1. 程式人生 > >2017-7-19


run lib sched rar ner prop ror app res

A deployment is currently in progress. If you close this dialog the deployment will continue in the background but you must wait for it to complete before running your application. Do you still want to close this dialog? 一個部署正在進行中。如果您關閉此對話框的部署將繼續在後臺,但你必須等待它運行應用程序之前完成。你還想要關閉這個對話框?

An internal error occurred during: "Add Deployment".
右鍵項目名→Properties→Java Build Path→Libraries→選中JRE System Library[**********]→Edit→選中“Workspace default JRE(**********)”→Finish

Update progress has encountered a problem
設置 Window->Preferences->General->Startup and Shutdown
把其中“Automatic Update Scheduler”前面的鉤去掉即可。
