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Comparison of programming languages

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The following table compares general and technical information for a selection of commonly used programming languages. See the individual languages‘ articles for further information. Please note that the following table may be missing some information.

LanguageIntended useImperativeObject-orientedFunctionalProceduralGenericReflectiveEvent-drivenOther paradigm(s)Standardized?
ActionScript 3.0 Application, client-side, web Yes Yes Yes Yes 1996, ECMA
Ada Application, embedded, realtime, system Yes Yes[2] Yes[3] Yes[4] concurrent,[5] distributed,[6] 1983, 2005, 2012, ANSI, ISO, GOST 2783
C Application, system,[11] general purpose, low-level operations Yes Yes 1989, ANSI C89, ISO C90, ISO C99, ISO C11[12]
C# Application, RAD, business, client-side, general, server-side, web Yes Yes Yes[14] Yes Yes Yes Yes structured, concurrent 2000, ECMA, ISO[15]
C++ Application, system Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1998, ISO/IEC 1998, ISO/IEC 2003, ISO/IEC 2011,ISO/IEC 2014[13]

Java Application, business, client-side, general, mobile development, server-side, web Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes concurrent De facto standard via Java Language Specification
JavaScript Client-side, server-side, web Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes prototype-based 1997, ECMA

Objective-C Application, general Yes Yes Yes concurrent No

Python Application, general, web, scripting, artificial intelligence, scientific computing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes aspect-oriented "De facto" standard via Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)
Go Application, web, server-side Yes Yes[22] Yes Yes Yes Yes concurrent De facto standard via Go Language Specification


Comparison of programming languages