1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Linux-Ansible-安裝







pip 下載



[root@centos7-liyj /etc/yum.repos.d]#yum install  ansible
Dependencies Resolved

 Package                                        Arch              Version                      Repository         Size
======================================================================================================================= Installing: ansible noarch 2.9.27-1.el7 epel 17 M Installing for dependencies: PyYAML x86_64
3.10-11.el7 BASE 153 k libyaml x86_64 0.1.4-11.el7_0 BASE 55 k python-babel noarch 0.9.6-8.el7 BASE 1.4 M python-backports x86_64 1.0
-8.el7 BASE 5.8 k python-backports-ssl_match_hostname noarch BASE 13 k python-cffi x86_64 1.6.0-5.el7 BASE 218 k python-enum34 noarch 1.0.4-1.el7 BASE 52 k python-idna noarch 2.4-1.el7 BASE 94 k python-ipaddress noarch 1.0.16-2.el7 BASE 34 k python-jinja2 noarch 2.7.2-4.el7 BASE 519 k python-markupsafe x86_64 0.11-10.el7 BASE 25 k python-paramiko noarch 2.1.1-9.el7 BASE 269 k python-ply noarch 3.4-11.el7 BASE 123 k python-pycparser noarch 2.14-1.el7 BASE 104 k python-setuptools noarch 0.9.8-7.el7 BASE 397 k python-six noarch 1.9.0-2.el7 BASE 29 k python2-cryptography x86_64 1.7.2-2.el7 BASE 502 k python2-httplib2 noarch 0.18.1-3.el7 epel 125 k python2-jmespath noarch 0.9.4-2.el7 epel 41 k python2-pyasn1 noarch 0.1.9-7.el7 BASE 100 k sshpass x86_64 1.06-2.el7 extras 21 k Transaction Summary ======================================================================================================================= Install 1 Package (+21 Dependent packages) Total download size: 21 M Installed size: 122 M


yum -y install python-jinja2 PyYAML python-paramiko python-babel python-crypto
wget https://releases.ansible.com/ansible/ansible-1.5.4.tar.gz
tar xf ansible-1.5.4.tar.gz
cd ansible-1.5.4
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
mkdir /etc/ansible
cp -r examples/* /etc/ansible

pip 安裝

pip 是安裝Python包的管理器,類似 yum

[root@centos7 ~]#yum install python-pip
[root@centos7 ~]#pip install --upgrade pip
[root@centos7 ~]#pip install ansible --upgrade
[root@centos7 ~]#ansible --version
CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python
core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed
in a future release.
ansible 2.9.12
 config file = None
 configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules',
 ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible
 executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
 python version = 2.7.5 (default, Apr  2 2020, 13:16:51) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623
(Red Hat 4.8.5-39)]
[root@centos7 ~]#ll /opt/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 wang bin 19980 Aug 11 21:34 /opt/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg