1. 程式人生 > >Android 使用開源表格框架MPAndroidChart

Android 使用開源表格框架MPAndroidChart

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1. Gradle dependency (recommended)

  • Add the following to your project level build.gradle:
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

  • Add this to your app build.gradle:
dependencies {
    implementation ‘com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.0.3‘


public class ChartEvent implements OnChartGestureListener, OnChartValueSelectedListener {
    private  int specMount;//需要顯示的道數
    private LineChart mChart;
    private ArrayList<Entry> values = new ArrayList<Entry>();
    private int[] specArray;

    public ChartEvent(LineChart wChart, int
specNum){ specMount = specNum; specArray = new int[specMount]; mChart = wChart; mChart.setOnChartGestureListener(this); mChart.setOnChartValueSelectedListener(this); mChart.setDrawGridBackground(false); mChart.getDescription().setText(""); mChart.setTouchEnabled(
true); mChart.setDragEnabled(true); mChart.setScaleEnabled(true); mChart.setPinchZoom(true); mChart.setDoubleTapToZoomEnabled(false); MyMarkerView mv = new MyMarkerView(MyApplication.getContext(), R.layout.custom_marker_view); mv.setChartView(mChart); // For bounds control mChart.setMarker(mv); // Set the marker to the chart XAxis xAxis = mChart.getXAxis(); xAxis.setPosition(XAxis.XAxisPosition.BOTTOM); xAxis.setValueFormatter(new IAxisValueFormatter() { @Override public String getFormattedValue(float value, AxisBase axis) { return ((int)value)*3000/specMount+"KeV"; } }); YAxis leftAxis = mChart.getAxisLeft(); leftAxis.setAxisMinimum(0); YAxis rightAxis = mChart.getAxisRight(); rightAxis.setEnabled(false); // mChart.setBackgroundColor(Color.GRAY); setData(); mChart.animateX(100); Legend l = mChart.getLegend(); l.setForm(Legend.LegendForm.LINE); } public void updateChart(int[] specData){ specArray = specData; for(int i=0;i<specMount;i++){ values.set(i,new Entry(i, specArray[i])); } setData(); mChart.invalidate(); } private void setData() { LineDataSet set1; if (mChart.getData() != null && mChart.getData().getDataSetCount() > 0) { set1 = (LineDataSet)mChart.getData().getDataSetByIndex(0); set1.setValues(values); mChart.getData().notifyDataChanged(); mChart.notifyDataSetChanged(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < specMount; i++) { values.add(new Entry(i, 0)); } // create a dataset and give it a type set1 = new LineDataSet(values, "實時譜線"); set1.setDrawIcons(false); // set the line to be drawn like this "- - - - - -" // set1.enableDashedLine(10f, 0f, 0f); // set1.enableDashedHighlightLine(10f, 0f, 0f); set1.setHighLightColor(Color.RED); set1.disableDashedLine(); set1.setColor(Color.BLACK); set1.setCircleColor(Color.BLACK); set1.setLineWidth(0.5f); set1.setCircleRadius(1f); set1.setDrawCircleHole(false); set1.setValueTextSize(9f); set1.setDrawFilled(true); set1.setFormLineWidth(1f); set1.setFormLineDashEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[]{10f, 5f}, 0f)); set1.setFormSize(15.f); if (Utils.getSDKInt() >= 18) { // fill drawable only supported on api level 18 and above Drawable drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(MyApplication.getContext(), R.drawable.fade_red); set1.setFillDrawable(drawable); } else { set1.setFillColor(Color.BLACK); } ArrayList<ILineDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<ILineDataSet>(); dataSets.add(set1); // add the datasets // create a data object with the datasets LineData data = new LineData(dataSets); // set data mChart.setData(data); } } @Override public void onChartGestureStart(MotionEvent me, ChartTouchListener.ChartGesture lastPerformedGesture) { } @Override public void onChartGestureEnd(MotionEvent me, ChartTouchListener.ChartGesture lastPerformedGesture) { } @Override public void onChartLongPressed(MotionEvent me) { } @Override public void onChartDoubleTapped(MotionEvent me) { } @Override public void onChartSingleTapped(MotionEvent me) { } @Override public void onChartFling(MotionEvent me1, MotionEvent me2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { } @Override public void onChartScale(MotionEvent me, float scaleX, float scaleY) { } @Override public void onChartTranslate(MotionEvent me, float dX, float dY) { } @Override public void onValueSelected(Entry e, Highlight h) { } @Override public void onNothingSelected() { } }


 * Custom implementation of the MarkerView.
 * @author Philipp Jahoda
public class MyMarkerView extends MarkerView {

    private TextView tvContent;

    public MyMarkerView(Context context, int layoutResource) {
        super(context, layoutResource);

        tvContent = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tvContent);

    // callbacks everytime the MarkerView is redrawn, can be used to update the
    // content (user-interface)
    public void refreshContent(Entry e, Highlight highlight) {

        if (e instanceof CandleEntry) {

            CandleEntry ce = (CandleEntry) e;

            tvContent.setText("" + Utils.formatNumber(ce.getHigh(), 0, true));
        } else {

            tvContent.setText("" + Utils.formatNumber(e.getY(), 0, true));

        super.refreshContent(e, highlight);

    public MPPointF getOffset() {
        return new MPPointF(-(getWidth() / 2), -getHeight());


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:background="@drawable/marker2" >

        android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceSmall" />




Android 使用開源表格框架MPAndroidChart