1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Openwrt與貝殼物聯平臺通訊示例


-- Openwrt與貝殼物聯平臺通訊示例
-- http://www.bigiot.net/help/5.html
-- Author: 貝殼物聯
-- Time: 2016/1/10
local socket = require("socket")--引入Luasocket
local json = require("json")--引入Json4lua
local util 
= require "luci.util"--引入luci,呼叫cup負載 ------------此處需修改------------- DEVICEID = "2" --裝置ID APIKEY = "2353d24ce" --裝置APIKEY INPUTID = "2" --資料介面ID ----------------------------------- host = host or "www.bigiot.net" port = port or 8181 lastTime = 0 lastUpdateTime = 0 if arg then host = arg[1] or host port
= arg[2] or port end print("Attempting connection to host '" ..host.. "' and port " ..port.. "...") c = assert(socket.connect(host, port)) c:settimeout(0) print("Connected! Please type stuff (empty line to stop):") while true do if ((os.time() - lastTime) > 40) then print( os.time() ) s
= json.encode({M='checkin',ID=DEVICEID,K=APIKEY}) assert(c:send( s.."\n" )) lastTime=os.time() end if ((os.time() - lastUpdateTime) > 5) then local sysinfo = luci.util.ubus("system", "info") or { } local load = sysinfo.load or { 0, 0, 0 } --獲取Openwrt系統負載 local v = {[INPUTID]=load[1]} --多個介面資料可用v = {[INPUTID1]=load[1],[INPUTID2]=load[2]} local update = json.encode({['M']='update', ['ID']=DEVICEID, ['V']=v}) assert(c:send( update.."\n" )) lastUpdateTime = os.time() end recvt, sendt, status = socket.select({c}, nil, 1) --#獲取table長度,即元素數 while #recvt > 0 do local response, receive_status = c:receive() if receive_status ~= "closed" then if response then print(response) r = json.decode(response) table.foreach(r, print) if r.client_list then table.foreach(r.client_list, print) end recvt, sendt, status = socket.select({c}, nil, 1) end else break end end end