1. 程式人生 > >“購物車”練習


%s while HR choose you style app add number


It‘s a shopping cart;

1.You need input your salary;

2.Output a products list,each product mast contain a sequence number;

3.You need input thr sequence number what you want to buy,if you input "q" print your shopping list and your saving(salary);

4;Your salary must enough to add product to your shopping list,if not ...

Here is my code:

 1 salary =  input("input Your salary:")
 2 product = [
 3     (iphone,6000),
 4     (Mac Pro,14000),
 5     (mouse,100),
 6     (keyboar,300),
 7     (XiaoMi 2s,3000),
 8 ]
 9 p_list = []
10 while salary.isdigit():
11     salary=int(salary)
12     while True:
13         for index, item in
enumerate(product): 14 print(index, item) 15 user_choose = input("input the num of product what You want wo buy:") 16 if user_choose.isdigit(): 17 user_choose = int(user_choose) 18 if user_choose >= 0 and user_choose < len(product): 19 if
salary >= product[user_choose][1]: 20 p_list.append(product[user_choose]) 21 salary -= product[user_choose][1] 22 print("\033[1;42m The product added in Your shopping list \033[0m!") 23 else: 24 print("\033[1;41m Your salary is not enough;have try other product \033[0m!") 25 else: 26 print("\033[1;41m Your inputted out of list \033[0m!") 27 elif user_choose == "q": 28 print("Your shoppong list:%s,Your salary is %s" % (p_list, salary)) 29 exit() 30 else: 31 print("\033 [1;41m Your invalid option;choose again \033[0m!") 32 else: 33 print("輸入錯誤")

it takes me all night long... so stupid... hah..
