1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >[最短路][二進位制][Code+#4] Luogu P4366 最短路

[最短路][二進位制][Code+#4] Luogu P4366 最短路


eg. \((001)_2 \rightarrow (100)_2 = (001)_2 \rightarrow (000)_2 \rightarrow (100)_2\)

這樣我們在額外建邊時只需建 \(i \rightarrow i \ XOR \ 2^k\)

注意處理 0 號節點,因為有可能經過 0 號節點 不然會過不了樣例並 AC 本題

# include <iostream>
# include <cstdio>
# include <queue>
# define MAXN 100005
# define MAXM 7000005
// # define MAXN 105
// # define MAXM 105

using namespace std;

template<typename T>
T rd(){
	T fl = 1, x = 0;
	int ch = getchar();
	for(	;!isdigit(ch); ch = getchar()){
		if(ch == '-'){
			fl = -1;
	for(	; isdigit(ch); ch = getchar()){
		x = x * 10 + ch - '0';
	return fl * x;

struct edge{
	int u, v, next, w;
int hd[MAXM<<1], cntE;

void AddE(int u, int v, int w){
	e[++cntE].u = u, e[cntE].v = v, e[cntE].w = w, e[cntE].next = hd[u], hd[u] = cntE;

struct node{
	int id, dis;
	bool operator > (const node that) const{
		return this->dis > that.dis;
	bool operator < (const node that) const{
		return this->dis < that.dis;

int dis[MAXN], vis[MAXN];

void Dij(int from, int lim){
	priority_queue<node, vector<node>, greater<node> >Q;
	for(int i = 0; i <= lim; i++){
		dis[i] = 1<<25, vis[i] = 0;
	} // 這裡注意有可能會有從 0 出來的邊

	dis[from] = 0;

	Q.push((node){from, dis[from]});

		node now = Q.top(); Q.pop();


		vis[now.id] = 1;

		for(int i = hd[now.id]; i; i = e[i].next){
			if(dis[now.id] + e[i].w < dis[e[i].v]){
				dis[e[i].v] = dis[now.id] + e[i].w;

				Q.push((node){e[i].v, dis[e[i].v]});

int main(){
	int n, m, c;

	n = rd<int>(), m = rd<int>(), c = rd<int>();

	// // 處理加邊
	for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++){
		for(int j = 0, to; j <= 20; j++){
			to = i ^ (1<<j);
			if(to <= n){
				AddE(i, to, c * (1<<j));
				// AddE(to, i, c * (1<<j));
	} // 注意有可能會連到 0 位置,所以外層的遍歷要從 0 開始
	// // 處理加邊

	for(int i = 1, u, v, w; i <= m; i++){
		u = rd<int>(), v = rd<int>(), w = rd<int>();
		AddE(u, v, w);

	int from, to;

	from = rd<int>(), to = rd<int>();

	Dij(from, n);


	return 0;