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[Minecraft.net | Guides]指南:讓你的房子變得更好

Make Your Houses better


Tutorial Difficulty: 1/10


有人說,最好的藝術家永遠不會停止學習, Minecraft 也是一門藝術(“有人”取決於你問誰,但我們都知道它確實是門藝術),那同樣的,建築師像藝術家那樣同樣永遠不會停止學習。 有什麼比Avomance的教程更好的方法來不斷提高您的技能和知識呢?該教程旨在通過五種簡單的方法讓您的 Minecraft 建築看起來更好。 本教程雖然是關於房屋的,但這些技巧幾乎適用於任何建築物!

They say that the best artists never stop learning, and since Minecraft is an art (depending on who you ask, but we all know it is), then builders never stop learning, too. What better way to keep improving your skills and knowledge than with Avomance's tutorial that's all about making your Minecraft buildings look better in

第一種方法是增加深度 :在屋頂上增加懸垂,改變你使用的材料,並確保你的房子上沒有太多的“平坦區域”:比如用玻璃塊換成玻璃板,把你的前門放一點凹陷,並用臺階裝飾房子的底部,使其看起來不像平地上冒出來的一個大火柴盒。

The first way is with depth: adding overhangs on to roofs, varying the materials you use, and making sure there aren't too many "flat areas" on your houses: swapping out glass blocks for panes, putting your front door into a little recess, and decorating the base of your house with steps to make it look less like a big ol' block on the landscape.

第二種方法是改變紋理 。通過改變建築房屋的材料,即使只是用原石和石頭你也已經成功了一半! 許多Minecraft大神也使用的一個巧妙技巧:找到一堆顏色相似的方塊——比如原石,石頭、石磚和安山岩——然後將他們混起來,更完美的建造你的房子。這個技巧需要您自己去嘗試:因為只有當您親眼看到效果時,效果才會更好!

The next step is texture. By varying the materials on your house, even if it's just cobblestone and wood, you're already part of the way there! A neat trick that a lot of the pro Minecrafters use as well is to find a bunch of blocks in similar colors – like cobblestone, regular stone, stone bricks, and andesite – and build your house out of a nice mixture of all of them. This is one tip you really need to try for yourself: it works much better when you can see the effect with your own eyes!

細節同樣很重要,細節在其他人的建築中看起來令人生畏,但是同樣的,通過巧妙地放置一些漂亮的柵欄柱、木板、按鈕和活板門,你也可以很容易地讓一切看起來很不錯。 別忘了植物——幾棵灌木和樹木真的可以讓這個地方充滿活力。

最後一點與外部的景觀有關,這一點能讓花園和房屋外觀看起來更美觀。如果您有能力,可以新增池塘、農場,甚至是一些地形改造,如果您對所有的綠色感到厭煩,可以隨意加入一些花。 前往沼澤地尋找一些漂亮的藍色的蘭花,將它與一些丁香花、玫瑰叢和向日葵混合在一起。使房屋的顏色變得更深,將使您的建築變得更加生動!

Finally, it's all about the exterior, which involves making the garden and the landscape look nice. Add ponds, farms, and even a bit of terraforming if you're feeling ambitious, and if you're bored of all the green, feel free to add a few flowers. Head to the swamp for some nice blue orchids, and mix up the height with a few lilacs, rose bushes, and sunflowers. Adding depth in color will make your builds much livelier!

世界上有大量類似的教程,它們將幫助您繼續您的學習之旅。如果您對五個本文中的小技巧不滿意...... 你可以考慮看一下SmallishBeans的35個小技巧,實際上,如果你能夠堅持看下去,你很快就會看到關於三千個技巧的視訊。

There are a ton of similar tutorials out there in the world, which will help you continue your learning journey. If you're not satisfied with five tips... how about THIRTY-FIVE tips, from SmallishBeans? In fact, if you keep this up, you'll be watching videos with three thousand tips in no time.


作者:Kate Gray

