1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >資料需求1-提取存量低活躍客戶資料





(select a.host_cust_id,a.'金融資產季日均' from(

(select host_cust_id,sum(fin_asset_bal_quar_day_avg)'金融資產季日均'

from mdb_bej.b88_cust_fin_asset_info

where stat_dt = '20200731'

and fin_asset_cd in ('100','120','130','140','170','
180') group by host_cust_id having '金融資產季日均' between 1000 and 20000)a inner join (select host_cust_id,late_3mon_tx_cnt from appview_bs.t88_rtl_cust_syn_info where stat_dt = '20200731' and camp_recmd_level1_brch_org_num = '9A01' and late_3mon_tx_cnt<3)b on a.host_cust_id = b.host_cust_id)) union (select
host_cust_id,sum(fin_asset_bal_quar_day_avg)'金融資產季日均' from mdb_bej.b88_cust_fin_asset_info where stat_dt = '20200731' and level1_brch_org_num = '9A01' and fin_asset_cd in ('100','120','130','140','170','180') group by host_cust_id having '金融資產季日均'<1000)

sel kh_jgdm,sum(low_aum_cnt),sum(valid_low_cnt)
from (sel kh_jgdm case when jrzc_quar<=1000 then 1 else 0 end low_aum_cnt, case when jrzc_quar>1000 and jrzc_quar<=20000 and trans_cnt<=3 then 1 else 0 end valid_low_cnt from (sel host_cust_id,camp_belong_org_num from mdb_bej.b88_rtl_cust_basic_info_sum )a left join (sel host_xust_id, sum(case when fin_asset_cd in ('100','120','130','140','170','180') then fin_asset_bal_quar_dat_avg end)as jrzc_quar from appview_bs.t88_rtl_cust_fin_asset_info where stat_dt in ('20190618') and level_brch_org_num = '9A01' group by host_cust_id)b on a.host_cust_id =b.host_cust_id left join (sel party_id,count(party_id) trans_cnt from mdb_br.si2_v_mds_trans where tx_dt between '20190318' and '20190618' group by party_id)c on a.host_cust_id = c.party_id left_join (sel ztdm,rydm from appview_bs.sg8_sjjz_ryfc_sa where sldm = '101' and ztlx = '66' and end_dt = '30001231' and del_ind<>'D')A1 on a.host_xust_id= a1.ztdm left join (sel rydm,xm,kh_jgdm from appview_bs.sg8_sjjz_ry where sldm ='101' and end_dt = '30001231' )B1 on a1.rtdm=b1.rydm where jrzc_quar<=20000)s group by kh_jgdm