1. 程式人生 > 其它 >用python對modern family 摩登家庭 1~11季劇本臺詞的詞頻分析

用python對modern family 摩登家庭 1~11季劇本臺詞的詞頻分析





1 i 32743
2 you 30923
3 the 23733
4 a 21256
5 to 20402
6 and 13428
7 it 12405
8 that 12020
9 of 9744


23291 conspiring 1
23292 subletting 1
23293 coughed 1
23294 overnighted 1
23295 biologist 1
23296 waitressing 1
23297 secret's 1
23298 muriel 1



 1 import os
 2 import re
 4 from docx import Document
 6 word_dic = {}
 7 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'H:\english study'):
 8     for file in files:
 9         file_path = '{}\\{}'.format(root, file)
10         print(file_path)
11         doc = Document(file_path)
12 for para in doc.paragraphs: 13 # print(para.text) 14 rst = re.findall(r'\b[a-zA-Z\']+\b', para.text) 15 if rst: 16 for word in rst: 17 word = word.lower() 18 count = word_dic.get(word) 19 if
count: 20 word_dic[word] = count + 1 21 else: 22 word_dic[word] = 1 23 sort_list = sorted(word_dic.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) 24 i = 1 25 26 with open('e:\\modern famile word sort.txt',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f: 27 for word in sort_list: 28 line='{} {} {}\n'.format(i, word[0], word[1]) 29 f.write(line) 30 i = i + 1 31 print('done, 單詞總量:{}'.format(len(sort_list)))