自制C++遊戲(Name:YBX AK IOI)
阿新 • • 發佈:2020-08-01
程式碼長度:283 行
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<windows.h> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; string s[11],ps[3]; int coin=0,attack=1,nowhealth=100,health=100,holekey=0,boxkey=0,box=1; int Woodensword=0,Ironsword=0,Leatherclothing=0,Ironclothing=0; void init(){ printf("Welcome to the YBX's game!\n\nPlease press 'S' to start:"); char c=getch(); while(c!='S'&&c!='s'){ system("cls"); printf("Welcome to the YBX's game!\n\nPlease press 'S' to start:"); c=getch(); } system("cls"); } void a(){ printf("Pay Attention:\n\n@ means Your Position\n\n# means Obstacle\n\nT mean Trees ( and you can hide in it ) \n\npress W,A,S,D to Move\n\n"); Sleep(3000); system("pause"); system("cls"); } void b(int ck,int x,int y); void shop(int ck,int x,int y){ system("cls"); if(ck==1) printf("*You don't have enough coins to buy it\n\n"); if(ck==2) printf("*Successful Purchase !\n\n"); if(ck==3) printf("*You can't buy this Article more !\n\n"); if(ck==4) printf("*Input Error\n\n"); if(ck==5) printf("You already have something better than this !\n\n"); printf("-------------------Your Condition-------------------\n\n"); printf("You have %d coins\n\n",coin); printf("Your attack power : %d\n\n",attack); printf("Your health : %d / %d\n\n",nowhealth,health); printf("Your weapons : "); if(Ironsword) printf("Iron sword\n\n"); else if(Woodensword) printf("Wooden sword\n\n"); else printf("Nothing\n\n"); printf("Your clothes : "); if(Ironclothing) printf("Iron clothing\n\n"); else if(Leatherclothing) printf("Leather clothing\n\n"); else printf("Nothing\n\n"); printf("----------------------The Shop----------------------\n\n"); printf("Wooden sword : 50 coins\n\n"); printf("Iron sword : 500 coins\n\n"); printf("Leather clothing : 100 coins\n\n"); printf("Iron clothing : 1000 coins\n\n"); printf("Life restored 100 : 10 coins\n\n"); printf("Life restored 1000 : 90 coins\n\n"); printf("What would you like to buy ?\n\n( If you don't want to buy anything , input exit , otherwise input the name of the commodity)\n\n"); string ss; getline(cin,ss); if(ss=="exit") b(0,x,y-1); else if(ss=="Wooden sword"){ if(coin<50) shop(1,x,y); else if(Ironsword) shop(5,x,y); else if(Woodensword) shop(3,x,y); else{ coin-=50; Woodensword=1; attack=20; shop(2,x,y); } } else if(ss=="Iron sword"){ if(coin<500) shop(1,x,y); else if(Ironsword) shop(3,x,y); else{ coin-=500; Ironsword=1; attack=100; shop(2,x,y); } } else if(ss=="Leather clothing"){ if(coin<100) shop(1,x,y); else if(Ironclothing) shop(5,x,y); else if(Leatherclothing) shop(3,x,y); else{ coin-=100; Leatherclothing=1; nowhealth=500; health=500; shop(2,x,y); } } else if(ss=="Iron clothing"){ if(coin<1000) shop(1,x,y); else if(Ironclothing) shop(3,x,y); else{ coin-=1000; Ironclothing=1; nowhealth=1500; health=1500; shop(2,x,y); } } else if(ss=="Life restored 100"){ if(coin<10) shop(1,x,y); else{ coin-=10; nowhealth=min(nowhealth+100,health); shop(2,x,y); } } else if(ss=="Life restored 1000"){ if(coin<90) shop(1,x,y); else{ coin-=90; nowhealth=min(nowhealth+1000,health); shop(2,x,y); } } else shop(4,x,y); } void hole(){ b(0,4,5); } void primary(int yl,int x,int h,int y){ system("cls"); printf("-------------------Your Condition-------------------\n\n"); printf("You have %d coins\n\n",coin); printf("Your attack power : %d\n\n",attack); printf("Your health : %d / %d\n\n",nowhealth,health); printf("Your weapons : "); if(Ironsword) printf("Iron sword\n\n"); else if(Woodensword) printf("Wooden sword\n\n"); else printf("Nothing\n\n"); printf("Your clothes : "); if(Ironclothing) printf("Iron clothing\n\n"); else if(Leatherclothing) printf("Leather clothing\n\n"); else printf("Nothing\n\n----------------------The Map----------------------\n\n"); printf("! : monster\n\nPress A,D to left or right ( D also means attack )\n\nMonster blood volume : %d\n",x<37?h:0); for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ for(int j=0;j<40;j++){ if(i==1&&j==x) printf("@"); else if(i==1&&j<=y) printf(" "); else cout<<ps[i][j]; } printf("\n"); } if(x==39){ printf("\nYou win ! ( You get %d coins )\n\n",coin-yl); Sleep(3000); system("pause"); b(0,4,6); } if(nowhealth<=0){ printf("\nYou lose ! ( You can't get any coins )\n\n"); coin=yl; Sleep(3000); system("pause"); b(0,4,6); } char c=getch(); if(c=='A'||c=='a'){ if(x>0) primary(yl,x-1,h,max(y,x-1)); else primary(yl,x,h,max(y,x)); } else if(c=='D'||c=='d'){ if(ps[1][x+1]=='!'&&y<x+1){ nowhealth--; if(h-attack<=0){ coin+=5; primary(yl,x+1,5,max(y,x+1)); } else primary(yl,x,h-attack,max(y,x)); } else primary(yl,x+1,h,max(y,x+1)); } else{ if(ps[1][x+1]=='!'){ nowhealth--; primary(yl,x,h,max(y,x)); } else primary(yl,x,h,max(y,x)); } } void b(int ck,int x,int y){ system("cls"); printf("-------------------Your Condition-------------------\n\n"); printf("You have %d coins\n\n",coin); printf("Your attack power : %d\n\n",attack); printf("Your health : %d / %d\n\n",nowhealth,health); printf("Your weapons : "); if(Ironsword) printf("Iron sword\n\n"); else if(Woodensword) printf("Wooden sword\n\n"); else printf("Nothing\n\n"); printf("Your clothes : "); if(Ironclothing) printf("Iron clothing\n\n"); else if(Leatherclothing) printf("Leather clothing\n\n"); else printf("Nothing\n\n----------------------The Map----------------------\n\n"); for(int i=0;i<11;i++){ for(int j=0;j<40;j++){ if(i==x&&j==y){ if(s[i][j]!='T') printf("@"); else printf("T"); } else cout<<s[i][j]; } printf("\n"); } printf("\n----------------------Message-----------------------\n\n"); if(ck==1) printf("You don't have box's key\n\n"); if(ck==2) printf("You found 5000 coins!!!\n\n"); if(ck==3) printf("You don't have hole's key\n\n"); if((x==9&&y==33)||(x==8&&y==32)||(x==7&&y==33)||(x==6&&y==34)){ printf("Do you want to buy anything ?\n\n(Yes:Y,No:N):"); char c=getch(); if(c=='Y'||c=='y') shop(0,x,y); else if(c=='N'||c=='n') b(0,x,y-1); else b(0,x,y); } else if(x==3&&y==37&&box){ printf("You found a strange box\n\nDo you want to open it ?\n\n(Yes:Y,No:N):"); char c=getch(); if(c=='Y'||c=='y'){ if(boxkey){ box=0; b(2,x-1,y); } else b(1,x,y-1); } else if(c=='N'||c=='n') b(0,x,y-1); else b(0,x,y); } else if(x==4&&y==4){ printf("Thers is a big hole\n\nDo you want to jump in ?\n\n(Yes:Y,No:N):"); char c=getch(); if(c=='Y'||c=='y'){ if(holekey) hole(); else b(3,4,5); } else if(c=='N'||c=='n') b(0,4,5); else b(0,x,y); } else if(x==3&&y==6){ printf("Primary training ground\n\nWould you like to enter the Primary training ground ?\n\n(Yes:Y,No:N):"); char c=getch(); if(c=='Y'||c=='y') primary(coin,0,5,0); else if(c=='N'||c=='n') b(0,4,6); else b(0,x,y); } else printf("*Press W,A,S,D to Move"); char c=getch(); if(c=='W'||c=='w'){ if(s[x-1][y]==' '||s[x-1][y]=='T') b(0,x-1,y); else b(0,x,y); } else if(c=='A'||c=='a'){ if(s[x][y-1]==' '||s[x][y-1]=='T') b(0,x,y-1); else b(0,x,y); } else if(c=='S'||c=='s'){ if(s[x+1][y]==' '||s[x+1][y]=='T') b(0,x+1,y); else b(0,x,y); } else if(c=='D'||c=='d'){ if(s[x][y+1]==' '||s[x][y+1]=='T') b(0,x,y+1); else b(0,x,y); } else b(0,x,y); } int main(){ init(); s[0]="########################################"; s[1]="# _ #11#??#??# TT T T#?????#TTT#"; s[2]="#{ }#11#??#??# TTTT#?????#TTT#"; s[3]="#{ }## ## ## # T TT# #TTTT#"; s[4]="# T TT TTTT T #"; s[5]="##### T TTTT TTTT#"; s[6]="# T ____#"; s[7]="# /shop#"; s[8]="# /| _ #"; s[9]="# | |.|#"; s[10]="########################################"; ps[0]=" "; ps[1]=" ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "; ps[2]="----------------------------------------"; a(); b(0,9,1); }