1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Jmeter(四十) - 從入門到精通進階篇 - Jmeter配置檔案的刨根問底 - 中篇(詳解教程) Jmeter(四十) - 從入門到精通進階篇 - Jmeter配置檔案的刨根問底 - 中篇(詳解教程)

Jmeter(四十) - 從入門到精通進階篇 - Jmeter配置檔案的刨根問底 - 中篇(詳解教程) Jmeter(四十) - 從入門到精通進階篇 - Jmeter配置檔案的刨根問底 - 中篇(詳解教程)


轉載自:北京-巨集哥 https://www.cnblogs.com/du-hong/p/13667219.html 


Jmeter(四十) - 從入門到精通進階篇 - Jmeter配置檔案的刨根問底 - 中篇(詳解教程)





在%JMETER_HOME%\bin(or $JMETER_HOME/bin)目錄下搜尋框中輸入:properties 會發現存在多個配置檔案,如下圖所示:







# Sample user.properties file
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
## limitations under the License.


# 示例user.properties檔案
## Apache軟體基金會(ASF)下一個或多個許可
## 貢獻者許可協議。請參閱
## 此作品用於獲取關於版權所有權的附加資訊。
## ASF根據Apache 2.0 版本許可證協議將此檔案授權給您。
## (“許可證”);除非符合以下條件,否則不能使用此檔案
## 許可證。您可以在
## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
## 除非適用法律要求或書面同意,軟體
## 根據在“AS IS”BASIS上分發的許可證基礎上釋出的,
## 無任何明示或暗示的保證或條件。
## 有關管理許可權的特定語言,請參閱許可證
## 《許可證》規定的限制。




# Classpath configuration
# List of paths (separated by ;) to search for additional JMeter plugin classes,
# for example new GUI elements and samplers.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib/ext directory.
# Do not use this for utility or plugin dependency jars.


# 類路徑配置
# 用於搜尋其他JMeter外掛類的路徑列表(由;分隔),
# 例如,新的GUI元素和取樣器。
# 路徑項可以是jar檔案或目錄。
# 這樣的目錄中的任何jar檔案都將自動包含,
# 忽略子目錄中的jar檔案。
# 給定值是在lib/ext目錄中找到的任何jar之外的值。
# 不要將此用於實用程式或外掛依賴項jar。



# List of paths that JMeter will search for utility and plugin dependency classes.
# Use your platform path separator (java.io.File.pathSeparatorChar in Java) to separate multiple paths.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory.
# All entries will be added to the class path of the system class loader
# and also to the path of the JMeter internal loader.
# Paths with spaces may cause problems for the JVM
#Example for windows (; separator)
#Example for linux (:separator)


# JMeter將搜尋實用程式和外掛依賴類的路徑列表。
# 使用您的平臺路徑分隔符(Java中的java. Io.Fiel.PosialStutoRealar)來分離多條路徑。
# 路徑項可以是jar檔案或目錄。
# 這樣的目錄中的任何jar檔案都將自動包含,
# 忽略子目錄中的jar檔案。
# 給定的值是在lib目錄中找到的任何jar之外的值。
# 所有條目都將新增到系統類載入器的類路徑
# 以及JMeter內部載入程式的路徑。
# 帶有空間的路徑可能導致JVM的問題
#示例 Windows(分離器)
#示例 linux (分離器)



# List of paths (separated by ;) that JMeter will search for utility
# and plugin dependency classes.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory
# or given by the user.classpath property.
# All entries will be added to the path of the JMeter internal loader only.
# For plugin dependencies using plugin_dependency_paths should be preferred over
# user.classpath.


# JMeter將搜尋實用程式的路徑列表(由;分隔)
# 以及外掛依賴類。
# 路徑項可以是jar檔案或目錄。
# 這樣的目錄中的任何jar檔案都將自動包含,
# 忽略子目錄中的jar檔案。
# 給定值是在lib目錄中找到的任何jar之外的值
# 或者由user.classpath屬性給出。
# 所有條目將僅新增到JMeter內部載入程式的路徑。
# 對於外掛依賴關係,應該優先使用 plugin_dependency_paths
# user.classpath.




# Reporting configuration


# 報告配置



# Configure this property to change the report title
#jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title=Apache JMeter Dashboard


# 配置此屬性以更改報表標題
#jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title=Apache JMeter Dashboard



# Used to generate a report based on a date range if needed
# Default date format (from SimpleDateFormat Java API and Locale.ENGLISH)
# Date range start date using date_format property
# Date range end date using date_format property


# 如果需要,可用於根據日期範圍生成報告
# 預設日期格式 (來自 Java API 和 Locale.ENGLISH 的日期格式)
# 日期範圍開始日期使用 date_format 屬性
# 日期範圍結束日期使用 date_format 屬性



# Change this parameter if you want to change the granularity of over time graphs.


# 如果希望更改隨時間變化的圖的粒度,請更改此引數。



# Change this parameter if you want to change the granularity of Response time distribution
# Set to 100 ms by default


# 如果希望更改響應時間分佈的粒度,請更改此引數
# 預設設定為100ms



# Change this parameter if you want to keep only some samples.
# Regular Expression which Indicates which samples to keep for graphs and statistics generation.
# Empty value means no filtering


# 如果僅希望保留一些示例,請更改此引數。
# 正則表示式,它指示為圖形和統計生成保留哪些樣本。
# 空值意味著沒有過濾



# Change this parameter if you want to override the APDEX satisfaction threshold.


# 如果要修改APDEX滿意度閾值,請更改此引數。



# Change this parameter if you want to override the APDEX tolerance threshold.


# 如果要修改APDEX容忍閾值,請更改此引數。

(九)第13段—— 指示篩選的圖形系列(正則表示式)


# Indicates which graph series are filtered (regular expression)
# In the below example we filter on Search and Order samples
# Note that the end of the pattern should always include (-success|-failure)?$
# TransactionsPerSecondGraphConsumer suffixes transactions with "-success" or "-failure" depending 
# on the result


# 指示篩選的圖形系列(正則表示式)
# 在下面的示例中,在下面的示例中,我們對搜尋和訂單樣本進行過濾(您只能修改搜尋|訂單欄位值,保留其餘部分,以便在您不想要所有內容時僅保留報表中所需的事務)。
# 注意,模式的結尾應該始終包括 (-success|-failure)?$
# Transactions每秒字尾使用“-success”或“-failure”的事務,取決於
# 結果的



# Indicates whether only controller samples are displayed on graphs that support it.


# 指示是否僅在支援該控制器的圖形上顯示控制器示例。



# This property is used by menu item "Export transactions for report"
# It is used to select which transactions by default will be exported


# 此屬性用於選單項“匯出事務報告”
# 它用於選擇預設情況下將匯出哪些事務



## Custom graph definition
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.title=Graph Title
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.set_Y_Axis=Response Time (ms)
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.set_X_Axis=Over Time
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.setContentMessage=Message for graph point label


## 自定義圖形定義
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.title=Graph Title
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.set_Y_Axis=Response Time (ms)
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.set_X_Axis=Over Time
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.setContentMessage=Message for graph point label




################## DISTRIBUTED TESTING CONFIGURATION ##################
# Type of keystore : JKS
# Keystore file that contains private key
# Password of Keystore
# Key alias
# Type of truststore : JKS
# Keystore file that contains certificate
# Password of Trust store
# Set this if you don't want to use SSL for RMI


################## 分散式測試配置 ##################
# 金鑰庫型別:JKS
# 包含私鑰的金鑰檔案
# 鍵盤密碼
# 金鑰別名
# 信任庫型別:JKS
# 包含證書的金鑰檔案
# 信任儲存區密碼
# 如果不想為RMI使用SSL,請設定此設定


 上一篇中我們講解修改jmeter.properties檔案官方建議:將需要修改的屬性值,複製貼上到同目錄下的 user.properties,為什麼本來在jmeter.properties修改的屬性值,複製到user.properties檔案中仍然可以起作用了,原因如下圖所示:






在%JMETER_HOME%\bin(or $JMETER_HOME/bin)目錄下搜尋框中輸入:properties 會發現存在多個配置檔案,如下圖所示:







# Sample user.properties file
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
## limitations under the License.


# 示例user.properties檔案
## Apache軟體基金會(ASF)下一個或多個許可
## 貢獻者許可協議。請參閱
## 此作品用於獲取關於版權所有權的附加資訊。
## ASF根據Apache 2.0 版本許可證協議將此檔案授權給您。
## (“許可證”);除非符合以下條件,否則不能使用此檔案
## 許可證。您可以在
## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
## 除非適用法律要求或書面同意,軟體
## 根據在“AS IS”BASIS上分發的許可證基礎上釋出的,
## 無任何明示或暗示的保證或條件。
## 有關管理許可權的特定語言,請參閱許可證
## 《許可證》規定的限制。




# Classpath configuration
# List of paths (separated by ;) to search for additional JMeter plugin classes,
# for example new GUI elements and samplers.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib/ext directory.
# Do not use this for utility or plugin dependency jars.


# 類路徑配置
# 用於搜尋其他JMeter外掛類的路徑列表(由;分隔),
# 例如,新的GUI元素和取樣器。
# 路徑項可以是jar檔案或目錄。
# 這樣的目錄中的任何jar檔案都將自動包含,
# 忽略子目錄中的jar檔案。
# 給定值是在lib/ext目錄中找到的任何jar之外的值。
# 不要將此用於實用程式或外掛依賴項jar。



# List of paths that JMeter will search for utility and plugin dependency classes.
# Use your platform path separator (java.io.File.pathSeparatorChar in Java) to separate multiple paths.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory.
# All entries will be added to the class path of the system class loader
# and also to the path of the JMeter internal loader.
# Paths with spaces may cause problems for the JVM
#Example for windows (; separator)
#Example for linux (:separator)


# JMeter將搜尋實用程式和外掛依賴類的路徑列表。
# 使用您的平臺路徑分隔符(Java中的java. Io.Fiel.PosialStutoRealar)來分離多條路徑。
# 路徑項可以是jar檔案或目錄。
# 這樣的目錄中的任何jar檔案都將自動包含,
# 忽略子目錄中的jar檔案。
# 給定的值是在lib目錄中找到的任何jar之外的值。
# 所有條目都將新增到系統類載入器的類路徑
# 以及JMeter內部載入程式的路徑。
# 帶有空間的路徑可能導致JVM的問題
#示例 Windows(分離器)
#示例 linux (分離器)



# List of paths (separated by ;) that JMeter will search for utility
# and plugin dependency classes.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory
# or given by the user.classpath property.
# All entries will be added to the path of the JMeter internal loader only.
# For plugin dependencies using plugin_dependency_paths should be preferred over
# user.classpath.


# JMeter將搜尋實用程式的路徑列表(由;分隔)
# 以及外掛依賴類。
# 路徑項可以是jar檔案或目錄。
# 這樣的目錄中的任何jar檔案都將自動包含,
# 忽略子目錄中的jar檔案。
# 給定值是在lib目錄中找到的任何jar之外的值
# 或者由user.classpath屬性給出。
# 所有條目將僅新增到JMeter內部載入程式的路徑。
# 對於外掛依賴關係,應該優先使用 plugin_dependency_paths
# user.classpath.




# Reporting configuration


# 報告配置



# Configure this property to change the report title
#jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title=Apache JMeter Dashboard


# 配置此屬性以更改報表標題
#jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title=Apache JMeter Dashboard



# Used to generate a report based on a date range if needed
# Default date format (from SimpleDateFormat Java API and Locale.ENGLISH)
# Date range start date using date_format property
# Date range end date using date_format property


# 如果需要,可用於根據日期範圍生成報告
# 預設日期格式 (來自 Java API 和 Locale.ENGLISH 的日期格式)
# 日期範圍開始日期使用 date_format 屬性
# 日期範圍結束日期使用 date_format 屬性



# Change this parameter if you want to change the granularity of over time graphs.


# 如果希望更改隨時間變化的圖的粒度,請更改此引數。



# Change this parameter if you want to change the granularity of Response time distribution
# Set to 100 ms by default


# 如果希望更改響應時間分佈的粒度,請更改此引數
# 預設設定為100ms



# Change this parameter if you want to keep only some samples.
# Regular Expression which Indicates which samples to keep for graphs and statistics generation.
# Empty value means no filtering


# 如果僅希望保留一些示例,請更改此引數。
# 正則表示式,它指示為圖形和統計生成保留哪些樣本。
# 空值意味著沒有過濾



# Change this parameter if you want to override the APDEX satisfaction threshold.


# 如果要修改APDEX滿意度閾值,請更改此引數。



# Change this parameter if you want to override the APDEX tolerance threshold.


# 如果要修改APDEX容忍閾值,請更改此引數。

(九)第13段—— 指示篩選的圖形系列(正則表示式)


# Indicates which graph series are filtered (regular expression)
# In the below example we filter on Search and Order samples
# Note that the end of the pattern should always include (-success|-failure)?$
# TransactionsPerSecondGraphConsumer suffixes transactions with "-success" or "-failure" depending 
# on the result


# 指示篩選的圖形系列(正則表示式)
# 在下面的示例中,在下面的示例中,我們對搜尋和訂單樣本進行過濾(您只能修改搜尋|訂單欄位值,保留其餘部分,以便在您不想要所有內容時僅保留報表中所需的事務)。
# 注意,模式的結尾應該始終包括 (-success|-failure)?$
# Transactions每秒字尾使用“-success”或“-failure”的事務,取決於
# 結果的



# Indicates whether only controller samples are displayed on graphs that support it.


# 指示是否僅在支援該控制器的圖形上顯示控制器示例。



# This property is used by menu item "Export transactions for report"
# It is used to select which transactions by default will be exported


# 此屬性用於選單項“匯出事務報告”
# 它用於選擇預設情況下將匯出哪些事務



## Custom graph definition
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.title=Graph Title
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.set_Y_Axis=Response Time (ms)
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.set_X_Axis=Over Time
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.setContentMessage=Message for graph point label


## 自定義圖形定義
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.title=Graph Title
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.set_Y_Axis=Response Time (ms)
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.set_X_Axis=Over Time
#jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_mm_hit.property.setContentMessage=Message for graph point label




################## DISTRIBUTED TESTING CONFIGURATION ##################
# Type of keystore : JKS
# Keystore file that contains private key
# Password of Keystore
# Key alias
# Type of truststore : JKS
# Keystore file that contains certificate
# Password of Trust store
# Set this if you don't want to use SSL for RMI


################## 分散式測試配置 ##################
# 金鑰庫型別:JKS
# 包含私鑰的金鑰檔案
# 鍵盤密碼
# 金鑰別名
# 信任庫型別:JKS
# 包含證書的金鑰檔案
# 信任儲存區密碼
# 如果不想為RMI使用SSL,請設定此設定


 上一篇中我們講解修改jmeter.properties檔案官方建議:將需要修改的屬性值,複製貼上到同目錄下的 user.properties,為什麼本來在jmeter.properties修改的屬性值,複製到user.properties檔案中仍然可以起作用了,原因如下圖所示:

