HDU 5389 Zero Escape (MUT#8 dp優化)
阿新 • • 發佈:2017-06-13
etc memset rgb color 兩個 || 答案 一位數 ack
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#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <stack> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <map> #include <cmath> #define eps 0.00000001 #define pi acos(-1,0) #define pr 999983 using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int MOD=258280327; int arr[110000]= {0}; int dp[110000][10]= {0}; inline LL read() { int c=0,f=1; char ch=getchar(); while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();} while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){c=c*10+ch-'0';ch=getchar();} return c*f; } LL get(LL n){return (n-1)%9+1;} int main(){ LL t,n,A,B; t=read(); while(t--){ LL sum=0; LL ans=0; memset(dp,0,sizeof(dp)); memset(arr,0,sizeof(arr)); n=read();A=read();B=read(); for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i){ /// get the sum of arr[i] arr[i]=read(); arr[i]=get(arr[i]); sum+=arr[i]; } sum=get(sum); LL xx=get(A+B); /// judge the sum and xx if(sum==xx){ dp[1][arr[1]]=1; /// dp[i][j]: 枚舉到第i位和為j的方案數 for(int i=2; i<=n; ++i){ for(int j=1; j<=9; ++j){ int k=j-arr[i]; if(k<=0) k+=9; dp[i][j]=(dp[i-1][k]+dp[i-1][j])%MOD; } } ans=(dp[n][A]+dp[n][B])%MOD; printf("%lld\n",ans); } else{ if(sum==A) ans++; if(sum==B) ans++; printf("%lld\n",ans%MOD); } } return 0; } /* Sample Input 4 3 9 1 1 2 6 3 9 1 2 3 3 5 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample Output 1 0 10 60 */
HDU 5389 Zero Escape (MUT#8 dp優化)