Lintcode55 Compare Strings solution 題解
Compare two strings A and B, determine whether A contains all of the characters in B.The characters in string A and B are all Upper Case letters.
Notice:The characters of B in A are not necessary continuous or ordered.
比較兩個字符串A和B,確定A中是否包含B中所有的字符。字符串A和B中的字符都是 大寫字母
註意:在 A 中出現的 B 字符串裏的字符不需要連續或者有序。
Lintcode55 Compare Strings solution 題解
Lintcode55 Compare Strings solution 題解
lintcode題解【題目描述】Compare two strings A and B, determine whether A contains all of the characters in B.The characters in string A and B are all Upper Case le
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