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Utterance-Wise Recurrent Dropout And Iterative Speaker Adaptation For Robust Monaural Speech Recognition

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WRBNwide residual BLSTM network,寬殘差雙向長短時記憶網絡)

[2] J. Heymann, L. Drude, and R. Haeb-Umbach, "Wide residual blstm network with discriminative speaker adaptation for robust speech recognition," submitted to the CHiME, vol. 4, 2016.

reverberationn. [] 混響;反射;反響;回響

CLDNNconvolutional, long short-term memory, fully connected deep neural networks,卷積-長短時記憶-全連接深度神經網絡)

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speech separation,語音分離,將多說話人同時說話的語句分離為各個說話人獨立說話的語句。


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能取得最優結果(Cheng dropout)。

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[10] P.C. Woodland, D. Pye, and M.J.F. Gales, "Iterative unsupervised adaptation using maximum likelihood linear regression," inSpokenLanguage, 1996.ICSLP96.Proceedings., Fourth International Conference on. IEEE, 1996, vol. 2, pp. 1133–1136.


[14] P. Swietojanski, J. Li, and S. Renals, "Learning hidden unit contributions for unsupervised acoustic model adaptation," IEEE/ACMTransactionsonAudio,Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1450– 1463, 2016.





  • 在叠代時使用上一次叠代的模型生成新標簽進行訓練。
  • 每次叠代堆疊一個額外的線性輸入層(數學上,多個線性層相當於一個隱層)



Utterance-Wise Recurrent Dropout And Iterative Speaker Adaptation For Robust Monaural Speech Recognition