1. 程式人生 > 其它 >隨機生成符合安全要求的密碼串



在使用linux中有時候,我們需要通過指令碼批量的建立使用者,並對其賦予不同的密碼。這就需要我們獲取隨機的密碼串。 在下面整理的3中不同的獲取密碼串的方式


passwd=$(date +%s%N | md5sum | cut -c 1-12)



  • 前提:需要安裝expect包(yum install expect)
passwd=$(mkpasswd -l 15 -d 5 -c 5 -C 3
-s 2)
  • 引數說明(其他資訊大家還是要到系統中檢視):
  The -l flag defines the length of the password.  The default is 9.  The following example creates a 20 character password.

  The -d flag defines the minimum number of digits that must be in the password.  The default is 2.  The following example creates a password with at least 3 digits.

  The -c flag defines the minimum number of lowercase alphabetic characters that must be in the password.  The default is 2.

  The -C flag defines the minimum number of uppercase alphabetic characters that must be in the password.  The default is 2.

  The -s flag defines the minimum number of special characters that must be in the password.  The default is 1.

  The -p flag names a program to set the password.  By default, /etc/yppasswd is used if present, otherwise /bin/passwd is used.

  The  -2  flag  causes characters to be chosen so that they alternate between right and left hands (qwerty-style), making it harder for anyone watching passwords being entered.  This can also
  make it easier for a password-guessing program.

  The -v flag causes the password-setting interaction to be visible.  By default, it is suppressed.


passwd=$(python getRandompasswd.py)


  • 具體實現程式碼
import random
import sys

class RandomPasswd:
    def __init__(self,passwd_len=15,min_num=3,min_letter=3,min_LETTER=3,min_char=3):
= min_num self.min_letter = min_letter self.min_LETTER = min_LETTER self.min_char = min_char self.passwd_len = passwd_len self.num_list = [chr(i) for i in range(48,58)] self.let_list = [chr(i) for i in range(97,123)] self.LET_list = [chr(i) for i in range(65,91)] self.char_list = ['!', '#'] self.passwd='' def get_pass_set(self): if self.min_num+self.min_char+self.min_LETTER+self.min_letter > self.passwd_len: print "ERROR: If the minimum number of occurrences of each type is greater than the password length, set it again" sys.exit(1) pass_set_list=[] if self.min_num==0 and self.min_char==0 and self.min_LETTER==0 and self.min_letter==0 : pass_set_list=self.let_list+self.char_list+self.num_list+self.LET_list else: if self.min_num > 0: pass_set_list+=self.num_list if self.min_letter > 0: pass_set_list+=self.let_list if self.min_LETTER > 0: pass_set_list+=self.LET_list if self.min_char > 0: pass_set_list += self.char_list return pass_set_list def update_min_num(self,char): char = str(char) if char in self.LET_list and self.min_LETTER>0: self.min_LETTER-=1 elif char in self.let_list and self.min_letter>0: self.min_letter-=1 elif char in self.num_list and self.min_num>0: self.min_num-=1 elif char in self.char_list and self.min_char>0: self.min_char-=1 def check_char(self,char): char = str(char) if len(self.passwd)<=1: return True else: if ord(char)==ord(self.passwd[-1]) and ord(char)==ord(self.passwd[-2]): return False elif abs(ord(char)-ord(self.passwd[-1]))==1 and abs(ord(char)-ord(self.passwd[-2]))==2: return False else: return True def get_random_passwd(self): while self.passwd_len>0: pass_set_list = self.get_pass_set() # print(self.passwd) # print(pass_set_list) char = random.choice(pass_set_list) if self.check_char(char): self.passwd+=char self.update_min_num(char) self.passwd_len-=1 return self.passwd if __name__ == "__main__": a = RandomPasswd() password = a.get_random_passwd() print(password)
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