1. 程式人生 > >運算符重載的宏觀思考The Complex Class

運算符重載的宏觀思考The Complex Class

false cnblogs char 不同 oid lex 成員 運算符和 類型


  事實上運算符的重載不過是對函數名為“operator 運算符”的函數的定義,根據所操作的對象的不同,可以分為成員函數和友元函數兩種定義方法。



  以The Complex Class為例

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;

class Complex {
        double re; //real part of a complex number
        double im; //imaginary part of a complex number
        Complex() {
            re = 0;
            im = 0;
        Complex(double a,double
b = 0) { re = a; im = b; } Complex(const Complex& B) { re = B.re; im = B.im; } double real() const { return re; } double imag() const { return im; } friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,const Complex &c) { //輸出運算符重載為友元函數,返回ostream類型 os << "(" << c.re << "," << c.im << ")"; return os; } friend istream &operator>>(istream &is,Complex &c) { //輸入運算符重載為友元函數,右形參不加const,返回istream char i; is >> i >> c.re >> i >> c.im >> i; //在輸入運算符重載中輸入變量 return is; } Complex operator+(const Complex& B) { //一般重載,重載為成員函數,右形參為complex Complex temp; temp.re = re + B.re; temp.im = im + B.im; return temp; } Complex& operator+=(const Complex& B) { re += B.re; im += B.im; return *this; } Complex operator+(double num) { //一般重載,重載為成員函數,右形參為double Complex temp; temp.re = re + num; temp.im = im; return temp; } friend Complex operator+(double num,const Complex & B) { //重載為友元,左形參為double,返回complex Complex temp; temp.re = B.re + num; temp.im = B.im; return temp; } Complex operator-(const Complex& B) { Complex temp; temp.re = re - B.re; temp.im = im - B.im; return temp; } Complex operator-(double num) { Complex temp; temp.re = re - num; temp.im = im; return temp; } friend Complex operator-(double num,const Complex & B) { Complex temp; temp.re = num - B.re; temp.im = -B.im; return temp; } Complex& operator-=(const Complex& B) { //復合求值運算符,一般重載為成員函數, re -= B.re; im -= B.im; return *this; } Complex operator*(const Complex& B) { Complex temp; temp.re = re * B.re - im * B.im; temp.im = im * B.re + re * B.im; return temp; } Complex operator*(double num) { Complex temp; temp.re = re * num; temp.im = im * num; return temp; } friend Complex operator*(double num,const Complex & B) { Complex temp; temp.re = num * B.re; temp.im = B.im * num; return temp; } Complex& operator*=(const Complex& B) { double temp1 = re, temp2 = im; re = temp1 * B.real() - temp2 * B.imag(); im = temp1 * B.imag() + temp2 * B.real(); return *this; } Complex operator/(const Complex& B) { Complex temp; temp.re = (re * B.re + im * B.im) / (B.re * B.re + B.im * B.im); temp.im = (im * B.re - re * B.im) / (B.re * B.re + B.im * B.im); return temp; } Complex& operator/=(const Complex& B) { Complex temp; temp.re = (re * B.re + im * B.im) / (B.re * B.re + B.im * B.im); temp.im = (im * B.re - re * B.im) / (B.re * B.re + B.im * B.im); re = temp.re; im = temp.im; return *this; } Complex operator/(double num) { Complex temp; temp.re = re / num; temp.im = im / num; return temp; } friend Complex operator/(double num,const Complex & B) { Complex temp; temp.re = (num * B.re) / (B.re * B.re + B.im * B.im); temp.im = ((-num) * B.im) / (B.re * B.re + B.im * B.im); return temp; } bool operator == (const Complex& B) { //關系運算符重載為成員函數,右形參為complex類型 if (re - B.re < 1e-10 && im - B.im < 1e-10) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool operator != (const Complex& B) { if (re - B.re < 1e-10 && im - B.im < 1e-10) { return false; } else { return true; } } bool operator == (double num) { //關系運算符重載為成員函數,右形參為double類型 if (re - num < 1e-10 && im - 0.0 < 1e-10) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool operator != (double num) { if (re - num < 1e-10 && im - 0.0 < 1e-10) { return false; } else { return true; } } friend bool operator == (double num, const Complex& B) { //關系運算符重載成友元函數,左形參為double類型 if (B.re - num < 1e-10 && B.im - 0.0 < 1e-10) { return true; } else { return false; } } friend bool operator != (double num, const Complex& B) { if (B.re == num && B.im == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } Complex operator-() { //取反運算符,改變對象裝態,重載為友元函數 Complex temp; temp.re = -re; temp.im = -im; return temp; } };


using namespace std;
void f()
  Complex a;  
  cout << a << endl;  
  Complex b = Complex(1,1.5); 
  cout << b << endl;   
  Complex c(3.5); 
  cout << c << endl;   
  c += a; 
  cout << c << endl; 
  c = c + a; 
  cout << c << endl; 
  c = c + 2.5; 
  cout << c << endl; 
  c = 2.5 + c; 
  cout << c << endl; 

  c -= a;
  cout << c << endl; 
  c = c - a;
  cout << c << endl; 

  c = c - 2.5;
  cout <<  c << endl; 
  c = 2.5 - b;
  cout << c << endl; 
  c *= b;
  cout << c << endl; 
  c = c * b;
  //cout << c << endl; 

  c = c * 2.5;
  //cout << c << endl; 
  c = 2.5 * c;
  //cout << c << endl; 
  c /= b;
  //cout << c << endl; 
  c = c / b;
  //cout << c << endl; 

  c = c / 2.5;
  //cout << c << endl; 
  c = 2.5 / c;
  //cout << c << endl; 
  c = -b;
  cout << c << endl;
  cout << (a==a) << endl; //output 1
  cout << (a==0.0) << endl; //output 1
  cout << (0.0==a) << endl; //output 1
  cout << (a!=a) << endl; //output 0 
  cout << (a!=0.0) << endl; //output 0
  cout << (0.0!=a) << endl; //output 0  
  //cout << a+2.5 << endl;
  //cout << 2.5+a << endl;
  //cout << a+b << endl;
  //c = a+2.5+a + b*2.5*b;
  while (cin >> c)
    cout << c << endl;
    //cout << "(" << c.real() << "," << c.imag() << ")" << endl;

int main()

  return 0;

運算符重載的宏觀思考The Complex Class