1. 程式人生 > >Python 練習:簡單的購物車(二)

Python 練習:簡單的購物車(二)

while purchase .cn iphone AC 圖片 coffee iphone6 信息


salary = input("Please input your salary: ")

if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) else: exit("you must input digit")

#定義購物車 cart
= [] #商品信息 msg = [["iphone6s", 5800], ["mac book", 9000], ["coffee", 32], ["bicycle", 1500]] while
for k, v in enumerate(msg, 1): print("%s 商品名稱: %s, 價格: %d" % (k, v[0], v[1])) choice = input("Please select the product number you need to purchase ! [q] to exit")
if choice == q: print("========== You have buy ==========") for l in cart:
print(l) exit()
if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if 0 < choice <= len(msg):
if salary >= msg[choice-1][1]: salary -= msg[choice-1][1] print("You have buy %s, money has %d" %(msg[choice-1][0], salary)) cart.append(msg[choice
-1][0]) else: print("You don‘t you enough money! money has %d" %salary ) else: print("Please select right product number!") else: print("Please select right options")




Python 練習:簡單的購物車(二)