“在程序中訪問進而操作XML文件一般有兩種模型,分別是使用DOM(文檔對象模型)和流模型,使用DOM的好處在於它允許編輯和更新XML文檔,可以隨機訪問文檔中的數據,可以使用XPath查詢,但是,DOM的缺點在於它需要一次性的加載整個文檔到內存中,對於大型的文檔,這會造成資源問題。流模型很好的解決了這個問題,因為它對XML文件的訪問采用的是流的概念,也就是說,任何時候在內存中只有當前節點,但它也有它的不足,它是只讀的,僅向前的,不能在文檔中執行向後導航操作。”具體參見在Visual C#中使用XML指南之讀取XML
1: 使用 XmlDocument
2: 使用 XmlTextReader
3: 使用 Linq to Xml
1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2: <bookstore> 3: <!--記錄書本的信息--> 4: <book Type="必修課" ISBN="7-111-19149-2"> 5: <title>數據結構</title> 6: <author>嚴蔚敏</author> 7: <price>30.00</price> 8: </book> 9: <book Type="必修課" ISBN="7-111-19149-3"> 10: <title>路由型與交換型互聯網基礎</title> 11: <author>程慶梅</author> 12: <price>27.00</price> 13: </book> 14: <book Type="必修課" ISBN="7-111-19149-4"> 15: <title>計算機硬件技術基礎</title> 16: <author>李繼燦</author> 17: <price>25.00</price> 18: </book> 19: <book Type="必修課" ISBN="7-111-19149-5"> 20: <title>軟件質量保證與管理</title> 21: <author>朱少民</author> 22: <price>39.00</price> 23: </book> 24: <book Type="必修課" ISBN="7-111-19149-6"> 25: <title>算法設計與分析</title> 26: <author>王紅梅</author> 27: <price>23.00</price> 28: </book> 29: <book Type="選修課" ISBN="7-111-19149-1"> 30: <title>計算機操作系統</title> 31: <author>7-111-19149-1</author> 32: <price>28</price> 33: </book> 34: </bookstore>
1: using System; 2: using System.Collections.Generic; 3: using System.Linq; 4: using System.Text; 5: 6: namespace 使用XmlDocument 7: { 8: public class BookModel 9: { 10: public BookModel() 11: { } 12: /// <summary> 13: /// 所對應的課程類型 14: /// </summary> 15: private string bookType; 16: 17: public string BookType 18: { 19: get { return bookType; } 20: set { bookType = value; } 21: } 22: 23: /// <summary> 24: /// 書所對應的ISBN號 25: /// </summary> 26: private string bookISBN; 27: 28: public string BookISBN 29: { 30: get { return bookISBN; } 31: set { bookISBN = value; } 32: } 33: 34: /// <summary> 35: /// 書名 36: /// </summary> 37: private string bookName; 38: 39: public string BookName 40: { 41: get { return bookName; } 42: set { bookName = value; } 43: } 44: 45: /// <summary> 46: /// 作者 47: /// </summary> 48: private string bookAuthor; 49: 50: public string BookAuthor 51: { 52: get { return bookAuthor; } 53: set { bookAuthor = value; } 54: } 55: 56: /// <summary> 57: /// 價格 58: /// </summary> 59: private double bookPrice; 60: 61: public double BookPrice 62: { 63: get { return bookPrice; } 64: set { bookPrice = value; } 65: } 66: } 67: }
1: xn 代表一個結點
2: xn.Name;//這個結點的名稱
3: xn.Value;//這個結點的值
4: xn.ChildNodes;//這個結點的所有子結點
5: xn.ParentNode;//這個結點的父結點
6: .......
1.1 讀取所有的數據.
1: XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); 2: doc.Load(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 然後可以通過調用SelectSingleNode得到指定的結點,通過GetAttribute得到具體的屬性值.參看下面的代碼 1: // 得到根節點bookstore 2: XmlNode xn = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("bookstore"); 3: 4: 5: // 得到根節點的所有子節點 6: XmlNodeList xnl = xn.ChildNodes; 7: 8: foreach (XmlNode xn1 in xnl) 9: { 10: BookModel bookModel = new BookModel(); 11: // 將節點轉換為元素,便於得到節點的屬性值 12: XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xn1; 13: // 得到Type和ISBN兩個屬性的屬性值 14: bookModel.BookISBN = xe.GetAttribute("ISBN").ToString(); 15: bookModel.BookType = xe.GetAttribute("Type").ToString(); 16: // 得到Book節點的所有子節點 17: XmlNodeList xnl0 = xe.ChildNodes; 18: bookModel.BookName=xnl0.Item(0).InnerText; 19: bookModel.BookAuthor=xnl0.Item(1).InnerText; 20: bookModel.BookPrice=Convert.ToDouble(xnl0.Item(2).InnerText); 21: bookModeList.Add(bookModel); 22: } 23: dgvBookInfo.DataSource = bookModeList;
1: XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); 2: XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); 3: settings.IgnoreComments = true;//忽略文檔裏面的註釋 4: XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(@"..\..\Book.xml", settings); 5: xmlDoc.Load(reader); 最後讀取完畢後,記得要關掉reader. 1: reader.Close();
1.2 增加一本書的信息.
1: XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); 2: doc.Load(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 3: XmlNode root = doc.SelectSingleNode("bookstore"); 創建一個結點,並設置結點的屬性: 1: XmlElement xelKey = doc.CreateElement("book"); 2: XmlAttribute xelType = doc.CreateAttribute("Type"); 3: xelType.InnerText = "adfdsf"; 4: xelKey.SetAttributeNode(xelType);
1: XmlElement xelAuthor = doc.CreateElement("author"); 2: xelAuthor.InnerText = "dfdsa"; 3: xelKey.AppendChild(xelAuthor); 最後把book結點掛接在要結點上,並保存整個文件: 1: root.AppendChild(xelKey); 2: doc.Save(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 用上面的方法,是向已有的文件上追加數據,如果想覆蓋原有的所有數據,可以更改一下,使用LoadXml方法: 1: XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); 2: doc.LoadXml("<bookstore></bookstore>");//用這句話,會把以前的數據全部覆蓋掉,只有你增加的數據
1.3 刪除某一個數據
1: XmlElement xe = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; // DocumentElement 獲取xml文檔對象的根XmlElement. 2: string strPath = string.Format("/bookstore/book[@ISBN=\"{0}\"]", dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString()); 3: XmlElement selectXe = (XmlElement)xe.SelectSingleNode(strPath); //selectSingleNode 根據XPath表達式,獲得符合條件的第一個節點. 4: selectXe.ParentNode.RemoveChild(selectXe);
"/bookstore/book[@ISBN=\"{0}\"]"是一個Xpath表達式,找到ISBN號為所選那一行ISBN號的那本書,有關Xpath的知識請參考:XPath 語法
1.4 修改某要條數據
修改某 條數據的話,首先也是用Xpath表達式找到所需要修改的那一個結點,然後如果是元素的話,就直接對這個元素賦值,如果是屬性的話,就用SetAttribute方法設置即可.如下:
1: XmlElement xe = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; // DocumentElement 獲取xml文檔對象的根XmlElement. 2: string strPath = string.Format("/bookstore/book[@ISBN=\"{0}\"]", dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString()); 3: XmlElement selectXe = (XmlElement)xe.SelectSingleNode(strPath); //selectSingleNode 根據XPath表達式,獲得符合條件的第一個節點. 4: selectXe.SetAttribute("Type", dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString());//也可以通過SetAttribute來增加一個屬性 5: selectXe.GetElementsByTagName("title").Item(0).InnerText = dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); 6: selectXe.GetElementsByTagName("author").Item(0).InnerText = dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); 7: selectXe.GetElementsByTagName("price").Item(0).InnerText = dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); 8: xmlDoc.Save(@"..\..\Book.xml");
1: XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 2: List<BookModel> modelList = new List<BookModel>(); 3: BookModel model = new BookModel(); 4: while (reader.Read()) 5: { 6: 7: if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) 8: { 9: if (reader.Name == "book") 10: { 11: model.BookType = reader.GetAttribute(0); 12: model.BookISBN = reader.GetAttribute(1); 13: } 14: if (reader.Name == "title") 15: { 16: model.BookName=reader.ReadElementString().Trim(); 17: } 18: if (reader.Name == "author") 19: { 20: model.BookAuthor = reader.ReadElementString().Trim(); 21: } 22: if (reader.Name == "price") 23: { 24: model.BookPrice = Convert.ToDouble(reader.ReadElementString().Trim()); 25: } 26: } 27: 28: if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) 29: { 30: modelList.Add(model); 31: model = new BookModel(); 32: } 33: 34: 35: } 36: modelList.RemoveAt(modelList.Count-1); 37: this.dgvBookInfo.DataSource = modelList;
1: if (reader.Name == "book") 2: { 3: for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++) 4: { 5: reader.MoveToAttribute(i); 6: string str = "屬性:" + reader.Name + "=" + reader.Value; 7: } 8: model.BookType = reader.GetAttribute(0); 9: model.BookISBN = reader.GetAttribute(1); 10: }
1: XmlTextWriter myXmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(@"..\..\Book1.xml", null); 2: //使用 Formatting 屬性指定希望將 XML 設定為何種格式。 這樣,子元素就可以通過使用 Indentation 和 IndentChar 屬性來縮進。 3: myXmlTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
1: XmlTextWriter myXmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(@"..\..\Book1.xml", null); 2: //使用 Formatting 屬性指定希望將 XML 設定為何種格式。 這樣,子元素就可以通過使用 Indentation 和 IndentChar 屬性來縮進。 3: myXmlTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; 4: 5: myXmlTextWriter.WriteStartDocument(false); 6: myXmlTextWriter.WriteStartElement("bookstore"); 7: 8: myXmlTextWriter.WriteComment("記錄書本的信息"); 9: myXmlTextWriter.WriteStartElement("book"); 10: 11: myXmlTextWriter.WriteAttributeString("Type", "選修課"); 12: myXmlTextWriter.WriteAttributeString("ISBN", "111111111"); 13: 14: myXmlTextWriter.WriteElementString("author","張三"); 15: myXmlTextWriter.WriteElementString("title", "職業生涯規劃"); 16: myXmlTextWriter.WriteElementString("price", "16.00"); 17: 18: myXmlTextWriter.WriteEndElement(); 19: myXmlTextWriter.WriteEndElement(); 20: 21: myXmlTextWriter.Flush(); 22: myXmlTextWriter.Close();
3.使用Linq to XML.
先定義 一個方法顯示查詢出來的數據1: private void showInfoByElements(IEnumerable<XElement> elements) 2: { 3: List<BookModel> modelList = new List<BookModel>(); 4: foreach (var ele in elements) 5: { 6: BookModel model = new BookModel(); 7: model.BookAuthor = ele.Element("author").Value; 8: model.BookName = ele.Element("title").Value; 9: model.BookPrice = Convert.ToDouble(ele.Element("price").Value); 10: model.BookISBN=ele.Attribute("ISBN").Value; 11: model.BookType=ele.Attribute("Type").Value; 12: 13: modelList.Add(model); 14: } 15: dgvBookInfo.DataSource = modelList; 16: }
1: private void btnReadAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 2: { 3: XElement xe = XElement.Load(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 4: IEnumerable<XElement> elements = from ele in xe.Elements("book") 5: select ele; 6: showInfoByElements(elements); 7: }
插入結點和屬性都采用new的方法,如下:1: private void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 2: { 3: XElement xe = XElement.Load(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 4: XElement record = new XElement( 5: new XElement("book", 6: new XAttribute("Type", "選修課"), 7: new XAttribute("ISBN","7-111-19149-1"), 8: new XElement("title", "計算機操作系統"), 9: new XElement("author", "7-111-19149-1"), 10: new XElement("price", 28.00))); 11: xe.Add(record); 12: xe.Save(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 13: MessageBox.Show("插入成功!"); 14: btnReadAll_Click(sender, e); 15: }
3.3 刪除選中的數據
1: private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 2: { 3: if (dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow != null) 4: { 5: //dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[1]對應著ISBN號 6: string id = dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); 7: XElement xe = XElement.Load(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 8: IEnumerable<XElement> elements = from ele in xe.Elements("book") 9: where (string)ele.Attribute("ISBN") == id 10: select ele; 12: { 11: if (elements.Count() > 0) 13: elements.First().Remove(); 14: } 15: xe.Save(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 16: MessageBox.Show("刪除成功!"); 17: btnReadAll_Click(sender, e); 18: 19: } 20: }
3.4 刪除所有的數據
1: private void btnDeleteAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 2: { 3: XElement xe = XElement.Load(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 4: IEnumerable<XElement> elements = from ele in xe.Elements("book") 5: select ele; 6: if (elements.Count() > 0) 7: { 8: elements.Remove(); 9: } 10: xe.Save(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 11: MessageBox.Show("刪除成功!"); 12: btnReadAll_Click(sender, e); 13: }
3.5 修改某一記錄
1: private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 2: { 3: XElement xe = XElement.Load(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 4: if (dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow != null) 5: { 6: //dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[1]對應著ISBN號 7: string id = dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); 8: IEnumerable<XElement> element = from ele in xe.Elements("book") 9: where ele.Attribute("ISBN").Value == id 10: select ele; 11: if (element.Count() > 0) 12: { 13: XElement first = element.First(); 14: ///設置新的屬性 15: first.SetAttributeValue("Type", dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); 16: ///替換新的節點 17: first.ReplaceNodes( 18: new XElement("title", dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString()), 19: new XElement("author", dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString()), 20: new XElement("price", (double)dgvBookInfo.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value) 21: ); 22: } 23: xe.Save(@"..\..\Book.xml"); 24: 25: MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); 26: btnReadAll_Click(sender, e); 27: } 28: }