1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Hive視窗函式詳細介紹1


在hive中,視窗函式(又叫開窗函式)具有強大的功能,掌握好視窗函式,能夠幫助我們非常方便的解決很多問題。首先我們要了解什麼是視窗函式,簡單的說視窗函式是hive中一種可以按指定視窗大小計算的函式,例如,sum(),avg(),min(),max()等聚合函式,還有rank(),row_number() 可用作排序使用的視窗函式。下面一一對它們做介紹。




  n preceding :往前n行資料

  n following:往後n行資料

unbounded:起點,unbounded preceding 表示從前面的起點開始,unbounded following 表示到資料行的終點。




create  table  if   not    exists   buy_info  (
 name   string,
 buy_date   string,
 buy_num   int
row  format  delimited  fields   terminated  
by '|'

select * from buy_info; 資訊如下

liulei 2015-04-11 5

liulei 2015-04-12 7

liulei 2015-04-13 3

liulei 2015-04-14 2

liulei 2015-04-15 4

liulei 2015-04-16 4

select   name ,buy_time ,num,  sum(num)   over(partition by name   order  by  buy_date  asc)  as  info1 ,--先按姓名分組,再按購買時間升序排序,最後求和,預設是從起始行到當前行
sum(num) over(partition by name order by buy_date rows between unbounded preceding and
unbounded and current_row) as info2, --從起點到當前行,和1結果一樣
sum(num) over(partition by name order by buy_date rows between 3 preceding and current_row) as info3,--從當前行往前數3行到當前行
sum(num) over(partition by name) as info4 , --分組內所有行
sum(num) over(partition by name order by buy_date rows between 1 preceding and 1 following) as info5,--當前行+往前一行+往後一行
sum(num) over(partition by name order by buy_date rows between 1 prededing and unbounded following) as info6 --從當前行往前數一行到最後一行


name buy_date buy_num info1 info2 Info3 info4 info5 info6
liulei 2015-04-11 5 5 5 5 25 5 25
liulei 2015-04-12 7 12 12 12 25 15 25
liulei 2015-04-13 3 15 15 15 25 12 20
liulei 2015-04-14 2 17 17 17 25 9 13
liulei 2015-04-15 4 21 21 16 25 10 10
liulei 2015-04-16 4 25 25 13 25 8 8