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Lesson 22 A glass envolops

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My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year,we were traveling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name an address on it into a bottle. She throw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl of Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel (much) faster.


    1. dream:
      dream a dream.
      have a good/sweet dream.
      daydream: v.開小差
      He is daydreaming.
      I dream of being a master.
      I dream of flying in the sky.
      dream on: 繼續做夢吧->做你的青天白日夢吧
      dream boat: 夢中情人,夢寐以求的……

    2. throw (threw,thrown): throw away 扔掉

    3. of one‘s own age: 和……同歲的
      She is the girl of my own age.

    4. with放在名詞後面作定語
      I have a bog with books in it.

    5. each other: 相互 = one other 大多情況下可以互現。它們的區別就是強調的是兩者之間,後者強調的是兩者以上之間。

    6. more: adj. pron.(代詞)
      a little: 可以修飾比較級的程度,譯為“稍微,一點”。反義詞much
      Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel much faster.

    7. We can put of, from,in, or on

      after certain verbs:

      of accuse approve assure beware boast (or about) complain (or about) consist convince (or about) cure despair dream (or about) expect (or from) hear (or from) be/get rid smell suspect think (or about) tire(d) warn (or against)
      from borrow defend (or against) demand (or of) differ dismiss draw emerge escape excuse (or for) hinder prevent prohibit protect (or against) receive separate suffer
      in believe delight employ(ed) encourage engage(d) experience(d) fail help (or with) include indulge instruct interest(ed) invest involve(d) persist share
      on act base(d) call comment concentrate congratulate consult (or about) count decide depend economize embark experiment insist lean (or against) live operate perform (or in) pride (oneself) rely vote (on a motion;for someone) write (or about)

Lesson 22 A glass envolops