1. 程式人生 > 其它 >利用Python實現跨平臺網絡卡資訊採集的工具



    1. 可以跨平臺,無論是Linux還是Windows

    2. 由於Windows的ipconfig命令不能指定網絡卡顯示相關資訊,因此需要依賴正則表示式對相關資訊的提取

  1 import subprocess
  2 import os
  3 import sys
  4 import termcolor
  5 import re
  7 class NetworkInterfaces:
  8     def __init__(self) -> None:
  9         self.os_type = self.check_os()
10 11 def program_info(self): 12 info = """ 13 **************************************************************************************** 14 *************************Network information tool by Jason wong************************* 15 ****************************************************************************************
16 Menu: 17 1 Display interfaces list on the machine 18 2 Display IP addresses and netmask 19 3 quit 20 """ 21 print(info) 22 23 def display_interfaces(self): 24 25 try: 26 if
self.os_type == 'posix': 27 command = "ifconfig | grep flags | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d ':' -f 1 | grep -v 'lo'" 28 result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8') 29 interfaces_list = result.split('\n')[0:-1] 30 return interfaces_list 31 else: 32 result = subprocess.check_output('ipconfig',shell=True, encoding='gbk',stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) 33 interfaces_list = re.findall(r'(?:乙太網介面卡\s*)(.*):',result) 34 return interfaces_list 35 except Exception as e: 36 print("Error happened in the module of display_interfaces", e) 37 sys.exit(0) 38 39 def check_os(self): 40 return os.name 41 42 43 def display_ipaddr(self): 44 try: 45 if self.os_type == 'posix': 46 interface = input("[-] Enter interface: ").strip() 47 command = "ifconfig %s | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2, $4}'" % interface #特別注意,這裡不能用format字串,否則會報錯 48 result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8') 49 ipaddr, netmask,nullvalue = re.split(r'\s', result) 50 51 return ipaddr, netmask 52 53 else: 54 interface = input("[-] Enter interface: ").strip() 55 result1 = subprocess.check_output('ipconfig',shell=True, encoding='gbk',stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) 56 pattern1 = r"(?:{}:)(.*?)(?:乙太網介面卡)".format(interface) 57 result2 = re.search(pattern1,result1,re.DOTALL).group() 58 pattern2 = r"(?:IPv4\s地址.*:\s*)(.*)" 59 ipaddr = re.search(pattern2, result2).group(1).strip() 60 61 pattern3 = r"(?:子網掩碼.*:)(.*)" 62 netmask = re.search(pattern3, result2).group(1).strip() 63 return ipaddr, netmask 64 65 66 except Exception as e: 67 print("Error happened in the module of display_ipaddr", e) 68 sys.exit(0) 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 def run(self): 76 self.program_info() 77 while True: 78 choice = input("[-] Enter your choice: ") 79 80 if choice == '1': 81 interfaces_list = self.display_interfaces() 82 print("Interfaces list as follows:\n") 83 for interface in interfaces_list: 84 print(interface) 85 86 elif choice == '2': 87 ipaddr, netmask = self.display_ipaddr() 88 print("IP Address: %s" % ipaddr) 89 print("Netmaks: %s" % netmask) 90 91 92 elif choice == '3': 93 break 94 else: 95 print(termcolor.colored("Invalid input", 'red')) 96 continue 97 98 if __name__ == "__main__": 99 networkinterface = NetworkInterfaces() 100 networkinterface.run()