1. 程式人生 > 其它 >the hardware designer's favorite solution

the hardware designer's favorite solution

抄自 Computer Architecture, Sixth Edition A Quantitative Approach by John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson (z-lib.org)

2.3 Ten Advanced Optimizations of Cache Performance

... This magical reduction comes from optimized software - the hardware designer's favorite solution! The increasing performance gap between processors and main memory has inspired compiler writers to scrutinize the memory hierarchy to see if compile time optimizations can improve performance. Once again, research is split between improvements in instruction misses and improvements in data misses. The optimizations presented next are found in many modern compilers.


上述i7是i7 6700. The i7 supports the x86-64 instruction set architecture, a 64-bit extension of the 80x86 architecture. The i7 is an out-of-order execution processor that includes four cores. In this chapter, we focus on the memory system design and performance from the viewpoint of a single core. The system performance of multiprocessor designs, including the i7 multicore, is examined in detail in Chapter 5. Each core in an i7 can execute up to four 80x86 instructions per clock cycle, using a multiple issue, dynamically scheduled, 16-stage pipeline, which we describe in detail in Chapter 3. The i7 can also support up to two simultaneous threads per processor, using a technique called simultaneous multithreading, described in Chapter 4. In 2017 the fastest i7 had a clock rate of 4.0 GHz (in Turbo Boost mode), which yielded a peak instruction execution rate of 16 billion instructions per second, or 64 billion instructions per second for the four-core design. Of course, there is a big gap between peak and sustained performance, as we will see over the next few chapters. The i7 can support up to three memory channels, each consisting of a separate set of DIMMs, and each of which can transfer in parallel. Using DDR3-1066 (DIMM PC8500), the i7 has a peak memory bandwidth of just over 25 GB/s.

All the techniques in this chapter exploit parallelism among instructions. The amount of parallelism available within a basic block - a straight-line code sequence with no branches in except to the entry and no branches out except at the exit - is quite small. For typical RISC programs, the average dynamic branch frequency is often between 15% and 25%, meaning that between three and six instructions execute between a pair of branches. Because these instructions are likely to depend upon one another, the amount of overlap we can exploit within a basic block is likely to be less than the average basic block size. To obtain substantial performance enhancements, we must exploit ILP across multiple basic blocks.