1. 程式人生 > 其它 >unity 讀取.csv檔案

unity 讀取.csv檔案

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;

public class CSVTool:MonoBehaviour {
    private static char _csvSeparator = ',';
    private static bool _trimColumns = false;
    public static string GetCSVFormat(string
str) { string tempStr = str; if (str.Contains(",")) { if (str.Contains("\"")) { tempStr = str.Replace("\"", "\"\""); } tempStr = "\"" + tempStr + "\""; } return tempStr; } //獲取一行的寫入格式 public static string GetCSVFormatLine(List<string
> strList) { string tempStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strList.Count - 1; i++) { string str = strList[i]; tempStr = tempStr + GetCSVFormat(str) + ","; } tempStr = tempStr + GetCSVFormat(strList[strList.Count - 1]) + "\r\n"; return tempStr; }
//解析一行 public static List<string> ParseLine(string line) { StringBuilder _columnBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List<string> Fields = new List<string>(); bool inColum = false;//是否是在一個列元素裡 bool inQuotes = false;//是否需要轉義 bool isNotEnd = false;//讀取完畢未結束轉義 _columnBuilder.Remove(0, _columnBuilder.Length); //空行也是一個空元素,一個逗號是2個空元素 if (line == "") { Fields.Add(""); } // Iterate through every character in the line 遍歷行中的每個字元 for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++) { char character = line[i]; //If we are not currently inside a column 如果我們現在不在一列中 if (!inColum) { // If the current character is a double quote then the column value is contained within //如果當前字元是雙引號,則列值包含在內 // double quotes, otherwise append the next character //雙引號,否則追加下一個字元 inColum = true; if (character == '"') { inQuotes = true; continue; } } // If we are in between double quotes 如果我們處在雙引號之間 if (inQuotes) { if ((i + 1) == line.Length)//這個字元已經結束了整行 { if (character == '"')//正常轉義結束,且該行已經結束 { inQuotes = false; continue; } else//異常結束,轉義未收尾 { isNotEnd = true; } } else if (character == '"' && line[i + 1] == _csvSeparator)//結束轉義,且後面有可能還有資料 { inQuotes = false; inColum = false; i++;//跳過下一個字元 } else if (character == '"' && line[i + 1] == '"')//雙引號轉義 { i++;//跳過下一個字元 } else if (character == '"')//雙引號單獨出現(這種情況實際上已經是格式錯誤,為了相容暫時不處理) { throw new System.Exception("格式錯誤,錯誤的雙引號轉義"); } //其他情況直接跳出,後面正常新增 } else if (character == _csvSeparator) { inColum = false; } // If we are no longer in the column clear the builder and add the columns to the list ////結束該元素時inColumn置為false,並且不處理當前字元,直接進行Add if (!inColum) { Fields.Add(_trimColumns ? _columnBuilder.ToString().Trim() : _columnBuilder.ToString()); _columnBuilder.Remove(0, _columnBuilder.Length); } else//追加當前列 { _columnBuilder.Append(character); } } // If we are still inside a column add a new one (標準格式一行結尾不需要逗號結尾,而上面for是遇到逗號才新增的,為了相容最後還要新增一次) if (inColum) { if (isNotEnd) { _columnBuilder.Append("\r\n"); } Fields.Add(_trimColumns ? _columnBuilder.ToString().Trim() : _columnBuilder.ToString()); } else //如果inColumn為false,說明已經新增,因為最後一個字元為分隔符,所以後面要加上一個空元素 { Fields.Add(""); } return Fields; } //讀取檔案 public static List<List<string>> Read(string filePath, Encoding encoding) { List<List<string>> result = new List<List<string>>(); string content = File.ReadAllText(filePath, encoding); string[] lines = content.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { List<string> line = ParseLine(lines[i]); result.Add(line); } return result; } //寫入檔案 public static void Write(string filePath, Encoding encoding, List<List<string>> result) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++) { List<string> line = result[i]; builder.Append(GetCSVFormatLine(line)); } File.WriteAllText(filePath, builder.ToString(), encoding); } //列印 public static void Debug(List<List<string>> result) { for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++) { List<string> line = result[i]; for (int j = 0; j < line.Count; j++) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(line[j]); } } } }
   List<List<string>> lists;
    public List<Button> listBtn = new List<Button>();

    void Start() {

     lists = CSVTool.Read(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Info.csv", Encoding.Default);
        //      行       列

        // Debug.Log(lists[0][1]);


