1. 程式人生 > >lesson 14 A noble gangster

lesson 14 A noble gangster

lesson 14 A noble gangster

  1. there was a ++time++ 時期
    • times 時期/年代 in times of peace
  2. a sum of + money 一
    • He left a sum of money to his son.
    • a large/small sum of money 大/小筆錢
    • larges sum of
  3. 關於不法分子的單詞
    • crime
      • criminal n.罪犯
    • thief 小偷
    • robber 劫匪強盜
    • gangster n.匪徒;歹徒
    • kidnapper n. 綁匪;誘拐者
    • smuggler n. 走私者;走私犯
    • murderer n. 凶手;謀殺犯
  4. out of business 破產
  5. prompt 及時的,迅速的
    • in time
    • quickly
  6. As long ago as the fourteenth 早在十四世紀
  7. obtain = get
  8. remarkable unusually good 非凡的,驚人的
    • = extraordinary
    • = unique
    • = exceptional
    • She has made remarkable prograss.
  9. would rather ++do++ A than ++do++ B 寧願A不願B
    • I'd rather walk than take bus.
    • I'd rather die than apologize to him.
    • I'd rather stay at home than go out.
  10. have sth done 讓某事完成
    • I didn't recognize her: The hairdresser has dyed her hair.
      => ..., She has had her hair
  11. settle 定居,安頓
    • live + in
    • The family settled in a small town, where they opened a store.
  12. a band of 集合名詞
    • 原意是 帶子,也有一“幫”人,樂隊
  13. make a name 成名
    make a fortune 發財
  14. at war 交戰
    • at + 名詞一般會和名詞發生一定的關係
    • at the hotel 住店 at school 上學
    • in the hotel 在點 in school 在學校
  15. hire/cent hire短租 rent長租
    • hire a bicycle
    • rent apartment
    • hire hall
    • rent land
  16. be willing to do 自願做某事
  17. demand 要求
    • +名詞
      • demand an apolopy
      • demand better pay
      • demand one's attention
      • The job demand patience
    • +to do
      • I demand to know what has happened.
      • I demand to see the manager.
    • +that+(should) 虛擬語氣
      • He demands that he should be told everything.
      • My mother demand that I should do my homework first.
  18. 關於走的詞語
    • march 齊步走
    • tiptoe adj. 踮著腳走的;偷偷摸摸的
    • stagger vi. 蹣跚;猶豫
    • stride strode strode vt. 跨過;大踏步走過
    • wander vi. 徘徊;漫步;
  19. offer to do 主動做某事
  20. funeral wedding
    • attend 參與 hold 舉行
  21. dedicate A to B
    • dedicate oneself to one's work
    • She dedicated her life to helping the poor.
    • ... be dedicated to the memory of ...