1. 程式人生 > 其它 >go zap日誌庫

go zap日誌庫

package logger
  import (
  var (
  defaultLogger *zap.Logger
  // init default logger with only console output info above
  func init() {
  zc := zapcore.NewTee(newConsoleCore(zap.InfoLevel))
  defaultLogger = zap.New(zc)
  // CfgConsoleLogger config for console logs
  // cfg donot support concurrent calls (as any package should init cfg at startup once)
  func CfgConsoleLogger(debugMode bool, showPath bool) {
  level, zos := genConfigs(debugMode, showPath)
  zc := zapcore.NewTee(newConsoleCore(level))
  defaultLogger = zap.New(zc, zos...)
  // TODO: export more file configs
  // CfgConsoleAndFileLogger config for both console and file logs
  // cfg donot support concurrent calls (as any package should init cfg at startup once)
  func CfgConsoleAndFileLogger(debugMode bool, logDir, name string, showPath bool) {
  level, zos := genConfigs(debugMode, showPath)
  filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.log", logDir, name)
  zc := zapcore.NewTee(newConsoleCore(level), newFileCore(filename, level))
  defaultLogger = zap.New(zc, zos...)
  func genConfigs(debugMode bool, showPath bool) (zapcore.LevelEnabler, []zap.Option) {
  level := zapcore.InfoLevel
  if debugMode {
  level = zapcore.DebugLevel
  zos := []zap.Option{
  // zap.AddStacktrace(zapcore.WarnLevel),
  if showPath {
  // skip self wrapper
  zos = append(zos, zap.AddCaller(), zap.AddCallerSkip(2))
  return level, zos
  func newConsoleCore(le zapcore.LevelEnabler) zapcore.Core {
  consoleLogger := zapcore.Lock(os.Stdout)
  zec := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
  zec.EncodeLevel = zapcore.LowercaseColorLevelEncoder
  zec.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
  zec.EncodeTime = shortTimeEncoder
  // zec.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
  zec.ConsoleSeparator = " "
  consoleEncoder := zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(zec)
  return zapcore.NewCore(consoleEncoder, consoleLogger, le)
  func newFileCore(filename string, le zapcore.LevelEnabler) zapcore.Core {
  //TODO: export more rotate configs
  fileLogger := zapcore.AddSync(&lumberjack.Logger{
  Filename: filename,
  MaxSize: 10, // megabytes per file
  zec := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
  zec.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
  fileEncoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(zec)
  return zapcore.NewCore(fileEncoder, fileLogger, le)
  const shortTimeLayout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05"
  func shortTimeEncoder(t time.Time, enc zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
  // IsDebugMode check DebugLevel enabled
  func IsDebugMode() bool {
  return defaultLogger.Core().Enabled(zapcore.DebugLevel)
  // Fatal logs a message at emergency level and exit.
  func Fatal(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
  defaultLogger.Sugar().Fatalf(formatLog(zapcore.FatalLevel, f, v...))
  // Panic logs a message at emergency level and exit.
  func Panic(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
  defaultLogger.Sugar().Panicf(formatLog(zapcore.PanicLevel, f, v...))
  // Error logs a message at error level.
  func Error(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
  defaultLogger.Sugar().Errorf(formatLog(zapcore.ErrorLevel, f, v...))
  // Warn logs a message at warning level.
  func Warn(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
  defaultLogger.Sugar().Warnf(formatLog(zapcore.WarnLevel, f, v...))
  // Info logs a message at info level.
  func Info(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
  defaultLogger.Sugar().Infof(formatLog(zapcore.InfoLevel, f, v...))
  // Debug logs a message at debug level.
  func Debug(f interface{}, v ...interface{}) {
  defaultLogger.Sugar().Debugf(formatLog(zapcore.DebugLevel, f, v...))
  func formatLog(l zapcore.Level, f interface{}, v ...interface{}) string {
  var msg string
  switch f := f.(type) {
  case string:
  msg = f
  if len(v) == 0 {
  return appendColor(l, msg)
  if strings.Contains(msg, "%") && !strings.Contains(msg, "%%") {
  //format string
  } else {
  //do not contain format char
  msg += strings.Repeat(" %v", len(v))
  msg = fmt.Sprint(f)
  if len(v) == 0 {
  return appendColor(l, msg)
  msg += strings.Repeat(" %v", len(v))
  return appendColor(l, fmt.Sprintf(msg, v...))
  func appendColor(l zapcore.Level, s string) string {
  // default all red
  c := uint8(31)
  switch l {
  case zapcore.DebugLevel:
  c = uint8(35) // Magenta
  case zapcore.InfoLevel:
  c = uint8(34) // Blue
  case zapcore.WarnLevel:
  c = uint8(33) // Yellow
  return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m", c, s)
