

International Monetary Fund(國際貨幣基金組織)一般簡稱為IMF. 

主語從句由which引導,which showed(它顯示了),後又接以that引導的賓語從句,that adding the concept to energy production greatly improved the ability of a model to forecast oil prices(在能源生產裡融入這個概念將會大大提高一個油價預測模型的預測準確度)。

3. 翻譯講解

At the conference Michael Kumhof, an economist at the International Monetary Fund, presented the findings of a forthcoming working paper which showed that adding the concept to energy production greatly improved the ability of a model to forecast oil prices——Newsweek

參考譯文:在會議上,國際貨幣基金組織的一位經濟學家Michael Kumhof展示了一份即將發表的工作論文中的調查結果。這些結果表明,在能源生產(的模型)裡融入這個概念將會大大提高油價預測模型的預測準確度。