1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ABAP CDS - Language Elements

ABAP CDS - Language Elements

The following sections summarize the language elements of the DDL and DCL of the ABAP CDS, arranged by topics. 
◦CDS Views
◦CDS View Enhancements
◦CDS Roles
◦CDS Access Policies

In addition to the language elements show here, CDS source code can also contain annotations for metadata. 
 CDS Views 

and Additions Language Element Meaning DEFINE VIEW ... AS Defines a CDS view WITH PARAMETERS Defines input parameters of a CDS view SELECT [DISTINCT] ... FROM SELECT statement of a CDS view INNER JOIN ... ON Inner join in a SELECT statement LEFT|RIGHT OUTER JOIN ... ON Outer join in a SELECT statement ASSOCIATION ...
TO ... AS ... ON Defines an association for a path expression in a SELECT statement 1: Attribute of a path expression INNER ... WHERE Attribute of a path expression LEFT OUTER ... WHERE Attribute of a path expression KEY ... AS Element of a SELECT list $EXTENSION.* Elements of an enhancement in a SELECT
list WHERE ... WHERE clause of a SELECT statement GROUP BY ... GROUP-BY clause of a SELECT statement HAVING ... HAVING clause of a SELECT statement UNION ALL ... UNION clause of a SELECT statement Expressions Operators Meaning MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, COUNT Aggregate expressions in a SELECT statement +, -, *, / Arithmetic expressions in a SELECT statement CASE, WHEN, THEN, ELSE, END Case distinctions in a SELECT statement CAST Casting expression in a SELECT statement =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, BETWEEN, LIKE, IS NULL, NOT, AND, OR Relational expressions in a SELECT statement Predefined Functions Function Meaning ABS, CEIL, DIV, DIVISION, FLOOR, MOD, ROUND Numeric functions in a SELECT statement CONCAT, LPAD, REPLACE, SUBSTRING String functions in a SELECT statement COALESCE Coalesce function in a SELECT statement CURRENCY_CONVERSION, UNIT_CONVERSION, DECIMAL_SHIFT Conversion functions in a SELECT statement CDS View Enhancements Keywords and Additions Language Element Meaning EXTEND VIEW ... WITH Enhancement of a CDS view with an CDS view enhancement DCL CDS Roles Keywords and Additions Language Element Meaning DEFINE ROLE ... GRANT SELECT ON Defines a CDS role WHERE, AND, OR WHERE clause in the definition of a CDS role ... = ASPECT pfcg_auth ... Condition for mapping roles ... =|<>|<|>|<=|>=|LIKE|IS NULL ASPECT ... Condition for assignment roles ... =|<>|<|>|<=|>=|LIKE|IS NULL ... Literal condition CDS Access Policies Keywords and Additions Language Element Meaning DEFINE ACCESSPOLICY Defines a CDS access policy DEFINE ASPECT ... AS Defines a CDS aspect SELECT FROM SELECT statement of an CDS aspect WHERE $user IN WHERE clause of the SELECT statement of an CDS aspect