1. 程式人生 > 其它 >看懂一個多表查詢


<select id="findListPage" resultType="com.atguigu.vo.HouseVo">
cmty.name as communityName,

hse.build_area as buildArea,
hse.unit_price as unitPrice,
hse.total_price as totalPrice,
hse.house_type_id as houseTypeId,
hse.floor_id as floorId,
hse.direction_id as directionId,
hse.default_image_url as defaultImageUrl,
hse.create_time as createTime
from hse_house hse
left join hse_community cmty on cmty.id = hse.community_id
<if test="vo.keyword != null and vo.keyword != ''">
and hse.name like CONCAT('%',#{vo.keyword},'%')
<if test="vo.areaId != null">
and cmty.area_id = #{vo.areaId}
<if test="vo.plateId != null">
and cmty.plate_id = #{vo.plateId}
<if test="vo.houseTypeId != null">
and hse.house_type_id = #{vo.houseTypeId}
<if test="vo.floorId != null">
and hse.floor_id = #{vo.floorId}
<if test="vo.buildStructureId != null">
and hse.build_structure_id = #{vo.buildStructureId}
<if test="vo.directionId != null">
and hse.direction_id = #{vo.directionId}
<if test="vo.decorationId != null">
and hse.decoration_id = #{vo.decorationId}
<if test="vo.houseUseId != null">
and hse.house_use_id = #{vo.houseUseId}
and hse.status = 1
and hse.is_deleted = 0
and cmty.is_deleted = 0
<if test="vo.defaultSort == 1">
order by hse.id desc
<if test="vo.priceSort == 1">
order by hse.total_price desc
<if test="vo.timeSort == 1">
order by hse.create_time desc